OT: Message from Marylyn
I got this message back from Marylyn from GA. She lost her husband last year and has been suffering from depression and also a sense of failure with some weight gain. I had sent her a PM to let her know I was thinking of her. She replied and asked that I post this message. She is seeking help on both issues and sounds like she is doing better. Still has a ways to go but definitely sounds like she is feeling a bit better and also in better control of her eating. She said she reads OFF each day but just hasn't felt like posting. I think there are a lot of "Marylyns" out there. OFF is a safe place to come to whether one posts often, seldom or not at all. Marylyn, we are here for you. Please continue to let us know how you are doing. We care.
Karen C
(((marylyn)))...post whenever you want to!!!
hugs and special prayers.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Marylyn, I just want you to know that you are safe and cared for here. Sometimes just coming on board and reading is the best that you can do but do know that we are here for you always. You are a part of us always. I am sending you love and hugs, sweetie.
On my solo trip three years ago I was just bursting with new found energy and my sense of adventure was much stronger than my common sense! I rented a car in St. Louis and took off south and east ending up in Savannah, GA with Pat B before turning back towards Missouri. When I came through Georgia Marylyn and Chris M met me for lunch in Rome! What a fun couple of hours we had. Nothing like that face to face with one of "us." Sure hope Marylyn sees these messages.
Karen C