OK , OK. It's Friday - You can cheer all you want. what are you gonna do today?
Mary I'm sorry so much negative stuff is happening in your family. Its hard to deal with so much. my prayers are with you.
I'm having some negative days myself. I saw my PCP yesterday and have been put back on "ALL" of my blood pressure meds. Guess its just heredity, not the parathyroid that's been causing my problems. She also said the lack of one med. is what is causing an increase in hypoglycemia and dumping. (The med. not only helps with BP, but slows down your digestion of food..hence no dumping, less hypoglycemia.) I know its for the best,,,but I feel so defeated.
I did the surgery to help with all of these comorbidities and ..I still have them. I'm thin, I'm healthier, but, I still have them.
Being off the BP meds also causes a lot of edema, and I've gained 4 pounds this week...guess its fluid and the hypoglycemia.
"Well enough whining from me...Need to hurry and get myself to school. I have 7 kids waiting for my individual attention today.
have a great week end.
Today I have to fend for myself, Mary won't be home when I get up. But I really don't have to fend for myself much. She already made my breakfast and lunch and has them in containers in the fridge. That gal is all right.
Almost time to go home and get some sleep.
I haven't posted much lately, and trying to stay on top of things as best I can. It's raining and supposed to rain all weekend. Hopefully, it will melt the rest of the snow but at least we can see grass now - YAY! I'm so ready for spring. I can't wait to get outside and plant some flowers, especially now that I can move around so much better. I'm looking forward to a great spring and summer. I've been doing 40 minutes per day on the treadmill and feel really great. Thank God for my RNY and good health right now.
Mary -- I'm so sorry about your family issues right now. I can imagine how upsetting all of this is. Hope things get better soon.
Karen -- Oh my gosh, I'm so thankful that your daughter and baby are fine, and hope her passenger will be okay.
Marcy -- Hope you start to feeling better soon.
George -- Mary sounds like a real sweetheart.
Well have a great weekend everyone!
I'm happy it's Friday but it's foggy here in Kalamazoo this morning. I miss the sunshine. Next week it's suppose to be sunny so I do have something to look forward to.
Prayers and hugs for all of you in need. Seems like just life happens to us doesn't it?
We need to rise above all the crap and plant some seeds of happiness!
I'm babysitting the grand kids tonight. Their mom is singing at a gig. I hope she has fun. Right now she just doesn't want to go, she is 6 mths. pregnant and feels fat. But she is not, just preggo and does look like it. She looks beautiful. Ever notice when someone you are close to is pregnant then all you see is pregnant women? I sure do????!!!
Loulabelle will be born in July.
I'm going to a birthday party for one of my volunteer/friend. She will be 80 and doesn't look it or act like it. Isla is full of spit and vinegar and I wanna be just like her when I'm 80! Age indeed is just a number. At age 80 she still makes a difference in others lives. She lives by herself with her 2 dogs and volunteers at the hospital and 3 nursing homes, playing piano and getting their feet a tapping to the music. Isla is one of my mentors. She just glows!
Morning, Mary Margaret, and all:
Prayers for peace in your family MM, God can do wonderful things. I am thinking of you.
Karen, so glad your daughter and the baby are ok.....trucks sure can be replaced, people can't. Hope her friend will be ok soon. I envy you spending time with your grands.....wish I had some to love on.
The foot is coming along - just very slowly. I can now start trying to get the foot into a regular shoe -- it's still somewhat swollen, but I keep trying. Also as I feel okay with it, I can transition to a cane instead of the rolling walker. I also will start wearing a lightweight compression stocking as soon as they arrive at the medical supply store, hopefully today. Back to Doc in two weeks -- he said he expects me to come in "dancing" -- he's nuts!!!
Off to work shortly -- this is my second week back and I am so glad to be out and about. They come pick me up and return me home at the end of my shift.....I'm still not driving, but hopefully soon.
Our snow is almost gone and the grass is starting to green a little. I have tulips up 3 or 4 inches! More rain tomorrow and a little Sunday, then next week looks fantastic.
Have a good friday.......good thoughts and prayers continue for all my friends on OFF.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning, ya'll.
Yep it's Friday. Tomorrow Dh and I and our DIL are making a trip to Costco. It's an hour away. We'll take her Suburban and big ice chest. We LOVE Costco! I can spend $1000 there easily in one trip. That's why we only go once a year or so!
Well, the hairdresser did a pretty good job on my hair yesterday. It looks a little like Jamie Lee Curtis, I think. If no more falls out, it should be OK. I haven't taken my shower yet this AM. Hopefully while shampooing it will all stay in my head. Yesterday it was mostly the front and right side that came out. Some in the back.
Mary - I am so sorry for all the family stuff that is going on in your life right now. I hope it all gets better. Go ahead and vent. That is the beauty of this place. We all care and don't mind 'listening'. We know when it's 'our turn' you will all listen to us and understand.
Karen - OMG!! Thank the Lord your family is OK. I hope the passenger makes a speedy recovery. There is definately something to be said for having a large amount of metal around you for protection. Those bitty 'plastic' cars just crumble.
Well, I gotta go and get my shower and off to WM. I need a mailing tube so I can send my grandson's broken bat back. I hope they will replace it again. He just got it back 30 days ago. I think they replaced his defective bat with another defective bat. You'd think when they pay $300 for a bat it would last awhile.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
No weekend plans. I hope to have enough strength to do a little housework. With resting in between, maybe I'll be able to.
Have a great weekend!