What's New this Sunday Morning?
I have lettuce and radishes also comeing up in my veggie garden. such a pretty site to see these rows of little green stuff sticking their heads thru the dirt...nothing warms a gardeners heart more than that. we are nothing if we arent weird i guess. People say i have a green thumb i tell them i dont know they are always too black to see if they are green or not. lol
well that is my life in a nutshell for the next few months will be planting and pulling weeds and planting and trimming and fertalizing and watering. etc etc. and then harvesting veggies from the garden. and canning and freezing ...so will be extra busy....i work as a prn nurse at a nursing home and i told them that summer is my really busy time at home so may have to cut back to only a couple days a week at the most. but will try to keep it at 3 for now.
Happy birthday Susan does hair....hope you have a great day.
Hi Karen hope your daughter and family are doing great now. any news about your son getting married or not?
Both of the kids are doing great. Erin and baby Briley seem to be fine following the accident a few weeks ago. Nate and his girlfriend are doing well. He just finished his final paper for his National Board Certification. He Has a big test to take in May then has to wait til December to find out if he passes. A few months ago he was freaked about going on a "family phone plan" with her. Now they are looking a buying a house. . . . sure wish they'd decide to make it legal before making any more legal commitments! but. . . then Nathan always does things in his own sweet time never before!
My weeping cherry and flowering plum are both in bloom. I evidently didn't kill them with kindness last year. Lots of tulips coming up most leaning a bit to the east, the way the wind blows! Can't wait to buy some more plants but it's still just a tad cold for the annuals. I try to plant mostly perennials. I was surprised to find out that the salvia I had out front last summer is a perennial! Woohoo, sure glad I didn't pull it out in the fall!
Karen C
Things here have been hectic but then again what else is new? Shawn started a new job...which is good...but he travels a lot and when he is gone Grandma and Grandpa have the baby. He takes up a lot of time that is for sure. But in such a pleasurable way...well most of the time. ha ha
Bill and I got a chance to go out yesterday all by ourselves. It was so much fun and while we were sitting having Chinese for lunch I said to him that I love it when we are by ourselves. He agreed and then we continued to enjoy lunch. It was a day of doing what we wanted. We went to the flea market and just looked around. It was a nice day and a lot of the outside vendors were there. Bill got some new seat covers for the truck....he just "had" to have them. They were not something that I would have chosen...red dragons with silver sequins on black...but then again it isn't my truck. He is happy and will shut up about "needing" them so bad. A cheap enough thing to make him happy. I saw a chest of drawers that looked nice and I should have gotten them. He was asking $20 for them but said that he would take $15. But there must be a reason why I passed them up. I am hoping that the reason is because something better is coming up.
Nothing much is planned for today. I woke up with such a headache..I know it is allergies. Even with the 2 meds I am on they are still rearing their nasty head and here it is so early in the season too. I decided not to go to church because I knew that I wouldn't get what the sermon was on... not with the headache being what it is.
We got the downstairs apartment...when we went there the other day to turn in the last couple of things that we needed to get to them they told us that they got one for us and it is downstairs too. Last year when we went to look at them they showed us one in a building that the back faced a wooded area. I told Bill that would be so nice to have a patio door looking out on the woods and sure enough ours is. We got the back apartment with the woods...now I know that it is meant to be. I am such a happy little camper. We are patiently waiting to get out of here.
I guess I should be moving on. I should be eating breakfast...Harpo is letting me know that he is getting hungry. Here it after 10 already...how time goes by so fast. And it seems the older you get the faster it goes too!
I am sending love and hugs to all....and prayers and good thoughts are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and do something just for you too. You are worth every bit of time it takes plus more!
Watched the movie Julie and Julia last night from Netflix. It was good, but not great. Well, except for Meryl Streep - she is amazing. Other than that, a good social day yesterday with WLS support coffee and lunch with Michael's sister and her husband. That was fun.
Hope you all have a nice, relaxing Sunday, as I'm planning to have!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
It's nearly 1 p.m. so I'm getting on here late. Got up at about 8:30 a.m., fed the cats, made coffee, had my protein coffee and leisurely read the paper, then talked to my mom. She has had a hammertoe all her life ... well, it got infected and her podiatrist decided to cut into it for some reason and mom has to stay off her feet ... because it's on her right foot, she can't drive either, so she's stuck at home.
