Good Morning it is Monday and it is after 1am!!!!!!
morning carla and OFF
well today it is chilly and rain drizzling...grrrr BUT supposed to get nice for the rest of the week and into the high 50's!!!!! i can live with that!!!! :-)
talked to my sister last night...seems she was in the hospital once again for her infection and panic attacks...nurse comes everyday now to give her the antibiotic shot she needs. she said she has to call for an appointment for the biopsy results they took off her colon. she said she doesn't feel good about this appointment at all. praying it isn't cancer once again for her!!!!! not sure what she would do if its back again.
noticed late friday night that this bump on bandits back was bleeding.called the vet this morning and can't get him in til tomorrow afternoon. not sure what i will do if its serious. i do know it would about kill me if it is serious!!!! coming up on three years now that i lost spike from that horrible attack from my neighbors dog. and that in its self is what brings me to tears. but i will do what is best for bandit my buddy.
pat r WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!! so glad that you can finally get your regular shoe on again!!!! i hope and pray that your foot is all better now!!!!
marymargaret we need to meet up someday soon!!! we aren't that far apart are we??
eileen i hope you get out of your derpession soon...maybe you need a cheap hobby to keep you busy.
well CR****s once again....GRRRRRRR i hate it when that happens!!!! why can't i remember who posted what??? well just hope you all know that i DO read all posts and i Do think of you all!!!!!!!
time to hit the shower now and get ready for work. hope that the auditors finally show up this week so we can all get back to normal around there!!!!
love hugs and prayers to all that need them!!! :-)
Tried to catch up on all your lives since I had very little computer time this weekend, as I got up on Saturday, went to get a mani/pedi in prep for my trip to Florida this coming weekend, after which I went home, took my roommate to her job, so as not to have her blown away by the fierce storm that was in our parts this weekend, then I came home and got busy doing what I needed to, which was a good spring cleaning, started in the back of the house working forward and by Saturday evening had only gotten through 2-1/2 rooms and still need to go through and get rid of stuff, but at least I now know some of what needs to be gotten rid of on the next rainy weekend we have, anyway, Saturday evening picked up roomie from work and went to an AA meeting, though I really just wanted to go to bed, so after the meeting went home and changed the clocks, sat and played a couple of rounds of bejeweled before I went to bed at 10 p.m. I figured the best way to deal with the time change was to get a good night's sleep and I awoke at 6 in the morning, had some petting time with Roxie and then checked to see how my basement was faring, as in my part of the world, wet basements are common and I needed to be sure the sump pump was working, it was wet down there, but not too bad considering the amount of rainfall we had, though a piece of siding on the front of my house got ripped off, though it is a piece I can fix myself. Then I got the corned beef and cabbage going and proceeded to finish the rest of the cleaning, along with laundry, which took me til 11:30 in the morning, so I dropped roomie off to work again, stopped at the supermarket to pick up a few items to make a nice dessert and went home, whipped together a pudding pie and cut up some strawberries and before I knew it, it was time for my son and his family to arrive for dinner. . .
Well, my son, he is not much of a dog lover, particularly if the dog is bigger than a ****er spaniel, his wife, well she had a friend who had a mastific, a wonderful dog, who snapped one day and maimed a child, so she is full of fear, in the meantime, my wonderful grandkids wanted to meet and play with my "new puppy" (lol). .. so when they arrived, I greeted them at the front door with Roxie at my side, Roxie and the kids were both full of nervous anticipation and all went well. . . my son, and I have a few pictures that I took, sat on the couch and Roxie, being Roxie, jumped right into his lap, rolled over on her back and wanted to have her belly scratched (lol). . . the expression on my son, well I only wish I had my camera in hand at the time. . . well with a little explaining to the youngsters how to be with any dog, ie, not getting in their faces in small spaces, not doing certain things that can provoke a dog, things went pretty well, except once or twice with Avery being a little girl and Roxie being very puppylike still, she knocked Avery over a time or two, scaring her a bit, but overall, Avery, Vaughn and Roxie got on very nicely and my son and, in particular, his wife, relaxed a bit, seeing that Roxie really is a sweet tempered dog. Oh, and my corned beef and cabbage, well it was a big hit, even the kids ate it, though I did whip up some homemade mac and cheese as a backup for them. . . when they left, I was exhausted, cleaned up, watched a little television before crawling into bed and falling asleep somewhere around 10:45.
