Thursday "Everyone is getting ready for the weekend" What are you doing today?
Hi Everyone!
I am here early and thought I would start us off and running,
Yesterday, I cooked a corned beef and I think it came out tough. First time I tried it in the crock pot. I did something wrong. Everyone else liked it, except me. Maybe it was my stomach.
Have to take my sister to the doc's again today. It is hard to keep up these days.
My long lost cousin who found me on facebook, seems to have something wrong with her. She calls me every night and she was totally drunk. I hope this not going to be a bad sign.
Well I am off to start my day
Hoping all of you have a great one.
Prayers to all
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

today i am going down in Ark to Clarksville to visit with my daughter. She is getting ready to pick up and run off from her problems again to San of those things that life will always be better somewhere else ....cant get her to understand that runnig away doesnt solve problems unless she changes ...otherwise she takes the problems with her. Sad i hope one day she will decide to get her head out of the bottle and realize that life isnt so bad sober. so i have a lot of time from my life dealing with someone that is always drunk too. I love her but learned long ago that when she calls and is drunk the best thing i can do is just tell her I love you sweetheart and hang up. otherwise it starts our how much she loves me and then she starts cursing and saying all sorts of hateful , hurtful things
She wont drink while i am there and she will be getting all sorts of things ready for traveling she is having a garage sale and wants me to bring back all the stuff that she doesnt sale...
and store it for her. I dont have any idea where i will store it all but i will try...good thing i have some empty plastic bins....will bring it back home and repack it in those and label them
well our crappy weather is still crappy. we had a week the first week in March of beautiful sunny 70 degree weather and since it has been coudly and dreary and rainy. and not about 50 all day to me that is cold and i cant get outside. and am so down and depressed with no sun. I have SADs and this is the first whole winter i have spent here where we live ...we usually leave and go somewhere especially Tucson AZ...i told my husband that it will be the las winter ffor here that is for sure. most of these two things are why i havent posted much in a long long while
use to post daily and knew everyone but just kept getting more down all the time and couldnt leave and go for the sun ...I bought a light box last week and hopefully it is helping. we will see.
Mary, sorry to say, this new realitive sounds like trouble. You can pick your friends, but not your realitives!
Jan, I so wish I was able to get to Clarksville and have a cuppa with you! I don't even know where Clarksville
Gary needed to get up at 5:00 on Tues and forgot to reset his alarm. Yep, it went off at 5:00 when it didn't need to, but I've already switched over a load of laundry, started another, and emptied the DW. Guess I slept enough.
I have my thyroid ultrasound today, then another Dr's appt, lunch w/ a friend, then work for a couple of hours. Busy day off! At least they expect it to be beautiful.
Hope everyone has a dandy day. Hugs to all!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I have been MIA....because I have been spending time with my grandson Nic....what a wonderful time we have had!! Yesterday he went to my sister in laws for a couple days. They needed some help and I know he needs to see them too. I will get him again in the morning. He will be going back to Iowa Saturday.
I have been trying to cram my work hours in while Nic is gone. I don't want to work much when I am with him. What a busy two work days this has been...exhausting!
Nic and I went and surprised my granddaughter Kyleigh with a visit. She hasn't seen Nic in almost a year. Kyleigh was so was Nic....for that matter so was I!! They are so fun to watch and listen!!
I will have to go back and catch up on all the posts I missed while I was gone. Hope everyone is doing okay!
Prayers as always!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
long long day at work yesterday-then an "issue" with michael-my mom called me in hysterics- won't go into details here but it was not good-
so it's that time of month again for him- mentally/emotionally he is a wreck and i was close to telling him to leave last nite-not good.....i just kept my mouth shut as much as i could!
wonderful weather yesterday tho we are to get "stuff" tomorrow and over the weekend i guess-ah - well...
ok so - i'm rambling here.....
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White