karen C.
on 3/16/10 2:42 am - Kennewick, WA
Our little OFF group is a "mini" world isn't it?  We have a little bit of everything going on here. You have been such an inspiration to us all.  I know there are things you can't control but your attitude going through all of your treatments has to help too. Congrats on being so close to the end of your treatments. Spring is arriving with all of the new things popping out of the earth. May your body bloom with health also.

Karen C

Mary M.
on 3/16/10 7:32 am - Minneapolis, MN
I'm with Karen - you have been inspiring!  Living life around those treatments and doing great.  You are blessed and you share that blessing with all who know you!  Thanks.  My husband is a cancer survivor, too, and you are warriors!

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
karen C.
on 3/16/10 2:28 am - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning, Reporting in. Erin and baby Briley arrived home yesterday. Everyone is doing fine. We're very relieved. Erin turned 32 today and Hannah and Clara 2. We made cupcakes last night to take to daycare and will have Chinese takeout and birthday cake tonight. We'll head back home tomorrow hoping that everything gets back to normal around here. Doctors said something like this can still bring on early delivery but hopefully not before 37 weeks term. The twins were born at 33 weeks so that is manageable.

We're worn out too. These old grand parents do the best they can but still are no substitute for Mommy and Daddy. So glad we're retired and able to help out at a moment's notice. Sure made it better to have normal here at home for the twins. They were sure glad to see their Mommy.

Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts.

Karen C

annette R.
on 3/16/10 3:11 am - ithaca, NY
I'm supposed to be typing notes from the support group but am procratinating. It was a HUGE group which means tons of notes.

One activity at group is to tell what we ate that day. It gives the newbies an idea of how similar yet different we are after WLS.

I talked Tom into attending with me as a refresher course. He hasn't been to a meeting since shortly after my surgery and he needed to hear how other people eat.

Now (just maybe)  he will stay off my back about eating.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 3/16/10 3:33 am - Sacramento, CA
Morning Janet and OFF's gang
Beautiful day here in Sacramento, expecting mid 70's with just a few white puffy clouds (no rain!). Wi**** would hurry up and have the mornings starting out in the 60's...I could then ride my scooter to work...and stop getting stuck behind the 'sunday' drivers on the way into work.

Today I celebrate my 1year surgiversay (see before and after pics in my profile if you're interested)...so many changes, physically and mentally...a lot to grasp and learn to deal with.  What a journey!! LOL No complaints, no complications and certainly NO REGRETS!  Would repeat this past year all over again to feel this wonderful ^_^

MaryMargaret...if you mean the buffet Golden Corral..that has become my most favorite place to eat!!  They accept my Kaiser Bariatric medical card and I only pay the 12 year old price instead of the Senior. What a savings..considering how little I eat LOL

Judy--don't you wish our pets could talk??  I have a 13yr old Chihuahua..sometimes she cries out..and I feel so helpless. Doc says it's just old age and arthritis..wonder if he's talking about me or the dog ;-)  Hope Bandit's bleeding is nothing 'serious'.

GrammyLew--prayers for you, my new friend!  What wonderful news to hear you are cancer-free.  I lost a niece to cancer after a 4 year battle...survivor stories are God's way of reminding us that Miracles still happen.  So happy you are one of them!

Karen C--Aren't grandkids wonderful?  They do help to keep us young..even if they wear us out at the end of the day LOL  Especially 2 year olds..what fun!!

Time for me to get to work and quite playing around...that means the Boss came in LOL  Hopefully all those living back east in the midst of the rain and storms..you are above all the feared flooding...please keep safe and dry!
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

Laureen S.
on 3/16/10 4:46 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hiya Janet and the rest of the OFFr gang!

Here it is 2:45 in the afternoon and I am finally surfacing for some much needed air. . .  it is a beautiful day out, but I was not able to get out for lunch to enjoy it, as I worked through lunch today due to a need here in the office, now I am taking a quick break and thought I would take a peek in at everyone here. . .

Anyway, nothing gnu here, though it is nice to see the sun and know that when I leave I will still have about an hours worth to enjoy, hoping the temps will still be warm too, temps today are 60ish. . .

Judy, hope Bandit is ok and everyone else I just want to say hey and wish you all the best of days. . .

Hugs, Laureen

P.S.  I know I'm not here every day, but where is our lovely Maui Sister?  Karen S. Come out, come out wherever you are?

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/16/10 6:04 am
Hi, Its great to be a part of your group. I live in Lyons Ks. and there are no groups around here. You really have a harder time without that guidance. I'm still trying to get use to being retired. With my back problems , it makes it  hard to even do any volunteer work. I am starting water arobics next week. Its beautiful here but not too warm yet. Any day with sunshine is good though.
  Sunray , I checked out your profile pics. WOW! What a change!
Mary M.
on 3/16/10 7:36 am - Minneapolis, MN
On late today, just flying by to say hello!   I'm busy at work and busy at home.   Doctor appts, etc.  But things are coming along!  And this week I'm down in weight again... another few bite the dust.  I'm so excited to be losing.  WLS was a blessing for me when I really needed it.

Have good days, friends.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
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