So here I am at work, counting down to Friday ;)
Wishing all of you the very best of days and prayers and positive thoughts going out for those who are facing some of life's more challenging of times. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
My niece's wedding was wonderful on Sat. night. The rain didn't spoil anything. The wedding and the reception were in the same place so no one had to go outside. We left to fierce wind and rain on the way home. Many people are without power. Lots of trees down, all the streams came out of their banks. We got home and all was good. Our sump pump is doing well to keep the basement dry. My BIL had a large pine tree fall on his barn and his truck. So he will assess the damage today.
I spent Friday night and Sat. during the day scanning old photographs. I borrowed the albums from Hubby's Aunt. She inherited them from Hubby's Uncle (her brother). They had a lot of pictures of my son in them when he was 5 to 8 years old. Great Uncle Albert was always taking him hiking to limestone caves and Southford Falls. They would hunt for arrowheads. He was a favorite great uncle and passed away in 1997. So they are some great pictures of my son and his cousins in the woods. I emailed the pictures to my son and his cousins. They are thanking me big time.
We bought a car on Sat. It's a 2010 blue GMC Terrain. I'm excited. We should get it some time this week.
I hope everyone stays safe and things work out for all.
I'm still new posting in this forum and definitely haven't gotten names and locations down yet. But I almost feel guilty posting from California; our weather is gorgeous, almost 70, blue skies and not a cloud in site. The weekend was a *****illy (I know, to those of you back east, 60 is warm!) but clear skies and forecast is no more rain for another 2 weeks.
My weekend was super quiet: watching TV, crocheting up a storm-finished a lap blanket, 2 wash clothes and refiguring a head band for a friend's daughter. and trying to find my way around Facebook. I think I finally turned the corner on this darn head cold I've had for 3 weeks...didn't think it was ever going to get better.
I did go out Sunday to Kaiser to get full panel blood work (11 vials!!!) done as tomorrow is my 1st year surgiversary! and I'll be talking with my surgeon on the 23rd (Kaiser's 1yr followup is now done by phone if you are not having any 'issues').
This week is quiet as the big wigs are gone to a Board of Directors meeting. Not alot on my plate now that all the financials are done for the meeting; I get to 'coast' the rest of the month LOL Really looking forward to Saturday: our Northern California WLS lunch is held in Concord (east bay, near San Francisco) and we always have a great time...lots of laughter and a great clothing exchange. DH and I ride scooters so hoping weather warms up enough to ride them to the lunch and then take a leisurely ride home along the Sacramento River. yeah...that would be nice ^_^
Have a great week, and I sure hope all of you back east get some relief from the storms. On the news, it sure looks awful..and cold!
Hugs of warmth to all
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130 Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
I ride a 400 Suzuki Burgman and hubby rides a 600 Honda SilverWing. Only difference from a 'regular' motorcycle is that we have 'floor boards' instead of foot pegs and instead of 'throwing your leg' over the seat, we can step between the seat and steering colume. Think of a Vespa...but much much bigger and faster LOL I think I still have a picture posted in my profile...before surgery folder if you're interested in seeing mine.
We use to ride a 1500 GoldWing motorcycle but hubby had a hip replacement in 2004. Doc gave him the choice of hip surgery or keeping the motorcycle..wouldn't do surgery if he continued to ride 'regular' m/ we sold the m/c and bought scooters. We firmly believe in: the couple who play together, stay together LOL
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130 Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
Going to try to do a little exercise bike tonight. I'm going to only do about 10 minutes. I probably couldn't do 30 minutes now anyway since it's been a while.
Nothing much else to report.
Have a great week.