Exercise - Let's get moving......Tuesday

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/10 11:42 pm, edited 3/8/10 11:43 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I got up early and had a fantastic walk.,

Buddy (my schnauzer) had a grooming appointment (I have not had a haircut in many months, the dog now that is another story...lol) so we walked to the shop.  It's not too far from the house so I decided it to give it a try.  We had to cross a BUSY 6 lane road but there are pedestrian cross walks and lights so we did ok. 

I'm just thrilled with myself that I got up early enough to do it and it was much better than walking at 11am in the blazing sun.  Sooooo my goal is to get up and out tomorrow morning by 7:30 am.

Does anyone else do a daily walk?  Do you track your steps with a pedometer?  Want to have a contest or make it a challenge??

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Karen The Papaya

on 3/9/10 1:34 am - somewhere
I did 15 mins on the elliptical and then tortured my thighs even further with 15 mins of leg presses....

I have a little dog, but the only cardio exercise the hubby gets is walking the dog.... so I stick to the elliptical or the bike at the gym.....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 3/9/10 9:49 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I've never tried the Elliptical machine....is it very difficult?  I'm looking for a good leg workout.
Karen The Papaya

on 3/9/10 7:55 pm - somewhere
I was doing over an hour on the treadmill at the steepest incline and fastest pace I could walk without actually running when I decided I needed something else.... when I switched to the elliptical it was all I could do to keep up the pace for a minute or two at a time..... now I can do 30 mins non-stop at different inclines and/or progam levels... I've never tried to do more than 30 mins at a time, but I probably could....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 3/9/10 1:46 am - Shelbyville, MI
I walk every day. Just returned from a walk. Will walk later tonight when I get home....but I hate the mud!! The snow is melting and I can't wait for summer.

Had a great workout yesterday a****er aerobics. Meg did a nice job and my heart rate was up the majority of the time. I worked out in the pool for 30 minutes before class started also. Worked with 5 pd weights in each hand and worked those arms!!
My angel wings are still there but my arms sure have definition and the hanging skin under my arms is getting less and less. Yes, I know I will always have the skin there but I'm praying the skin shrinks more.
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/10 9:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WOW girl you work out a lot!  How do you find the time and the energy??
I think I'd like to add a second walk each day maybe around 7pm before the sun goes down but I always seem to be fixing dinner around that time.  After dinner I just like to settle down for the night either working on the PC, reading a book, or watching tv.  What time do you do your walk at night?
on 3/9/10 9:06 pm - Shelbyville, MI
I will walk in the evening around 7pm. Just reruns on TV or Wheel of Fortune! LOL
I walk around the hospital where I work inside and out.
After work I go to the gym. I use to work out about 3 hours a day total but have found more "balance" in my life.

Today it's all out cardio water aerobics. I get there a half hour early and work on weights for my arms. Walking "destresses" me. If I don't get my evening walk in it's all good because I have all ready had at least one hour of exercise if not more.

I can't wait to get my bike out and ride. I enjoy summer the most. We have lots of trails here in Michigan and I live in the country so a ride around the block for me is about 4 miles.
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/10 10:15 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I wish I had a nice bike trail here.  I recently looked at a house and actually told Matthew I'd consider moving there because it has a nice bike route.  He thinks I'm nuts....
on 3/9/10 10:21 pm - Shelbyville, MI
You are not nuts...just embraced lifestyle change that included exercise.
I had a house in Portage with lots of trails. They were beautiful and you could just ride and ride and be safe. Now I ride in the country and sometimes have to endure manure smells! LOL
Part of it's farming country, some dairy but I sure do love the country life.

Next winter I think I will take up snow shoeing. I have never tried it but my GF likes it
(deactivated member)
on 3/10/10 7:42 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
If the weather is nice tomorrow morning  I'd love to go for a bike ride but then I can't take Buddy boy with me and he's enjoying our morning walk (and it's good for him too).
But I know that I will not be able to ride the bike for at least 3 months after my surgery in 2 weeks so I'm tempted to get in as much riding as I can before surgery.  I could always go for a walk with Buddy around 6:30 as the sun is going down....
I'll see how the weather is in the morning....I'm going to the garage to check the tires just in case. 

Have a good night!!
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