3 AM Friday Morning--what's new?
Well, it's 3 in the morning and after posting about how well I sleep with trazone I am pretty annoyed to be up this early! I woke up and my bed and I were soaked with sweat. I'm post menopausal but I think that doesn't matter. It could be related to taking antidepressants or menopause or it could be just related to my age. Oh well. Might as well start a thread, right? ;-)
Yesterday I found pictures we'd used to make collages at my father's service. I have them ready to be scanned. The ones that are mine will go back into my albums; the ones that belonged to my mother I'll send back. Boy, looking at the pictures sure brought back some memories!
Nothing else exciting going on, just same old same old so I'll go make myself some decaf coffee (maybe I'll be able to get back to sleep soon) and wait for everyone to start replying.
Have a fantastic Friday, everyone! :D

I think it's because I had a rough phone call with Michael last night. I was up at the hospital in the morning and things were going along. He's had a few things that haven't worked well. they were able to do his RNY Wednesday laproscopically - a big plus. But the surgeon (who's very good) cut his spleen and he bled so much they had to give him two transfusions. I couldn't figure out what was taking so long. Then he got a blood clot at his dialysis site, while they removed the clot yesterday, they gave him antibiotics, which he had a reaction to and got hives. Then it was so long since dialysis, his blood pressure shot up and they had to give him something (I think a beta blocker) for that last night. I was up there after work. PLUS - room mate from hell - dementia, loud, demanding - Michael can't sleep. Ever. PLUS the lab techs haven't figured out that he is a hard blood draw and has to have his blood drawn a lot and can only use one arm (the other has the dialysis fistula) AND they poke him numerous times and then usually get one of the better techs. SHEESH Could there be anything else?
Just to add to the fun, work has been hellacious. I can't wait for this nightmare to be over and bring my sweetheart home! I'm exhausted and can't sleep!
It will all be fine - just needed to get that OUT!!!
It's almost the weekend!!!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Sheesh, your husband has had a lot of things going on. He must feel a lot of of things right about now. You must be under alot of stress yourself.
I hope everything works out and he has a better road coming up.
Take care, you both are in my thoughs
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

PT was 1 1/2 hrs yesterday......ouch and more ouch! They want me to wrap the foot and leg with ace bandage to help keep the swelling down, so now something else to do every day.....it actually does feel better with the bandage on. They are asking for 4 more weeks of PT and she said probably 4 weeks of strength training after that.....going to be a long road.
Off to my part time job this morning -- looking forward to it. I was so wiped out yesterday from the PT I didn't do a dang thing but rest.
That's sure not like me.
Good thoughts and prayers to all my OFF friends,
have a beautiful weekend.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hugs and good thoughts going out to you and your Michael!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
OMG mary!! i hope michael is doing much better today!!! doesn't this hospital have a floor or a private room for WLS patients??? i still do not understand these medical people that they just don't get it when you have told them repeadly that they can't use one of your arms for blood or whatever else is happening to you....gezzzz they need to be trained to listen to the patients more i guess.
hang in there hopefully today will be a much beter day and will continue to get better as time goes on.
