happy monday to all

on 3/28/10 8:00 pm - manchester, NJ
hi everyone

im still around just have not been posting lately.  im doing ok just bogged down
with so much paperwork.

i want to wish those celebrating tonight a Happy Passover.  I wont be doing anything
tonight but was invited to my friends daughters house for tomorrow. 

Im still waiting for spring although we had a tease week before last.  im so tired of
the cold and Jersey has lots of rain too of late.

Hoping everyone is well, ive been spending too much time doing other things and I
am behind on the news here.

Love ya all, hope you have a great Monday and a wonderful week ahead




karen C.
on 3/28/10 8:17 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hi Jacki,

I'm up doing one of my middle of the night wide awake thing. Just 3am here. Too early for even me to get up. I didn't take any Tylenol PM last night and this is the result. Just hate taking something every night.

 I am so glad to see your post. I've been thinking of you. I know that reality is probably just setting in with you. After my dad passed away it was a good 6 months before I felt like I didn't have a knot in my stomach. I missed him so much but sure would not have wanted him to suffer any more just to stay with us. I know you must feel the same but it sure doesn't make it any easier. Seems like time is absolutely the only thing that does.

 Our spring is slowly arriving. I just stepped out back with Maggie and it actually feels warm with no wind. There is a full moon. We live on a hill obove town, a new development with no large trees yet. Our area is desert in SE Washington. Until you water things it's sagebrush and tumbleweeds. Tonight with the full moon the coyotes up on the hill behind us are just a howling away. I had heard the saying "baying at the moon". Well, they sure do. Actually Maggie "barks at the moon" herself. A pretty poor imiitation of the real thing!

Jacki, don't be a stranger. I've missed you.

Karen C

on 3/28/10 8:25 pm

Good morning Jacki and OFF,

I'm behind here too, Jacki.  I haven't been on all weekend, so I have some catching up to do as well. 

We bought a new car yesterday and we're really excited.  Even greater is the 0% financing.  Woo Hoo!

It's been raining and chilly, but that's okay....I know the nice weather will be here shortly.  It's been a very long winter. 

Well, I best get to work.  Wishing everyone a happy Monday! 



George T.
on 3/28/10 8:48 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Another MIA reporting in.  Have been kind of busy this week.  Now my baseball drafts are over.  And now baseball begins.


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 3/28/10 10:41 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Hugs Jacki and to the rest of my OFF family,

The weekend flew by way too fast. Went for my walks, it was beautiful. This week it's going to get close to 80 on Friday....Wwwhhhooooo Michigan.

Watched the Basketball games, how exciting they were.

Went Sunday after church to go check on hubby's mom. She is starting to fail and get more confused. The only thing mom is excited about is seeing her sister's this summer (if she makes it) and just sitting and talking with them. After that she told me, she just doesn't care. She misses her hubby who passed away in June. I'm going to make the effort to see her more often.

You all have a wonderful day. This will be a busy week for me during Holy Week. I just can't believe this weather, it's great.

on 3/28/10 11:00 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Thunderstorms and rain in buckets this morning.  Naturally this is the morning I had to follow my DIL to the repair shop and then take her to work!!  Supposed to rain most of the day.  BUT, then dry and up as high as 80 by Easter.  Hooray!!

My DH called the mower repair place and the plumber this morning.  He and our grandson fried the electrical on the lawn tractor 'jumping' it yesterday. An accident that will cost us a little.  I have had an occassional leak under my kitchen sink for quite awhile.  My son replaces all the stuff and it stops awhile, then there it is again. It isn't a BIG leak.  I have a pan under there to catch the little bit.  I can never feel any wet on the pipes.  Well, the plumber is gonna come out and fix it once and for all.  Then we hired a couple to clean our yard.  Rake up all the pine needles and pine cones and put down fertilizer, etc.  All 3 of those things are happening tomorrow!

I hope everyone is enjoying Spring weather.  And that everyone is feeling well both mentally and physically.  It is a time of renewal. Take some time to care for yourselves!

Have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


on 3/28/10 11:30 pm
Hi Jacki and everyone on OFF,

New Jersey sure has been getting a lot of rain the last couple of days.  It's been pretty cold too.  Well, later this week it's supposed to be really warm so I can wait it out.

It's good to hear from you, Jacki, been thinking about you.  It'd be nice to get together for a coffee when you have a chance.

Wow, I really "slept in"!  I conked out before 9:30 last night, forgot to set my alarm and slept until 6:45 this morning.  My daughter had already left for school (hubs got up on time to make sure she woke up to go).  Since then I've just been farting around.  We thought TB had an appt to see the DVR counselor but it turned out it's not today.  I have the morning free and just a dr's appt this afternoon.  I hope the rain will stop or slow down by then.

I haven't got anything planned, really.  I'll probably just pick up around here and read for a while.

Have a marvellous Monday everyone!

on 3/28/10 11:31 pm - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Jacki and all my OFF friends,
I've been MIA too.  My 82 year old Mom went in the hospital Weds. night.  She got home on Saturday.  She had congestive lungs and heart so they gave her diuretics to get the fluids out.  She has had an ongoing heart condition - afib.  They have decided that it's doing damage to her heart so in two and a half weeks they will shock her heart to get it back into rhythm.  I'm nervous.  My Dad was going in for a test, an angiogram, and he died while on the table.  He was 75.
Not much else going on with me.  Found out I have a mouse last night.  I left some cupcakes cooling on the counter and came back into the kitchen to find hunks gone out of two of them and not a crumb in sight.  They were for my Tiger Cubs tonight.  The little devils didn't even wait until lights were out and we were in bed.  It was like 8:00 p.m.  I almost made it the whole winter without mice - drat.
Hugs and prayers to all who need them.


on 3/28/10 11:31 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Jacki and all my OFF friends.
It's good to see you here, Jacki. It must be so difficult to wade through all you have to do when your heart is so heavy.  I hope you're able to see the light at the end of that long tunnel soon.

Hopefully today will be as pretty as "they" say it will be. I'm tired of the cold too. Yesterday was cold and blustery, miserable actually while we were outside. We went to see Alice in Wonderland and yes, I had my birthday popcorn WITH butter, and ate myself silly. Counted it as both snacks and lunch...lol. Then we went to dinner with friends and had a lovely time. Jeff and Tess couldn't make it as Tess is still having trouble with two dry sockets from where her wisdom teeth were pulled. I feel so badly for her, there's just nothing I can do to make it better.

Well, off to get the day off duties done and get ready to go back to work tomorrow. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and know I think of all of you lots!



karen C.
on 3/29/10 2:15 am - Kennewick, WA
What did you think of Alice? I'm a Johnny Depp fan and have been thinking that I need to see that one probably in 3D. .

Karen C

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