It's Saturday..........what's new with you?

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/10 5:06 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It's 4am on the East coast and I can't sleep.  I woke up at 2:30 am and can't get back to sleep so I finally decided to get out of bed...UGH.

Don't forget to change your clocks before you go to bed Saturday night.........Spring Ahead....I hate losing an hour but do like the sunlight later in the day.

I'll back in a few hours.....I'm going to try reading a book to see if that helps me fall asleep.

Catch up with you all later.
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/10 6:57 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Good morning, Friends....

I so hope those of you who are sad and hurting have a much better day today.  It always helps if I remember that I've got a 'chosen' family on here.  And I've met so many of you in person that it's like writing a letter to you all.  But like most friendships, when one is hurting, all are hurting... we're indeed a family.  It DOES take a village...:)

I just haven't been on or read much lately.  I do see that Eileen has a prized new laptop!

I'm trying to refi my house.... appraiser is coming this morning to take pictures.. that means my arse is going to need to vacate this computer chair and try to get the living room cleaned up so he can take pictures I won't be ashamed of....that also means the clothes in the LR need to go to the BR which means I'll need to hang them up and find a rod in the closet to hang them up... but then there's the SHOES to deal with... why am I such a SLOB??

Later in the day a yard guy will be here to tell me what it's going to cost to take out the old shrubs and pull some crepe myrtles and build me some nice flower beds and mulch.. and hopefully, replant.  I've not done anything to the yard but mow and trim for 9 years... this will probably be the only 'hurrah' I do to the yard until I sell this or die in it.

Work is back to 10-12 hours. I'm too old for this.  I've been given the foreclosures with an unpaid balance of over $1 million dollars. Those are sure high end.  Just had a 1.3m.  and got it sold IMMEDIATELY.. for cash.  Couple is in China.  Would be nice to get the commission on that, but I work on a salary....but need the benefits and I'd much rather do what I do and leave that stuff now to agents.  They keep saying we'll be working from home in another month.  I can't. Doctor has told me it would be a kiss of death for me and I'd be too depressed. So, now I'm fearful. I hate it when that happens.. but this Pollyanna will figure something out.  I need to work at least 5 more years... so whatever it takes.

Son and his wife, grandkids, are in a little town not far from Buffalo visiting his dad (my ex) and grandmother (great grand for the kids). It's her 90th birthday... she certainly proves the old adage... "only the good die young".  That old bat will live to be 105...:)

I've really got to get a life. This 9 lbs I've porked on is not going away so need to find some activities away from FOOD.  Married guy who plays around at $4 wants me to meet him at Red River on Thursday nights to take dance lessons. I'm going to do it... at least I know I'm safe and he's not foolin' around with me... it's hard to go take these free dance lessons if you don't have a partner.. and since we both can't dance, it will be nice to learn with someone who can't dance either.  Oh, and speaking of... my grandson (11) is taking ballroom dancing at his school. It's part of his curriculum.... how cool is that?

Okay...rambled. Sorry. If you made it this far, God luv ya.

on 3/12/10 8:04 pm - Medina, OH
HI Ruth and Janet, and those sleepy heads who aren't up yet..:)

I want to tthank everyone who said they will keep me and my family in their prayers.  I was so busy yesterday I didn't have time to thank you individually.  Please know, I am so glad that I am here with such wonderful friends.  It really is comforting to know I can write down my feelings and know that someone IS listening to me.  Thank you again, friends.

Hubby had to go in to work by 3am this morning.  It sure seems to throw things off here at home.  It is such a weird time and I know we need the money for overtime.  The thing I hate the most is there are things I would like him to do and he is gone and too tired to do them when he comes home.  But, I digress.

Made a pot of chili yesterday,  I ate too much of it.  Don't even want to stand on the scale today.

Nothing new here today.  Going to browse the web and read  and have my coffee.  The rest of the day is minor things to do around the house.

Take care everyone.

Janet, I think takind dance lessons is great.  My husband would NEVER do that.  

Love to all


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/10 8:28 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
I guess I'm just glad somebody's husband WANTS to take lessons... :)
on 3/12/10 8:46 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Ruth and all my buddies,

Janet, I'm jealous of the dance lessons. Before I met Gary, I dated a competitive ballroom dancer. What an amazing time we had!  Dear Gary does what I call the "circle dance". Hangs on and turns around and around in a circle until I'm nearly dizzy. No fun, so we just don't dance anymore. You have a good time, Girlie!

It's my Friday, and a reasonably short one too!  Seeing nice people, plus a new client, so it will be a good day.

Gary has applied for a grant to photograph environmental or humanitarian situations, so he's off to the tornado stricken area today to see about getting some photos to include in his proposal. Sure hope he gets it, it's $5K! I'll keep you posted

Jeff and Tess went to Vegas this weekend while their bathroom gets remodeled. Nice, huh?  Well, apparently their luggage didn't want to go to Sin City, so we'll see what happens there.

I think it's time to clean out the garage. Gary will be over the moon thrilled when I bring it up. I'm happy to drive the truck to the dump, I just need him to help me fill it up.

Well, there you are. Exciting, huh?



Brenda R.
on 3/12/10 11:24 pm - Portage, IN
Hey Susan, Bill does the "circle dance" too. I only dance with him every blue gets boring and speak of dizzy...oh dear!

At least I know that Bill wasn't the only student at the School of Circle Dancing.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jo W.
on 3/12/10 8:55 pm - Owosso, MI
Good MOring off
 First off   still have prayers heading up  for all those who are in need of them.  In  my day to day wanderings  I think if you folk here often.  We are heading up home to take my stepdad home for the weekend for church  and his bowling.  he bowls sat afternoon and  Monday afternoon.   So its easy to help him keep up with normal activities  even though it is a long drive twice a week.   MOst times family meet us half way to lessen the trip for us.  He soon will be staying home for golf season.
Still looking forward to  our MIami trip.  4 more sleeps!    Our friends are looking forward to our visit as much as we are.   NOt doing  the disney thing  just want to see some of fla.  
Hope all have a great day and a good weekend.
on 3/12/10 9:05 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

It's Saturday.  When I showered I tugged on my hair and no more came out.  Not sure why mainly the front and right side came out.  The hairdresser did a good job of evening it out.  But if you look really close you can see that the right and front are mostly 'comb overs'.  But she had little to work with.

Today, our DIL and one grandson are going to Costco with us.  It is an hour away.  I love Cstco.  So much cleaner and better than Sam's. The grandson that is going with us spent the night.  He should be gettin' up soon and wanting breakfast.  I heard him go into the bathroom awhile ago, but then back into his room.  Not sure when we are leaving.  Our DIL is driving, cause she has a huge Suburban and if we are gonna 'stock up' we need lots of space!

The weather has turned really nice this week.  I don't even mind the rain as much, if it is warm and feels like Spring.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight!

Have a fantabulous day.

Grammylew in Jax


Connie D.
on 3/12/10 10:27 pm your new look....very cute!!!

Hugs....connie d
Eileen Briesch
on 3/12/10 10:52 pm - Evansville, IN
Such a cute new look!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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