It's Saturday..........what's new with you?

Pat R.
on 3/12/10 9:29 pm - Sturgis, MI
Good morning friends:
Nice to read your news Janet.....enjoy seeing you post on here.
Tried to put on a shoe this morning -- even my tennies wouldn't quite do it, but I'll keep trying. The compression stockings didn't come yesterday so now I have to wait til Monday. I put on a pair of regular stretchy socks - so will see how that goes.
Plan to finish the pink baby bib so I can take it to work Mon.

My classic books from Barnes & Noble came yesterday -- they were really cheap. I got A Tale of Two Cities, Catcher in the Rye,The Red Badge of Courage, and The Scarlet Letter all for $20.
The Tale of Two Cities is even a hard back, the rest are paperback. Just felt like I needed to read some classics and these were suggested to me.

Rainy here again today but warm. Off to fix some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Have a good weekend.
Pat r.
on 3/12/10 9:55 pm
Good morning Ruth and everyone on OFF,

I don't like losing an hour of sleep but I'll be happy to gain the extra hour of daylight.  There won't be any sunshine today though.  The wind is blowing hard.  I think we're to get gusts of up to 55 mph.  It's raining very hard.  It could be much worse.  This could be snow.

I'm going with TB this morning to get some big thick tree branches from a guy who offered them on Freecycle.  TB wants to carve a totem pole so he is just tickled pink.  Yesterday we went to see my surgeon and on the way out of the parking lot, he spotted a heavy wooden door in a dumpster.  So he stops, climbs up the thing to investigate and decides to drag it out of the dumpster--in the pouring rain.  I was sure he was going to slip, fall or break his neck but God was watching out for him.

The only other thing we really have planned today is seeing our little grandson.  :)

Have a super Saturday everyone!

annette R.
on 3/12/10 10:19 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning OHers,

It is damp, grey and chilly here. The neighbors pond has overflowed and doubled in size. We have robins bouncing on the lawn. All signs that Spring is headed this way.

Tom declared that this is a "do nothing" week end. Although the place where he works was supposed to close in September, it has limped along. Yesterday the boss announced he dropped everyones health insurance. It looks like the end is near for Tom's job. I think he is rattled at the prospect of total retirement.

So, he can sit home and read his Kindle. I have plans to meet Marcy and Sue (my daughter's mother-in-law) at Borders. Trusted friends, a cup of coffee and we will have a good time.

Dance lessons sound like fun. It has been ages since we went dancing. We we went dancing almost every night before getting married. Turned into a couple of old poops over the years.

The M&M's are in Las Vegas this week too Susan. Wonder if our kids ran into each other?

I sweet talked Tom into attending the support group meetings with me again. He needs a refresher course of "normal" bariatric eating. When I started this process four years ago, he attended the meetings but stopeed after my WLS.

Lately he has bugged the living daylights out of me about my food intake. That ****** me off and makes me rebel against eating anything. Not a heathy situation for either of us.

Have a great weekend.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 3/12/10 10:35 pm
Good Morning Ruth and everyone......

Partied too much last I am tired out!! Sure had fun with my friends though.

I decided not to go to that Big St Patrick's Day Parade and event today....too much being outside and I don't want to chance getting sick. It is raining now and possibly turning to snow later on.

That is about it for me.....might venture to the grocery store later and get some things Nic likes for next week.

Have a good day everyone. Prayers for all!

Love and many hugs.....connie d
Judy G.
on 3/12/10 11:08 pm - Galion, OH

morning ruth and OFF friends....

well its been a nice several days here in its turning to rain and flood warnings and watches out...most of the snow is gone and i am happy for that!!!! temp**** near 70 yesterday and wow!!!! its only about 50 for today but i will take it!!! not looking forward to the time change because i work til 9 tonight then back to work at 8 and missing that hour of sleep will about take its toll on me for sure!!!!! might as well just stay at work all

made our motel rsvp last night and we are good to go now for my vacation to go back to michigan for Easter. looking forward to seeing family and friends again!!!

last night rick asked me if i noticed that this bump on bandits back was bleeding. i looked at it and said it looks like maybe the clippers cut it when he had his haircut. so we are now keeping a close watch on it. vet told me it (bump) was nothing to worry about but now this....if it looks worse i will call vet monday morning and see what they say about it.

nothing else happening here so will get going. thinking of you all and ofcourse can't remeber who posted what ...this CRS is sure getting to me alot times it scares me....could this be because i forget to take my vitamins everyday?? sighs....

so have a good day and know i AM thinking of you all!!!! hugs and prayers to all that need them!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 3/12/10 11:08 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Ruth and my OFF family:

I wanted to stay up later last night but started dozing over after midnight ... I was getting into my book but my eyelids were drooping. I am not able to stay up past midnight much anymore. I used to be able to stay up til 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. before, now I'm asleep by midnight. I'm getting so lazy.