I spent most of yesterday watching basketball ... wow, some great upsets. Even Kentucky got beat ... I didn't think anyone would beat that team. Got some stuff listed on craigslist for sale and put an ad out offering my editing services ... so far, all I've gotten is crank e-mails back. Oh well, maybe someone will actually e-mail me with an offer. I can only hope.
No big plans for today ... watching basketball, doing laundry, cleaning litter boxes, working on the books, just relaxing. Not much on TV tonight so I may watch a movie.
Candy, I may be retiring even though I didn't want to. But maybe it will be all for the best. My only problem is I don't always budget well. I like to spend money too much. I just have to go back to budgeting better. I'm not much for gardening, either .... flowers make me sneeze. I loved growing veggies, but can't do the kneeling and bending part that's necessary with weeding. I'm afraid this replacement knee will never be good.
Oh well, enough of my whining. I'm OK. Really. If I'm stuck retiring, that's all right ... I just hope I can get disability.
Have a good day.
I had an eventful week! On Thursday I had to leave work early because I had a raging bladder infection and had to be squeezed into my doctor's schedule. Then I couldn't pee in the cup- damn- I have crummy aim, it's dribbling all over the place, and I dropped the cup into the toilet! The doctor got a big kick out of it- I still got my medicine. Then while I was picking up my medicine my car was burglarized in the Target parking lot. I left my cell phone on the front seat (don't do that!) and after I came out of Target a woman that was leaving at the same time told me that my car alarm was going off when she was driving up. Luckily they only took my phone, probably because of the alarm. I had $100 in cash in a card in the glove compartment and a trunk full of newly purchased items. My phone was only 2 months old- a new one cost me $200... and I had a very small selection of phones that don't require an internet contract. I was angry about that. Even my old phone from 2 months ago now requires an internet contract so I didn't get it. That isn't right in my mind.
It's all fixed now. The pills I have to take for a week make me dizzy and a bit queasy- they told me they would, so it's just a matter of hanging in. I take it after I get to work so that I am driving when I am least dizzy.
Tomorrow is the last day of my extra assignment- I have been taking over for a colleague on an extended maternity leave and she is coming back tomorrow! I'm thrilled because doing two jobs is tough- especially now with the end of the year at hand. I'm taking her some flowers in the morning and some coffee because I know she will be upset- she's already worried about leaving her baby. Going back to work after your maternity leave is never easy unless you have a close friend or relative to care for your child.
So I'm very excited that the extra work is ending, but now another colleague is pregnant (7 months) and keeps having dizzy spells. She was in the hospital on Thursday and I just know she will be going out on maternity early. Can you believe the timing?
I've been spending a lot of time at the dog park with my granddog. I love the dogs and the people. I get some exercise and it keeps me away from food!
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
I hope everyone has a relaxing day. Right now it seems that a nap may well be in order.

Candy, I figured I'd better check in or you would all forget about me. Believe it or not, I read posts almost every day, and so often want to comment but seem to always get interrupted or have somewhere I need to be. I am very happy about your retirement and know that your life will be full of adventures as well as just luxurious "doing nothing."
Life here on Maui for me remains mostly great, and very busy. Yesterday was our annual homeowners meeting, and it was a doozy. Long story so won't bore you with it, but suffice it to say that I am on a committee to get back our shopping carts which the board of directors arbitrarily took away! Then in the evening around 5:00 there was a big pupu party down on the lawn by the ocean. It was pot luck and lots of goodies to munch on. I tasted a lot of things, but usually two or three bites which totaled up to be a lot of food!! These days I seem to be able to eat pretty much anything I want and it goes right through me. I guess I'm lucky, but sometimes I feel like a boney body with skin hanging off it is NOT very attractive!

It's just 8:00 a.m. here right now, and I think I'm going to take the Sunday paper out on the lanai and get some sun.
Thanks to all of you who are so consistent about sharing your lives with me and all of us via OFF.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen