OK , OK. It's Friday - You can cheer all you want. what are you gonna do today?
I was up early so I thought I would start the thread and drink my coffee.
I am glad it is Friday,. They say it is going to be 70 degree's here today WOW , going to go out and sit in the sun and start my suntan..lol
Nothing too much here, made doctor appointments for my sister. Three days of them next week. One even on St Patricks Day. Bummer..
Talked to my dad and he is so upset about all of this mess with my nephew and sister that he started crying yesterday on the phone. I guess my sister called him and claimed she was going to commit suicide. My father was so upset, She never tells me that, I don't know why she called and upset him.
There is nothing anyone can do for my nephew right now. He gets arraigned this morning. I hope they assign him a public defender today. He still doesn't have a lawyer.
I know I seem to talk about this family situation but it helps me vent a little. If I told you everything, you would think it was a book.
Well.. sorry to bring the first note of the day a downer...
Prayers to al.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thank goodness for big gas guzzling trucks!!!! Thursday at 6am our daughter and grand baby to be were involved in a nasty wreck on I-5 in downtown Seattle. Erin was on her way to work. She was in the carpool lane with a passenger going about 55. It was raining. A city dump truck started hydroplaning and slid over in front of her. She had nowhere to go and ended up hitting the guard rail and the truck. The Dodge Ram (hubby's one year old "baby") was totaled. Erin spent the night in the hospital for observation. Both she and baby appear to be fine tho sore. Her passenger had to have her spleen and gallbladder removed.
I think we are very lucky that they were in that heavy duty truck and not the much smaller car that she sold a few weeks ago. Of course one finds themselves second guessing. "What if this and what if that?" I'm just oh so thankful that they are ok. So. . . we're back in Chehalis for the weekend which we had planned anyway. Just arrived a day early. Josh spent the night up in Seattle with Erin and we had twin duty.
At 2 they are just so much fun. And what little angels last nigh****ched Laurie Buckner's "Five days old" their favorite video. If you have wee ones her band and videos are wonderful. When the line "I'm gettin' tired" comes on they lay down on the floor and pretend to go to sleep. You can google her band and catch some of the songs. We love them! I got up for a potty break and ended up folding a load of laundry and changing Erin and Josh's bed. I'm sure her own bed will feel wonderful after a night in the hospital. She felt so bad about the totaled truck. Everyone has told her that trucks are easily replaced.Back to bed to try and catch some zzzzzz.
Karen C
So glad that your daughter is doing well, in spite of what must have been a very scary time for her, glad her passenger also will be ok, despite having to have some organs removed. . . sheesh, life changes in a second.
Hugs to you and the family. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland