Tuesday, what's new with you??
Yesterday I took my first Tai Chi class with a friend. It's wonderful, relaxing and invigorating all at the same time. How does that happen? Anyway, it was fun, and I think I'll see how I can work the fees into my budget. Also, I've decided to go ahead and pay the $100 to see the nutritionist for another MedGem test and consult. It's been over 18 months since I saw her, and I need a good swift kick you know where!
Not much else going on. Gotta go get ready for work, so I'll be seeing you all later.
Stay calm and carry on
Good mornin' ya'll.
We don't get as many early risers as we used to here. Must be the weather, or Spring Fever. Everyone has more to do than sit on the net. George, were you happy with Duke's win last night? How about the rest of you? My DH is a little bummed about it.
It's gonna be another lovely day here. 90 I hope. But our cars and sidewalks are literally COVERED in yellow pollen from the pine trees. Our poor DIL and one grandson are suffering awful from their allergies! I am enjoying sitting on the porch and reading part of every day. And walking! But for some reason walking on the road or in the store makes my bad hip hurt so bad. But I can do the same amount of time on my elliptical and my hip is fine. Well, not fine. It's never fine, but you know what I mean.
I have another pink baby sweater started also. I LOVE going to Michaels and finding new crochet pattern books. People better start having babies out there. I'm gonna have 2 layettes with no home. It's like the cookbooks I love to collect. But now I have no one to eat the recipes I try! So I have transferred my 'addiction' to crochetting. Lots less fattening!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
Our state regional coordinator will be at the office today. She is new to us as our state coordinator, but not new to us otherwise, because she has been our finance person at the state level for years. There are some major changes in next fiscal year's state grant dollars, so she will be here to guide us through the new grant proposal since it is quite different than previous years.
I joined TOPS 3 weeks ago for local support and accountability to the scales. That is always on Tuesdays. Right now I don't have much control over losses because I'm following program and am only consuming between 500 and 600 calories per day. But the support is there and I personally think it helps educate "outsiders" to the trials and tribulations of WLS. People don't know that the struggle is still there for us.
Have a great day
We had a bunch of storms overnight and that kept me up. Plus, I kept waking up sweating ... I shouldn't be doing this on hormones. I had the window cracked open a bit but finally had to close it because the rain was coming in. So finally I turned on the ceiling fan and that seemed to help.
Yesterday I had the shots in my back and boy, they were irritating this time. I had ice packs on my back most of the day, which I usually don't have to do. He must have hit some nerves. It feels OK today. After my appointment, I had lunch with my friend Gayle, who was my driver, and then she came over to visit with the cats and get instructions on their care. She loves my cats and they love her ... Scooter came running off the bed to greet her, and he doesn't do that for everyone.
I found out from her that one of the copy editors that got laid off was called back part-time at the newspaper. In a way I was upset that I wasn't called back, but I got over it ... I really don't want to go back there at $10 an hour and no benefits. I want to cut the ties. Either I get a new job or I get disability. So I got over it really quickly.
The rest of the day yesterday was spent doing what I love ... watching baseball! The White Sox won, 6-0, with their pitcher making the most incredible play and then there were two homers. And there were other games, then the NCAA championship ... man I was rooting for Butler, so I was disappointed, but it was a great game.
Today I have an appointment with my psychologist. I would like to get to the pool, but there are more storms forecast and most pools close when thunderstorms are going on. So we'll have to see what happens there.
Well, have a good day.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
Hope yours is doing better, too.
Birds are chirping and sound so beautiful through my office window. It's been raining off and on, with some sun trying to peek through. I can't wait to get outside and work in the yard....hopefully later on in the week.
Well, back to work. Have a great day everyone!