Happy Thursday, everyone! What's happening?

Nancy B
on 3/24/10 3:38 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, gang!

Im starting the thread today..cant sleep. JB and I are home now..got home Monday evening from down south.  We had a great holiday drivewall down the east coast and up the Gulf of Mexico coast and home.  We are alot of seafood, saw alligators in the wild, saw dolphins leaping in the ocean, saw an armadillo..what a cute lil critter!  I broke my lower front permanent wire (BRACES) and had to keep bending the broken edge because it was cutting my tongue but that was the worst thing that happened.

JB bought me a really good laptop so that I can keep in touch now when we are away...I emailed Mother every other day..sending it to the social worked at Mom's assisted-living facility and she printed it out and took the letter to Mom so that was a bit of fun for Mother to get letters every few days.

I saw a Catherine's store! As we drove by, I quietly mentioned that they always have nice things...kind of pricey but sometimes has good sales and how stylish their clothes were...after drivng five miles down the road, he asked if I needed to go to that store....I told him how they are few and far between but that I really didnt NEED to go there....and waited...and he turned the car around and drove back..woohoo!!

I found a beautiful, long springy skirt that flares out below the knees in a turquoise print...wow! $60.00! and a matching faux two-piece top in solid turquoise $68.00..perfect for the wedding we are attending in Ottawa...and when I went to pay for it, the saleslady told me both pieces were FORTY PERCENT OFF!  What a deal! $82.00 for the set! I was so pleased.

And more good news:

I LOST five pounds while we were on the road for three weeks!  And JB GAINED seven pounds!!

Yes, Mr. "It's all just a matter of WILL POWER!" gained seven pounds...lol...and says it's because I always had to eat       *rolls my eyes*..uh HUH!

So Thursday, I run around doing errands, repack, this time with WINTER clothes, visit Mother and take her alot of reading material and some Easter treats and a potted flower for her window sill, bind four Mandala books for gifts and make up eight bags of my homemade soup mixes (just add water, meat & tomato juice) also for gifts and soem wine too and off we go again Friday morning and head to our favourite B&B in the Ottawa Valley in Quebec and see family there.

On Saturday we attend a wedding reception for my cousins-they got married last week in ***** Cana- then see JB's cousins for Sunday lunch then my cousins are taking us out for my birthday dinner Sunday evening.  From there, we go back to Quebec and visit more family members then come back home.  We should be back home early April!

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Nancy B


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
on 3/24/10 7:26 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Nancy and those sleepy heads yet to come,

Got up way too early this morning so I am going to try and type intelligently while I drink my coffee.

Nancy sounds like you are having fun!  I wish I could travel, have not been able to do that for awhile.  It seems like you are going to be really busy. Great on the weight loss too.  It is really hard to stick to it when you are away from home.  Good job.

Today is going to begin like any other day for me.  Straightening up, laundry and take my sister to the foot doctor for her staph infection.  All these doc appointments is begining to drain me.  Though, it is her that needs the help and support now.  I feel guilty if I even think of complaining.

Her son goes to pre trial again this morning. I don't know what is going to happen with that.  He was so depressed they started giving him prozac.

My husband has been having heart flutters, so I made him an appointment to see the doc on Friday.  Heart problems run in his family so I am a little concerned.

Nothing new here so I am going to stop here and go get another cup of joe.

Have  a great day everyone


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


Margo M.
on 3/24/10 9:24 pm - Elyria, OH
hi! nancy-glad to see you post!!! catherine's is a great store- and they are few and far between....your trips always sound wonderful!

mary margaret...i have spent so many hours of the last 7 years taking michael to this appt and that procedure and i try not to complain but darn it after awhile it DOES take it's toll on you--as well as either taking time off work or time away from cleaning and chores, etc.... so-it's ok to complain a bit! i say so!!!!

today is a very long testing day-all day sessions and then a test at 6 pm followed by the drive home and a stop-outta the way-to pick up some things from someone else to help them for tomorrow's final courier run..tomorrow, i turn in all of my supplies and wait for the next operation to begin!

AND i have a job interview tomorrow at a bank!!! whoooooooooo hooooooooo......i was so unprepared yesterday as i filled out teh app but i think that my personality and experience are going to get me this job-i hope!!!! it will be part time (someday working into full???) so it should be interesting working it and the census but teh census will stop so i need this bird in hand!

i met a very interesting man last nite at my test- a true history buff and knowledgeable about resources for geneologists and michigan history.....

oh my ! i pulled a stupid stupid move yesterday! before i got dressed for work; i ordered propane, paying with my bank card. stuck the card in my flannel jammie shirt pocket and made a few phone calls. got dressed and headed out for the courier run, errands , my unexpected rush to the job application,and my test last nite---hahahaha!!!!!! did ya catch the part about where my bank card was???? as i am getting ready to fill my very very thirsty gas tank; it occurs to me that i am cardless in cadillac! ok- cash happened to be in teh wallet-an odd occurence! and the groceries-nuff cash so long as i wasn't stocking up! the prescriptions- well- uh oh! so mom will pick them up today for me....i told her i would get cash at the ATM and stop by this morning before work--hahahahahaha--the card was still at home and i wasn't!!!!! gosh! some days i think i should stay in my jammies all day!!!!!!!!!!

hugs and prayers.............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


annette R.
on 3/25/10 12:44 am - ithaca, NY

Tee Shirt 4     

Pants    Margo - some days I stay in jammies. Shower & change into clean   ones.  Most of mine look like nothing but a strange outfit.  Even go to the grocery store in them.

Hope today is better.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 3/24/10 10:00 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Hi Nancy and gang,
Hey Nancy I use to be a full size petite model at Catherine's. I loved doing that and fashion shows. They tried to hire me but the pay and benefits weren't good as what I was getting working at the hospital. So I modeled as a hobby and a big discount on clothes there. Wwwotooo!!

It's raining here right now but I hope it goes away so I can walk outside during break and lunchtime. A walk around the hospital is 1 mile. Gets the stress out!!

Work is starting to slow down for me but I much prefer to be busy. Got here early to get my blood drawn for my 3 year post check up with my bariatric surgeon and I also tie it in with my internist.

Prayers and hugs for everyone in need...and who doesn't need a hug!!!
on 3/24/10 10:23 pm - IA

Yesterday at work was a little more tiring.  The secretary was home sick, so I answered the phone all day.  That interupts my thought process!  We also had immunization clinic, so we listened to crying children all day.  Needless to say, I didn't get much done of my "real" job.  I feel a litte more tired this morning.  I would wait awhile to go to work, but if Annie is sick again today I'll need to be there to answer phones.  There were 3 people gone yesterday all with strep!  I sure hope I don't get it.  I don't need anything that will weaken me even more.

My parents called last night.  They are so worried about me after having this surgery.  I need to keep reassuring them that I'm ok.  But I'll tell you, when I have weakness like this, I sometimes wonder. 

I have always heard that rapid weight loss is hard on the heart.  I've always had a strong heart, but this part worries me.  Did any of you ever have problems after surgery?


Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

annette R.
on 3/24/10 10:44 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning Nancy & OFFers,

That was a good sale on your new outfit. It sounds very pretty.

Today I am meeting one-one with a group member for a chat. She feels nervous about life after WLS and has so many question concerning eating, complications and not being able to tolerate anything but protein drinks.

All I can tell her is MY experiences. Ultimately this is up to her to decide if WLS is right for her.

Our granddaughter Amanda asked to have her birthday party at A&W tonight. I'll eat before we go because I'm positive there is nothing on the menu for me, It has been years since I went to an A&W and can't remember anything on the menu but root beer and hot dogs. Good then but not a good choice now.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 3/24/10 10:58 pm
Hi Nancy and everyone else on OFF,

Hope everyone's either having a great day so far or are sleeping in!

I think I need to go to the ortho guy.  My hip is bothering me a lot.  Once I get up I'm usually not too bad but getting up, sitting down, bending or trying to put on my jeans or shoes/socks is painful.  :P 

Not a lot going on here other than the usual same old same old.

Sounds like you had a wonderful time, Nancy.  And you lost 5 lbs, that is SO cool!

Have a good one, all!

on 3/24/10 10:59 pm - Plymouth, MI
Good morning!  Computer is on so I can update my medications list.  My prescription medication list is reduced to:

Yup, from multiple blood pressure meds, multiple heart meds, multiple diabetes meds, I now have to fill one continuing prescription for Prevacid.

Of course I take two doses of multi-vitamins a day, supplement D,choke down my calcium citrate and pop my trusty stool softener.  But just one prescription needed.  High praise indeed!

The Michigan board daily thread asked if food was our friend or our enemy, being naturally contrary, I wrote this response:.
I am learning that food is actually neutral, it doesn't care about me at all.  Waitresses are not looking out the window pining for me to show up.  The bakery section at Meijer doesn't even recognize my footsteps, no matter how often I walk those isles.

I, however, am often my own enemy, taste buds and lizard-brain clashing with good sense and metabolic need.  This is why I force myself onto the scale every morning and write down the ugly truth.  This is why I try to make myself exercise, to get out my inner aggression in a productive way.

Have a great day, everyone.
on 3/25/10 1:25 am
Good morning Nancy and OFF,

Wow, your trip sounded like fun.  Lucky you!  We are hoping to be able to get away sometime in May for a weekend.  Can't wait.

Brrr, it's chilly outside today - lol - compared to last week anyway.  Not too much news here other than feeling so great these past 2-3 weeks, so much energy.  Loving life right now!

Have a great Thursday everyone!



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