OK , OK. It's Friday - You can cheer all you want. what are you gonna do today?
Good Morning Al
Today I am waiting for the cable guy. Won't go into problem it makes me too angry.
I am also trying to arrange a portable oxygen system for my mother in the nursing home so she can have more mobility. Medicare considers this a convenience so it will be self pay. Hope I can afford it.
I have gotten taxes to the CPA so I am buried in paper work storing 2009 documents and setting up for 2010. since it is March I have a lot of paper to file once it is set up.
Tonight I am going to the rodeo and again tomorrow. Candy....you must come down next year and see real cowboys in action. Unfortunately they range in age from 18 to 28 or so with a few oldies(40 being the eldest and rare) in the mix. It is warmer this year than last so I won't have to wear a heavy coat. Much nicer.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
It is FRIDAY!!!!! What can I say that is better than that? I hope that everyone has a wonderful one and an even more wonderful week end!
Nothing much is happening around here. Yesterday I couldn't do anything but sleep. I would get up for a few minutes and sit and then I said that I was going to lay down for a bit. Well...most of the day was like that. I know that it was my headache since I had one all day yesterday. I really think that this place has mold. I know that Trudy is moving to another apartment because she has black mold and the manager (her wonderful daughter) told her that there was other ones that had it too. I have had a lot of problems with the headaches and colds and so has Bill for a long time. Just another reason that I am so glad to me moving.
Well...Bill got his truck. He had been talking to his cousins daughter and they started talking about how she liked his car and he liked his truck. Then they got the amazing idea about trading. Now yesterday it came to be. Now Bill is out to the junk yard to get the drivers side outside rear view mirror. It is costing $10 and Bill takes it off. No problem since it just one that you adjust with your hand. He is happy and took me out for a bit of a ride yesterday and it seems like a nice one. He is happy and had wanted a truck for about the last 15 years. So now I am happy since I won't be hearing about a truck anymore.....thank God!
I should do some packing today but I am just not in the mood for it.I guess I don't have to like it but I need to do some of it anyway so that is going to win out in the head fight of mine. I just have to keep thinking of the end and moving away and finally being home again. I am so excited about that. Everything is gone fine with the apartment and has gone through. Now they are just working on getting us a downstairs apartment but if we have to have one on the second floor for a year that isn't a problem. It would just be so much easier if we could move one time and that be it. This way it is going to be a double move before settling down for good. Well, it is what it is and nothing is going to change it...so I shall leave the results up to God.
I better get going. I have to take a shower and start being among the living. I am sending love and hugs to all. I am keeping prayers and good thoughts for everyone too. Have a great day.....and smile pretty!!!
Nothing much is happening around here. Yesterday I couldn't do anything but sleep. I would get up for a few minutes and sit and then I said that I was going to lay down for a bit. Well...most of the day was like that. I know that it was my headache since I had one all day yesterday. I really think that this place has mold. I know that Trudy is moving to another apartment because she has black mold and the manager (her wonderful daughter) told her that there was other ones that had it too. I have had a lot of problems with the headaches and colds and so has Bill for a long time. Just another reason that I am so glad to me moving.
Well...Bill got his truck. He had been talking to his cousins daughter and they started talking about how she liked his car and he liked his truck. Then they got the amazing idea about trading. Now yesterday it came to be. Now Bill is out to the junk yard to get the drivers side outside rear view mirror. It is costing $10 and Bill takes it off. No problem since it just one that you adjust with your hand. He is happy and took me out for a bit of a ride yesterday and it seems like a nice one. He is happy and had wanted a truck for about the last 15 years. So now I am happy since I won't be hearing about a truck anymore.....thank God!
I should do some packing today but I am just not in the mood for it.I guess I don't have to like it but I need to do some of it anyway so that is going to win out in the head fight of mine. I just have to keep thinking of the end and moving away and finally being home again. I am so excited about that. Everything is gone fine with the apartment and has gone through. Now they are just working on getting us a downstairs apartment but if we have to have one on the second floor for a year that isn't a problem. It would just be so much easier if we could move one time and that be it. This way it is going to be a double move before settling down for good. Well, it is what it is and nothing is going to change it...so I shall leave the results up to God.
I better get going. I have to take a shower and start being among the living. I am sending love and hugs to all. I am keeping prayers and good thoughts for everyone too. Have a great day.....and smile pretty!!!