Xpost: I'm alive and doing pretty well
on 3/26/10 6:29 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I’m alive and doing pretty well.
Thanks for all your well wishes, kind thoughts, and messages.
Special thank you to Renee for posting an update on surgery day.
24 hrs ago I got of recovery….Evidently my BP really went up high when I was in recovery so I ended up being in there for 2 hours until they were satisfied that it dropped enough….Of course I remember none of that….All I remember is the 10 mins when they dressed me and then put me in a heel chair.….They originally thought I’d be all done and out of recovery by 1pm but I didn’t get released until 4pm.
I ended up hiring a nurse to help for a few hours during the first 3 days. She is WONDERFUL! I mainly did this to give Matthew a break. He’s come to my rescue after every surgery and is here with me now but the Nurse changed all my bandages/pads and gave me a shower. She is wonderful…I recommend her in a heartbeat.
I feel so much better than I thought I would. Don’t get me wrong……..this is not comfortable by any stretch of the imagination but so far it is nowhere near as bad or painful as I expecting.
I’m a little “oozie" and the first time blood dripped down my leg was a little startling. Even though Renee warned me about this I still was startled…LOL
The pain is worst in the incision line along the left leg. I don’t want to jinx myself but so far there is no pain in the groin area…..
My surgeon and his nurse came to the hotel this morning and they were pleased with how I looked.
This morning my BP ended up going way down 65/43 but it is normal now.
I’ve been getting up and walking….getting up is getting easier but man it’s hard to fully extend the leg…It feels real tight especially by the knees….the left knee is worse.
The surgeon also did a little revision at the top of the anchor cut and under the breasts. So it’s sore and swollen a little.
So far this recovery is going much easier for me than the LBL was.
Hope you are all having a good day and have a great weekend.
Hug and well wishes to Robin…she’s up tomorrow (Sat)
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130 Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal