Exercise - Let's get moving......Monday

(deactivated member)
on 3/7/10 8:54 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Monday Monday and I have not gotten moving yet.  I woke up at 5am rolled over wanting another 30 mins.....next thing I knew it was almost 7:30!     
I'll be doing my cardio walk around 10 or 11am.
How about you, got any exercise planned for today?
on 3/7/10 9:06 pm - Shelbyville, MI
It's all out cardio water aerobics after work today! We gotta move to looooooose that weight!
The sun is shining in Michigan...I'm also going for a walk during my lunch break!
(deactivated member)
on 3/7/10 9:33 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good Morning!
And we need to stick with working out after losing the pounds so we can maintain lose.  I've always felt maintenance is when the really hard work starts.  I've lost lots of weight a few times in my life but this is the first and only time I have kept it off after hitting goal.

Anyhow, enjoy your time in the water.  Do you go to a YMCA or something like that?  I'm not brave enough to do it with my saggy baggy thighs...maybe next year after my plastic surgery is all done.

Have a great day!
on 3/7/10 9:38 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Everyone!

Hmm.. I am going to be cleaning a lot and washing cupbards.  I think that is some excercise.  I have been under the weather yesterday and today.  So cold...  I think I won't be able to go outside because I can't warm up.

I will try the best I can


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


(deactivated member)
on 3/7/10 10:51 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Housework sure does count...it burns calories too.  There are some websites that will tell you how many calories you burn with each chore.

Hope you are feeling better....stay warm
on 3/7/10 9:43 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Ahhhhh moosie....
I have decided long ago not to let what others think of my body. I just don't care at age 54. Thank God because I have embaced my belly and with exercise it's not too bad and hubby doesn't mind. My angel wings are forever going to be with me and my shar pai thighs are getting toned. Yep I have skin but I'd rather deal with skin than fat. And it's just skin...not fat.
I would have plastic surgery in a minute if I could afford it but that's just not going to happen.

I go to the Borgess Gym, it's just down the road from where I work.
When you heal up you should just "brave it out" and go in the water at your gym.

I did have a moment last week where a mom and her young girl were changing after daughter's swim class. Her eye level was right at my belly and she kept staring...I didn't notice but her mom did as she was down on her knees getting her daughter dressed. She told Lexi to quit staring at me.,...and she said "but mommy she has a belly"...I started laughing cuz kids tell the truth for sure! I said "I sure do, and there is no baby in this belly either"...I use to be really really fluffy but I'm deflating cuz I lost a lot of weight"...now mommy is turing bright red so I take a teaching moment with this child. I explained all people are different sized and wouldn't the world be boring if we were all the same size and shape? Why...pretty soon you are going to be taller and you will be changing too!

I think mommy had a "fat phobia" to begin with. Yep...I love teaching moments. Out of the mouth of babes!
Come to think of it....I would love a tummy tuck! LOL
(deactivated member)
on 3/7/10 11:00 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks for the teaching moment.  I really should not care if anyone doesn't like my wiggly thighs.  This fear actually goes very deep within me.....from childhood I was always afraid people were laughing at me or talking about it....something I've been working on overcoming. Bet you didn't know your posting would turn into a therapy session for me....LOL!!!!   There will always be something I (we all) don't like about our bodies.  Even though I'll have had plastic surgery I am no longer self-conscience about the fat but the scars.  Had to decide which I wanted less and I opted for the scars but I am worried about how visible they will after everything has healed.  So I'll make it a personal goal to go to a public pool this time next year (I'll be all healed and will face the fear of showing off my scars).

Thanks for the very though provoking response!  I like a good mental, emotional challenge.
Have a great day!

on 3/7/10 11:52 pm - Shelbyville, MI

There is 2 people in my support group that had their arms done along with tummy tucks.
The scars are fading. They don't wear short sleeves yet but I'm sure they will shortly!

Yes, people would laugh at me also when I was younger. I just held my head up high and if they were stupid enough to say something to my face I would reply "I may be fat and your ugly and I can always lose weight...what you gonna do...have plastic surgery when your older?" That usually stops the comments and if they had friends with them they would laugh at their friend being taken down a peg by the fluffy kid!!!

Words hurt and they stick with you know matter how we handle situations that come up. I've dealt with other people's "fat phobia's" all my life. I'm on the other side of the fence now but I'm still that 300 pd. woman inside, she is part of me and I will never let her go. I cherish her wizeness and being compassionate to all. She will stay with me forever. I never did hate her, I loved her (me) and I always go out of my way for the fluffy people, always. I will open doors and smile and look them in the eye and talk to them. Once in awhile I will have a fluffy person say "why are you talking to me?" or "Aren't you friendly, people don't talk to me" when I ask them why they usually are the type that like to stay "invisible"...No ones invisible when I am around for sure!

Good goal for you to have...Pool time and don't be afraid to show off your scars. Some one asks questions about your scars, take it as a teaching moment. Be proud you have lost weight and exercise. You are my mentor!!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/10 8:58 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm trying to think of them as my "battle scars" like a badge of honor for all I've accomplished.
Thanks so much for the encouragement!!!!
Connie D.
on 3/7/10 11:30 pm
I am going to try my best to get out for a walk today before the rain starts!!!!

Have a nice day...hugs....connie d
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