It's a gray, gray gloomy day, and my body feels it. Don't feel like doing much of anything. Everything hurts. These are the days I want to crawl back under the covers. But I need to get some stuff done around here. I've already applied for a couple of jobs. I want to make some turkey rollups. We'll see how much I really get done.

Janet, it's good to see you again. I hope you can keep working; I wanted to work longer too but I have a feeling I won't be able to. I hope I can get disability. But I really need to find something to occupy my time. I miss having a job to go to.

Well, there are baseball and basketball games on TV today. So at least that will keep me occupied ... and I have lots to read (I'm really behind in my magazines).

Hope everyone has a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 3/12/10 11:47 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, Ruth and all my OFF peeps. I hope that you all have a great and enjoyable Saturday. I had to ask Bill what day of the week it was...oh boy I can tell what kind of day this is going to be.

It is so gray and damp here today. It feels cold and Bill must feel it too since he is now snoozing in the recliner with his blanket on. I feel chilly to the bone so it must be one of those days today that is going to be wet all day. It would be a good day to stay covered up in bed but it can't be today.

Kayden is coming to visit Grandma and Grandpa today. Shawn has plans with a friend of his to help clean his garage so he asked if Kayden could come to visit. Of course this old Grandma couldn't say no. We went to their house last night for dinner....and don't ask how the dinner turned out....ick! But it was fun visiting. Kayden was funny and when he would do something that he thought was funny he would just throw back his head and laugh out loud. Boy is that little squirt a cutey! At least that is his Grandma's opinion. In 5 days he is going to be 11 months that time has flown by. I am going to be getting his 1 year/Easter pictures taken next month. I got a good deal from Olan Mills just shortly after he was born and I decided to save them for this occasion. Shawn has plans on getting him a little outfit with a tie...he will look adorable but then again I think that happens in anything he wears.

We should do some packing today but from the looks of Bill it won't be happening any time soon. He is just snoring away. I can't believe that we will be moving next month. In a month and a half we will be in the new apartment and unpacking everything that I worked so hard to pack...somehow it just seems so unfair but sometimes life is unfair so what the heck.

I guess I should get going. Breakfast is calling since my tummy is empty. I could eat a moose until it comes time to eat it. ha ha  I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers and good thoughts are said here for everyone too. Have a great day where ever it takes you and we shall meet back here tomorrow to chat some more.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 3/13/10 2:56 am - Manteca, CA
GOOD MORNING! I know- it's afternoon for most of you! I'm having a Starbucks Iced Latte and feeling the buzz... I've been missing in action lately. I'm covering for a therapist on maternity leave so I've been as busy as a bee. I can't wait for her to get back. I have way too much work. Our school district is hurting (California's schools are really struggling moneywise now- lay-offs are rampant) and when people are off we have to cover for them. Then we attend our staff meetings and are told about more and more legal paperwork and hoops to jump through. It's frustrating... I won't deny it. I absolutely love my job and the kids, but I'm a witness to over the top legal stuff that has changed my job from working with kids to half working with kids and half covering my ass legally from lawsuits. Everyone loses, even those who think the law is helping them get what they are owed. Just my opinion of course. It's sad that someone like me is feeling frustrated enough with the system that I'm considering retiring early.
Enough of's Saturday and I am not committed to do anything at all. I am going to putter. The sun is shining and the music is playing. Tomorrow I'm having a scrapbook/card making day with friends. This is my kind of weekend! I have plans to make some "Gnome" cards tomorrow. I do this "thing" with a few good friends- I leave a gnome somewhere that they'll find it and they'll come back saying "I was gnomed!" Then someone will do it to me or to another friend. Suffice it to say that I'm always looking for gnomes on sale. I also buy gnome stickers and rubber stamps with gnomes when I can find them. So tomorrow I'll make gnome cards to send in the mail- gnoming by mail as it were. This stuff is really up my alley!
I've gone on and on haven't I? This is so typical- I don't show up for a week and then I write a book- or- I show up every day and write a book! :) I hope I'm not boring!
Oh, one more thing- I've been spending after school hours at the dog park with my Granddog. I'm meeting some really great people out there! There are some "bad" dog parents too. But mostly interesting, nice people. The only bad thing is this is an interim dog park and there is no "little dog" area. The big and the little dogs should not be together for the most part.  If I had a small dog I would not go there when the big dogs are playing. I've never seen any get hurt, but they could.
That's my book for today. I hope someone reads it!
annette R.
on 3/13/10 4:33 am - ithaca, NY

I enjoyed reading about your life. It's a good way to know you better.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
karen C.
on 3/13/10 10:14 pm - Kennewick, WA
Julia, Oh how I remember what you're going through. How often I'd think "If all I had to think about was teaching I'd be a happy girl!" The other "stuff" can drive you crazy. I'm loving my little part time substitute par-educating. I show up, someone tells me what do do, usually with a small group of kids, I do it then I go home. Doesn't pay much but makes me feel needed, I get to play with little ones and it uses up some of this extra energy in a constructive way.

Karen C

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