Cindy P.
on 4/3/10 7:03 pm
Happy Easter!  It's just after 2 a.m. here.  I woke a bit ago and felt wide awake.  I know it's because I lounged around a bit too much yesterday.  Anyway, post away.

Cindy P.
Cindy P.
on 4/3/10 7:13 pm
This Wednesday, we visited mom in the Albany rehab center.  She was alert (which is excellent) but in a lot of pain.  I called her today but she wouldn't talk and the aide said she was very confused today.  We'll see her on Thursday of this week.  It's hard having her so far away because we can't pop in to see how she's doing for ourselves.

Today, we'll spend some time with Ron's mom.  Ron and I haven't seen her for two weeks because of everything that's been happening with my mom.  So anyway, we'll take her to her favorite restaurant for breakfast and then shopping to pick up supplies.

We don't have anything else planned for today.  Sometimes, it's nice to spend some quiet time -- holiday or not.

We'll tour a memory care unit on Tuesday to see if it might be a fit for mom.  Ron has an appointment with a neurologist afterwards to determine what can be done to alleviate his migraines.  He's been getting far too many of those.  This doctor seems to be very aggressive and we feel she will leave no stone unturned in looking for a solution.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter.

Cindy P.
on 4/3/10 10:08 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

I hope everyone has a pleasant meaningful Easter.

Our older grandson just stopped by on his way to work.  He has to work the brunch at the 'O' Club.  Unfortunately we found out about that brunch too late to make reservations.  So we are doing brunch at O'Charley's this morning. Then we'll just veg out the rest of the day!

I have gotten quite a bit of my yardwork done the last few days.  It looks and smells so nice out there!  Lots more sun in our immediate future. HOORAY!!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Jan C.
on 4/3/10 10:42 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Happy Easter everyone...Cindy im a nurse in a nursing and rehap facility and i know how you feel about where your mom is....sometimes you have to have them in a place that is farther away to get the care they need.
Not a lot here today. beautiful weather we are having , in the high 70s and low 80 sunny without much humidity, perfect spring weather.
I have already gotten a tan started and have lots of flowers blooming and more coming up all the time. all my lilies are coming up big time now , plus the iris are starting to get full at the bottom as they do before they start putting on buds. lilies and iris will be blooming in May ..
Today i have to work so we had our Easter lunch yesterday. I wish i could go to church today but since i cant i will just remember the reason for Easter isnt the eggs and candy and pretty new clothes etc....but that Jesus Christ rose from the dead so we could have everlasting life. that is what is important.



on 4/3/10 10:47 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Cindy and all !

Happy Easter for those who celebrate it.

Ah well... Today believe it or not we are not going to have ham..  The traditional food.  My mother in-law is having a Turkey because she has had it in the Freezer since Thanksgiving.  I guess we will have all the fixings of a Thanksgiving Dinner..lol

Went for a long walk yesterday.  It felt so good.  I really walked farther then i have ever walked and was not out of breath or anything.  I even walked at a fast pace.  I am going to get into the ritual of every morning around 9 I am going to go for that walk.  I need a routine.

Nothing else going on

Cindy has your husband tried Topomax?  I heard that is good for Migrains.

Happy Easter everyone!


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


Cindy P.
on 4/3/10 11:41 pm

Yes, Ron was on Topamax.  He had an adverse reaction to it so was taken off of it.  The dr. now has him on a different preventative med. (I forget what it is).  I do know that, once he has a headache, he takes Maxalt to get rid of it.  He usually gets relief in an hour or so. 

The neurologist is focused on PREVENTING headaches in the first place.

Cindy P.
Eileen Briesch
on 4/4/10 1:09 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Cindy and my OFF family:

It's 56 degrees and sunny today ... not as warm as it has been, but still nicer than the winter temps. It rained most of the afternoon yesterday, then cleared up in the evening.

The basketball games were pretty exciting yesterday ... at least the first one was close. I know the MSU fans didn't like it but oh well, it was exciting.

I have a Tyson precooked ham and I'll make some au gratin potatoes ... that'll keep me for several days. I may make my birthday cake early too so I can give a lot of it away ... I used to bring it into work, but with no work to go to, I have to find other ways to get rid of most of it. Too bad I couldn't just buy one small piece of German chocolate cake so I could have my birthday cake and get it out of my system. My sister-in-law will make birthday cakes for my grandnephews next Sunday, which is my birthday, but they're their favorites, not mine. And it's not my birthday party, it's the boys, and that's fine ... they're little kids and that's what they want.

Not much else happening around here. I suppose I'll talk to my mother sometime today. Talked to my brother Gary yesterday and we discussed our trip a little bit ... I'm so looking forward to hitting the road. Gary is really getting into losing weight, and I'm so proud of him. He's lost 23 pounds, added muscle ... he's been working Atkins and going to the Y, plus now he's working at the theater so he doesn't have as much time to sit around at home. I know both of us have spent time feeling sorry for ourselves for being laid off (I know I have) and there comes a time when you have to pull yourself up by your bra straps (at least in my case) and get out there and make a change for the better.

Well, happy Easter everyone. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 4/4/10 3:04 am - Kennewick, WA
Eileen, My mom loved carrot cake with creamed cheese frosting. Walmart made a tiny one that we would get for her. check them out for German chocolate( my favorite too!)

Karen C

Eileen Briesch
on 4/4/10 4:22 am - Evansville, IN
My SIL makes carrot cake for my grandnephew Ben (his favorite) and chocolate cake for Sam (his fav) and decorates them beautifully.
As for Walmart, I really hate Walmart ... the one near us doesn't have more than packaged foods, and only two electric carts. When I had my last knee surgery, I went in there to buy something and one cart was out and the other was out of order. I decided after that, if they can't give their disabled customers more carts, then I wouldn't shop there ever again. Meijer, on the other hand, has nearly 20 electric carts and there's always plenty available. And that's Walmart's competition.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 4/4/10 4:42 am - Kennewick, WA
Here's another thought. Make yourself 12 cupcakes, freeze 11 and celebrate your birthday on that day every month this year!

Karen C

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