Hello, everyone!
I'm starting today's thread because I'm still up..waiting for the last load of laundry to dry. JB and I are leaving Sunday (today) for a few weeks...almost three...and are headed somewhere southward seeking sunshine, palm trees and ocean waves. I've been to see Mother yesterday and took her a huge pile of reading, some treats and a pot of tulips that are just in bud...she can watch them grow while I'm gone and guess what colour they will be. Of course Derek will be guarding the old homestead and keep an eye on Mother too.
I've got a series of bags for books & for my swimming gear (suit, shower wrap and flipflops) for my Matrix protein powder and skim milk powder- all in original bags so I can get them over the seems that tiny snack baggies filled with white powder doesnt necessarily compute as milk powder but perhaps something more potent so EVERYTHING has to be in their original containers...including all MEDS!
So I have all my pills & supplements in yet another bag... Another bag filled with my protein bars, baggies of whole almonds, baggies of roasted edamane (soybean) nuts, fibre wafers, calcium chews, Crystal Light sticks... and yet another with my wool and crochet hooks - keeps my hands busy and passes the time as well as being productive.
With all the strange weather, I'm not sure just what to pack but I guess I will be prepared for layering.
We wll be back around March 23, JB has an appointment for tests at the hospital and I need to be re-measured for support legs have really been helped by all the "water jogging" that I've been doing.
Then March 26, we drive up north to a family wedding in Ottawa and then to Quebec to visit family as well.
I'm all psyched up to eat healthy and to swim/workout whenever possible...hoping for WARM indoor pools. : }
I will check back in when we get back!
Stay safe...
Nancy B
Nancy, sounds like you are ready to go! I know you will find the indoor pools! Have fun.
Last night I felt like I was coming down with a cold. I think I got it from my sisters house and her daughter on Thursday when I went over there. I had to take my sister to the doctors. I feel miserable. Hope the vitamins I take help.
Today I think I will just chill. I worked hard in the house yesterday. Still have a few things I want to accomplish. Would do them this afternoon if I feel better.
My son's band played out again last night. I didn't go. I felt bad.
Got up way too early this morning. 3:45. Hopefully, I can lay down later. Always afraid to do that because I might not sleep at night. Having trouble sleeping anyway.
I think since my surgery is when my sleeping problems started. However, I have sleep apnea and wear a mask and have oxygen at night. Maybe the settings need adjusting since I have lost so much weight. Have to ask the doc.
Hopefully, everyone will have a great day. Hoping for sun today. It has been really sunny the last few days here. Longing for SPRING!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Thanks for starting the thread today. If you come down to Florida I am in Sarasota Bradenton Gulf Coast. Come to Lido Beach very pretty. Be prepared itis sort of cold here. I think This weekwe are getting in the 70's finally!!!!! Call memy cell is 303 726 1802.
Nothing new here much. I got a new computer desk for my living room. I got tired of having the computer on my coffee table.
I am leaving for work in a few minutes so this is just a drive by!!!!!
Nancy, I have to admit to feeling some envy when I saw what you were packing. Yesterday we had a nice taste of spring and I'm definitely ready for more!
Tomas came over for his visit with his mom. The two of us played "Noah's Ark"--it's an old Playskool (I think) set we'd gotten for him when he was about 2. What a difference in our play between then and now! Then, I would have the animals knock at the ark door and he'd open it. The animal would come out making its sound (like a roar, trumpet, etc) and get into line waiting for everyone else. Then they'd all march back in. Now, though, we talked about which animal it was, what the animal says, how many in total, how many when one goes back into the ark and so on. Also went for a walk.
So today is supposed to be even milder than it was yesterday, yippee!
Enjoy, everyone!

Seems I never get time to post anymore.
Nancy have a great time traveling I always enjoy that. In fact that is what I am doing in a few days! Hubby and I are heading for Miami for a few days! Cant wait!!!
I lose the last of this current crop of little charges this week . Both are going to good places but I will miss them!
I want to get out of the specialized care I think but Steve doesn't want me to and now my stepdad living with me is aghast to think some kid who needs the care wont get it. Stepdad has a heart that is part marshmallow and part pure spun gold.
I'm not sure what I am going to do . Just know that I wont have kids for 2 weeks so I can go on vacation and spend some time in what I hope is warm FL! Hey all you southern folk turn up the heat!
Well church today and then lunch of what ever leftovers we can find in fridge.
Hope all have a great Sunday
Nancy, I don't need to tell you to have a good time because I know you will! No, don't guess those border folks take too kindly to white powder of any sort. No sense of humor!
We had a very strange night last night. Gary felt just fine all day/evening until we went to bed. All of a sudden he got cold. I don't mean turn the mattress warmer up cold, I mean lay on an electric blanket with 3 afghans on top of him cold. He literally shook! No fever, but finally, after about 45 minutes, he started to warm up. At 4:00 I woke to find him sleeping in the lounge chair. He said his head hurt to lay down. I just heard him get up and go back to bed but he didn't say anything on the way. Anyone ever hear of something like this? I remember it happening to me about 2 years ago, same thing, but never knew what it was. For me, I just thought is was a hormonal thing, and since I'm always cold since surgery anyway, didn't think anything of it.
If any of you nursie types might have a clue, I'd sure like your thoughts. Gary most likely thinks he has some strange malady and will die before the week is out. Heck, he goes to the doctor for a hangnail(not really, but
Our salon owner was working on her family farm yesterday, fell out of a tree and dislocated her elbow. Out of work for 3-4 weeks. Not good when your self employed! So, I'm going to do some once a month cooking the next two days and fix her up with food for awhile. This is going to kill her. She's such an active person and has a very busy clientele. Fortunately for me, I will probably pick up some of her clients while she's unable to do them. Good for me, bad for her!
Okay, sorry to ramble. Gotta get the rowing thread started and then get moving around here. If anyone has some insight into what happened to Gary, please chime in!
Good morning, ya'll.
Well, my DH definately has some kinda flu, or cold or something. Sneezing, stuffy head, scratchy throat, body aches. I am staying well away from him. While I'm still doing chemo my immune system is shot. I slept in one of the spare rooms last night.
My cousin's granddaughter won the Regis and Kelly Beautiful baby comtest!! Her name is Maggie Sue. She will be on the cover of Parenting magazine and gets a $125,000 scholorship for college.
I need to get the bacon going. I'm sure the grandsons will be down for BLT Sunday, soon.
My fill is working great. Maybe a little too tight, but I'll keep this level until my visit in April.
Hope everyone's Oscar picks win tonight.
Have a fantabulous day.
My DH wants to go visit his sister today. She fell on the ince 3 weeks ago and broke her ankle and shattered her wrist. We went to see her the day after it happened, but haven't been back since I had my surgery 3 days later. She lives about 50 miles, so we'll have a nice little Sunday drive. It's already 40 outside, so I'm guessing it will make it to the low 50s. What a nice change that will be! We actually had a downpour last night, which got rid of some of the snow, but there's still plenty on the ground.
I received a sweet note from my 12 year old granddaughter this morning on Facebook. I haven't seen her since surgery. The rest of her family has been over, but she was doing what most 12 year olds do - hanging with friends. She's such a sweatheart and her message was:
Hey Grandma!! How are you doing?? I havent gotten a chance to see you after your surgery or anything.....I just thought that i could check up on you to see how your doing and all!!
Alex Lynn
There's a reason I call her my "Sweetie".