OK , OK. It's Friday - You can cheer all you want. what are you gonna do today?
Mary, please urge your sister to seek some help. She's going through some tough times.
It's gloomy and rainy here in West Michigan this morning. It's already 50 degrees, though, although it doesn't feel like it. I'm cold. I want to go to the pool this afternoon. I may have to force myself out the door.
I spent a good deal of yesterday adding software to my computer. It was the extra stuff that came with the computer, plus stuff from my old computer. Now it's all set. The one thing, the PC Mover, didn't work and I had to contact support (via Web chat). My error message: "Needs elevation." Huh? Well, the support rep helped me out. Moving the files took a long time, but it was kinda neat. I may remove some of the games; I don't know how often I'll use those.
Well, not much more for me. I'm just hanging around here today. Have a good day.
Michael is doing SO well on his pureed diet and is already losing weight. He is back on his regular schedule pretty much and seems encouraged.
I'm planning a low key weekend, coffee with the group and a bit of shopping. I will have another knitting lesson with my friend Kim on Sunday and maybe go to the yarn store together, too. Otherwise, not much going on and after the two last weeks - busy at work and with Michael - I'm looking forward to some R & R.
Sorry for the scary and difficult things some of you are facing, and I will keep you in my heart this morning.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Morning All!
Mary, I am so sorry that there is a lot of stuff going on in your family that is not so wonderful, but hopefully, as my life goes, the cycle will end soon and brighter, happier times are on the other side of this cycle. . .
So, it's grey, cloudy, raining and promising to rain like a monsoon for the next day or so, but it could be worse, it could be 3 or more feet of snow, so hopefully my basement won't flood (it's a Jersey thing, which is why most older homes have sump pumps), so I'll do stuff around the house, I'll go and treat myself to a manicure and pedicure since next Friday night, right after work I am flying down to Florida for Sammi's 12th Birthday and to celebrate my Angela's new career, but most of what I need to do is clean house, as in really go through, fill bags and get rid of stuff that is no longer of use to me and therefore make it possible to do some of the jobs that need doing when the weather is nicer, like finish painting interior of house, waterproofing the new deck as well as the old one and waterproofing my back basement wall, oh the joys of home ownership (lol). . . anyway, those are some of what I plan to do, then Sunday, I invited my son and his wife for Corned Beef and Cabbage, which I went food shopping for last night after my AA meeting, matter of fact I think I'll cook it tomorrow so that by Sunday it won't smell as bad (lol).
I took Foxie Roxie to the vets last night to get her nails clipped, as she won't let me do it, but I think part of that is my fear of doing it, dogs with black nails are harder to trim, anyway, she is such a darling, wanted to play with all the other dogs in the waiting room, which is a new thing for me, as I would have had to keep Dillinger in the car away from all the other animals, sometimes I wonder if she really is a Rottweiler or just looks like one (lol). . . I could see the people looking at her, expecting some other type of behavior from her and gradually warm up to her as they saw what a wonderful personality she has, oh and Sunday my grandchildren will meet her for the first time, another reason I made sure her nails were clipped, it should be an interesting day at my house on Sunday, my granddaughter has been wanting to meet Roxie since she found out I got her, but her parents have been hesitant, but I think my DIL, having met her briefly, is a little more open to the idea, so stay tuned for that story. Roxie was raised with 6 children (in addition to 2 other dogs), so I fully expect her to be very happy to have the kids around her. . . ok, enough blabbering about my life. . .
Hope you all have a good weekend and for those of you dealing with challenging life situations, I wish you peace and strength to get through them.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Mary....I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Such a hard time for all of you.
I am glad you feel like you can share with us...we are your friends and one heck of a family here on OFF.
I don't work today...I plan on relaxing and finish the book
I have been reading. It is rainy and cloudy again today....5 days now....I really need to see some sunshine!!
Tomorrow we plan on going to a St Patrick's Day parade and event. There are always about 5000 people there from all over. However, they are predicting SNOW and cold.....if I go I will have to stay inside...I don't want to get pneumonia!!!
I hope you all have a really nice day. I know many of you are having hard time but I hope you can find some good along the way.
Prayers and good wishes for you all.
Love and hugs ......connie d
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
Your sister needs to know that your nephew needs her right now. He needs support from family.
I hope all works out well for him. Please let me know how it goes.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
It's a rainy chilly morning but I don't mind. It's still warmer than it was a week ago *and* it's not snowing! :)
(((Mary))) I'm sorry about the family stress, it never seems to end with our families does it? If it's not one person it's someone else. :P With me, if it's not TB's pain, then it's my mom's issues. Luckily, we (my brother, husband, kids, cousins & I) hang tough together and having support is so important! I know from experience how much it helps to talk.
So as for what I'm doing today--
so far I dropped my daughter off at her new job. She's training in the deli/fish dept at Acme. I'm really glad she's not cashiering. Also picked up like 6 corned beef roasts, ROFL. They're on *sale* and we all love love love corned beef!
I volunteered to do a mailing thing for the American Diabetes Assn and so stopped at the post office to pick up more stamps.
Now all that "excitement"'s over I'm biding time until my appt with my surgeon. It's coming up on a year since I had my DS!
Nothing else special today so I'm going to go have some lunch.
have a fantastical Friday everyone!

I just got home from work. I was supposed to work from 9am to 2pm but they asked me to leave and come back at 1pm and work till 1130pm, I gues Ill get no rest for the wicked!!!!!
It is raining to beat the band here. I think I am in Noahs arch!!!!!
Karen I hope erin is ok. I have a dodge ram too and I feel very safe in that truck.
Well I need to leave again soon as I have no gas in my car and need to go and fill it.