dehydration is not a good thing
Well I'm definately dehydrated. One of the nurses I work with came over yesterday and checked my skin turgor. She didn't really have to, because I did it myself and knew I was dehydrated. The underside of my forearms is really wrinkled and weird looking. I got in 100oz of liquids yesterday. After 16 oz I felt better and not so weak and shaky. Called the surgeon's office. They told me if I didn't feel better today to go to the ER and get on IVs. Well, I felt the same way this morning, but that's after only drinking a little during the night when I got up to pee. At least I had to pee, so that was a good sign. I'm sipping on a protein drink right now and still feeling somewhat shaky while sitting down.
I've got to get this taken care of! We leave Thursday for Illinois to visit my parents and to celebrate my Mom's 80th bd. We're having a big party for her. Rented the community building. Cake, punch and chocolate fountain with fruit. She loves lavendar, so we are decorating in lavendar, white "pearls" (her name is Pearl) and silver. The chocolate fountain will have lavendar tinted white chocolate flowing through. The tables will each have lavendar flower pots. She found a new blouse to wear in the same color. She's just like a kid in a candy shop about this party. Every one of their kids, grandkids and great grand kids will be there. And that's a LOT.
Kids: 6 of us (includes spouses) We're in Iowa, the others are in Ilinois
Grandkids: 20: Will be there from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Washington DC
Greats: 25: IA, IL, IN, MD
53 total including Mom & Dad
In our family everyone is loved the same-regardless of blood. (with the exception of 1 "grandson" HA - but he's TREATED the same anyway) In a family this size, it's amazing that there's only one that most of us don't like. The reason for that is the way he treats our niece and how he flirts with every other female in the room in front of her.
Of course, lots of extended family - cousins, nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. I have a cousin who will fly in from Florida. Mom is so thrilled that Karon is coming. When Mom & Dad spent their winters in Florida, they always spent holidays with Karon and her husband.
Afterwards we will all head over to my brother's house for supper. I sure hope the weather is nice so the kids can play outdoors. They want to have a fire and cook hotdogs and smores. Their home is big, but with that many people, it will be crowded.
We will arrive there on Thursday. I will then tell my parents about the surgery. Friday is when everyone who lives out of state will be arriving. The party is Saturday. Then we'll head home Sunday morning. We and our kids are staying in a hotel. My aunt offered to have us stay there, but with only 1 bathroom, we decided a hotel would be better in the long run.
Well I've rambled on and on haven't I. Got to get busy drinking.
I've got to get this taken care of! We leave Thursday for Illinois to visit my parents and to celebrate my Mom's 80th bd. We're having a big party for her. Rented the community building. Cake, punch and chocolate fountain with fruit. She loves lavendar, so we are decorating in lavendar, white "pearls" (her name is Pearl) and silver. The chocolate fountain will have lavendar tinted white chocolate flowing through. The tables will each have lavendar flower pots. She found a new blouse to wear in the same color. She's just like a kid in a candy shop about this party. Every one of their kids, grandkids and great grand kids will be there. And that's a LOT.
Kids: 6 of us (includes spouses) We're in Iowa, the others are in Ilinois
Grandkids: 20: Will be there from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Washington DC
Greats: 25: IA, IL, IN, MD
53 total including Mom & Dad
In our family everyone is loved the same-regardless of blood. (with the exception of 1 "grandson" HA - but he's TREATED the same anyway) In a family this size, it's amazing that there's only one that most of us don't like. The reason for that is the way he treats our niece and how he flirts with every other female in the room in front of her.
Of course, lots of extended family - cousins, nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. I have a cousin who will fly in from Florida. Mom is so thrilled that Karon is coming. When Mom & Dad spent their winters in Florida, they always spent holidays with Karon and her husband.
Afterwards we will all head over to my brother's house for supper. I sure hope the weather is nice so the kids can play outdoors. They want to have a fire and cook hotdogs and smores. Their home is big, but with that many people, it will be crowded.
We will arrive there on Thursday. I will then tell my parents about the surgery. Friday is when everyone who lives out of state will be arriving. The party is Saturday. Then we'll head home Sunday morning. We and our kids are staying in a hotel. My aunt offered to have us stay there, but with only 1 bathroom, we decided a hotel would be better in the long run.
Well I've rambled on and on haven't I. Got to get busy drinking.
Hi Wanda,
This caught my eyes...Got to get busy drinking.
I hope that is JUST water. lol
Sounds like you have a wonderful family and the get together for your moms birthday sounds fun. I also think the decorations sound beautiful. Have fun!
As far as the drinking, I keep a large glass of water or crystal lite on my counter. Everytime I walk by I take a sip..
Have fun and take care of yourself
This caught my eyes...Got to get busy drinking.
I hope that is JUST water. lol
Sounds like you have a wonderful family and the get together for your moms birthday sounds fun. I also think the decorations sound beautiful. Have fun!
As far as the drinking, I keep a large glass of water or crystal lite on my counter. Everytime I walk by I take a sip..
Have fun and take care of yourself
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

(deactivated member)
on 3/13/10 5:55 am
on 3/13/10 5:55 am
I'm praying for you. Please drink drink drink and then drink some more and don't be stubbonr about going to the ER. What's a trip to the ER after all you've already been through. I know you don't want to miss your mom's party. One night in the Er may just do the trick.
I'm praying for you. Please drink drink drink and then drink some more and don't be stubbonr about going to the ER. What's a trip to the ER after all you've already been through. I know you don't want to miss your mom's party. One night in the Er may just do the trick.