WOW! it's Wednesday- What's new?
just a quick fly by...
10 years ago this afternoon, i spoke to my birthmom for the first time!!!!! whoooooooooo hooooooo what a ride these ten years have been !!!! this morning, i'm taking a pretty "happy anniversary" mylar and this afternoon we are going for an early supper then to the historical society mtg together ( as new members?)
but first- i have to get ready for work- michael is going with me this morning - to meet what's left of my dwindling crew- and the word is that we may lose one or two of the three of us before weeks' end...ouch! ...well- as kathi b would say--it is what it is......
hugs and prayers!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Margo, what a wonderful story about your mom. I am glad that it turned out well for you. So many people have bad experiences.
I don't know if I am going to my sisters again today. I have a lot of things to do myself. I have to go grocery shopping, which I hate anymore because everything is so expensive. I wonder if I should get a BJ's card or something else. Is it worth it? I live so far from any of them, I probably spend more gas to and from and use any discounts I might
I really don't have much to say today. God, that is unusual.
Been up since 4... ugh. All I have been doing is writing and checking my favorite web sites.. Well not the whole time, but for most of it.
Ok, enough of my babble...
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

weather here for the past 12 days has been sunshine , 68 to 70 degrees and beautiful weather. today is starting out sort of cloudy with the forcast of rain but so far nothing. guess in every life a little rain must fall and besides it will be good on my seeds i have planted already. we planted
green onions sets, beets, carrots , lettuce and snow peas two days ago. will have good stuff growing again soon. yummy. Have got to learn more about how to seal juicy veggies in my seal a just pulls the juice up and wont let it seal right...anyone know how? do you use bigger baggies than usual or what?
Today will go pick up paycheck and have nursing meeting before can get checks....good grief this DON and her meetings.
Have to do a lot of running after that so better get the chickens fed and watered, dog fed and watered. Husband fed and watered lol and my own protein coffee downed....and vits taken.
love and hugs
Margo I think it is just wonderful that you found your birth mom.Have a terrific time together today!
As for me....this nasty cold is trying to take hold of me again. I took meds and ended up in bed at 8:00 last night. i am feeling a little better today.
I went down to my St Paul office yesterday. They needed to up[date my work laptop computer. My daughter met me and we had lunch together. I enjoyed that so much.
Today at 2:00 is my dental appointment. No big deal just a cleaning and check up.
I best get back to work. Have a great day everyone!!
Prayers for all in need.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
I think that it is great that you met your birth Mom and have such a good time together. My dear niece is adopted and she at one time voiced a desire to meet hers but now that she is a bit older I haven't heard much about it for a while. She became a part of us when she was 6 weeks old. She was a high risk adoption because her birth Father never signed the rights away. He never even made a move to find out if she was a girl or boy or whatnot. I figure that his loss is my gain and that is a trillion fold. To me my little (not so much anymore...she is going to be 30 on time flies!) Autumn Elisey my favorite little neicey is the greatest thing to hit the world! She came to our family on Christmas Eve and my sister and BIL named her Autumn Elise before they even knew she was going to be ours. I guess that just goes to show that it was meant to be. Well....enough about this and on to other things.
The weather was so nice the 50's and I didn't wear my winter coat all day either. I dare to hope that spring is on the way for real now. How is the weather where everyone else is? But this being the NW corner of Indiana and a couple of miles for Lake Michigan in a day or two we could wake up to a winter storm with a gazillion feet of "lake effect". I get so tired of shoveling the lake from my sidewalks. With all the blizzards there shouldn't be any water left in the lake. That is how I see things....right or not!
I am sitting here watching Morning Joe on msnbc. I use to watch them every morning and then got out of it. I turned it on today and I don't see the fascination that I did then. How we change during the daily living of our life.
I guess I should get going. I am going to try to lay down for a bit and maybe if I try hard enough some sleep might come to me....oh I do so hope! I am getting a headache since I was been up for so long. I guess my body is getting use to the insomnia being gone. Either that or it is working on having it again....dear oh dear!
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers and good thoughts are going for everyone too. Have a great hump day and know that it won't be long now before it is the week end.
Work has gotten crazy. Our owner fell out of a tree over the weekend and dislocated her elbow, now she can't work for 3-4 weeks. She's very busy with lots of clients to be taken care of. We have a newer stylist who works with us, a darling 26 yr old who is very good, but new to the salon without a lot of business. My books have been terrible lately and was hoping that by offering my help to Vickie she'd send me some of her business. Well, she's given the bulk to Abby, who, frankly is the darling of the salon. That sounds catty, and I think she's great, and very sweet, too, but golly! I'm sitting there knitting or playing solitaire while Abby is getting all the work. I was pretty bent yesterday, and even Abby said she couldn't handle a work load that "seasoned" stylists can, and didn't feel comfortable taking all of Vickie's clients while I had nothing to do. Thank goodness someone is aware of my situation.
After about two hours of it I told Vickie that since I had a 5 hour break in my day and they obviously didn't need me, I was going home. I guess she got the message because she started funneling things my way. Of course they are the 5:30 and 6:00 after work clientele that Abby doesn't want to stay for, but at least it's $$ coming in. AGHHHHHHHHHH Maybe I'm just too sensitive?
Thanks for letting me vent. Now it's time to go get ready for another day. Love and hugs to one and all!
I'd stop making meals for Vickie. But that's just me....
Maybe you could trade her some homemade soup for some appointments?
Just a thought. I guess I'm kidding. I guess.....
Maybe the owner is afraid the customers would continue with you after she comes back, so she's giving them to the new kid to avoid the possibility.
Just one more way my twisted little mind works.
I'm a sap, can't help it. The young gal saw what was going on and she wanted to hand some off to me, but I told her not unless she told Vickie that the load was too much for her. Also, she's moving next week, so she won't even be there for a few days. I'll get my hooks on some of these folks, believe me!
I doubt you are being sensitive, think it more likely that the owner is being insensitive, but in all likelihood, Candy hit it on the nail, when she said that perhaps you are the better hairstylist and she is afraid you would take some of her clients away. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland