Sailing, rowing, floating down the river. How's it going and what are you eating?

on 3/18/10 4:39 am - Hollywood, FL
Hi Susan adn OH buddies:

That Cuban black beans and rice recipe looks yummy but nothing like my Cuban grandma made.  Actually, I like your rice recipe better.  She only used rice, sal****er and oil.  Yours looks a lot more flavorful.  I'll try it. 

Here is today's plan

B - muffin in a cup (sliced and toasted)
S -  Nothing
L - Leftover noodleless lasagna
S - 1 oz walnuts
D - Thai fish, tomato basil soup
S - SF hot chocolate

Exercise:  Who knows

Doctor called me yesterday.  It seems the biopsy revealed some "atypical cells of microfollicular architecture".  In other words, it may or may not be malignant and will only know when they take out the entire thyroid.   Going for a surgical consult on Monday.  Pray for me.

Happy rowing ya'll,


on 3/18/10 7:15 am - Alexander, AR
Honestly, I find the beans to be a little bland without the rice on the top!  I'll be anxious to hear if you like it.



(deactivated member)
on 3/18/10 4:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

Today's menu:

B- Oatmeal
S- cantaloupe (sorry Susan)
L- 3 oz Salmon, 1/4 cup lentils, 1/4 cup Rice, diced tomato
S- Apple, and either PB on a lite Wasa or 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal with soy milk, and something sweet like 10gr 80% dk choc or  WW choc/pretzel bar (they are yummy)
S- Protein shake with added fiber....maybe 12 almonds
D- Egg Whites with broccoli (like an omelet).

That will do it for today.....trying to eat lite today since tomorrow is my weekly weigh in...   Yes I still worry what the scale will show but I do not obsess about it anymore.  As long as I am within 2 lbs of my personal goal I don't worry....if I get to 4 lbs up I put the brakes on and watch my choices closer.  The only time I usually go up is if I increase my carbs (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread,) to more than 4 meals a week.

Hope everyone is doing well.
on 3/18/10 7:16 am - Alexander, AR
Ruth, you're doing so well!  When are your plastics again? I've forgotten.



(deactivated member)
on 3/18/10 7:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Susan,
I'm having surgery next week on Thurs....1 week from today.  YIKES!

This should be my last big procedure...the Inner Thighs and revision on the arms.
I'm excited to be done with all the surgery stuff.....although I still have the wound on my buttocks and that will take another 2-4 months to heal but still I'm close to be done.  :-)

Thanks for asking.
on 3/18/10 8:30 am - Alexander, AR
What's the deal with the wound on your hiney, if you don't mind me asking. And, this is the third arm surgery? You are one brave woman, my dear!

I'm still trying to work up the courage for a TT and BL/aug.



(deactivated member)
on 3/18/10 8:50 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Of course I don't mind you asking.....

I have a hole in my hiney!!!!!   Literally!  after my "butt lift" I developed a hematoma on my right butt cheek....the blood pooled and killed off the skin/tissue.  The surgeon had to cut out the bad area so now we (Matthew) pack it twice a day doing wet/dry treatment.  It's starting to heal but still has a long way to go.  NASTY NASTY NASTY stuff.   The wound is nowhere near the incisions.  I suspect the blood pooled from having too much packed on my butt post-op.  That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Yes this is the 3rd go around for the arms.  I had my original brachio last year....that surgeon left too much skin on (I knew it from the first day he unwrapped them...I was so disappointed)....he then did a revision but at the last min changed the plan on me and only did lipo...he didn't remove the skin.  After that I decided I needed to find a new surgeon.  so here I am getting ready for another  arm surgery.  What really stinks is the incisions from the original surgery are so nice and thin and so faded you really don't notice them easily.....but I'm not happy with the saggy/wrinkled skin so I'm doing it yet again.

The two best things I've done for myself was my TT and my Breast Reduction/lift....go ahead...give yourself a gift!!!
on 3/18/10 9:14 am - Alexander, AR
Does the hiney hurt? It  sounds painful.....owie to the MAX!  Too bad about your arms, I'd be disapointed too. Is the new incision going to be near the old "nice" ones?

Gosh, I guess I really have a lot to learn about all of this stuff in the next few months.

Thanks for the encouragement and help. Don't go too far, I'm sure I'll be leaning on you a lot!



(deactivated member)
on 3/18/10 11:07 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thankfully there is no pain in the hiney.  Although Matthew says doing this wound care is a royal pain in his A$$!!!! LOL

The surgeon will be able to cut just above and below the old incision so there will only be one incision when it's all done.....and he'll place it lower on the arm so I'm happy about that....just stinks that I have to go through all that AGAIN!

OH mom always says....this too shall pass.  

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about plastic surgery.....just let me know.  Also on my profile I blog detailed accounts of my recovery from each procedure along with tips and tricks for recovery.

on 3/18/10 8:52 am - Somewhere in, NY
I don't know about you, Susan, but I remember when "the munchies" consisted of a whole 1 lb bag of potato chips or half a pan of brownies.  Or both.

Two servings of crackers?  Not great, but oh, my, what a difference!

Just don't do it again!

Forgive yourself, and move on. 



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