Judy G.
on 3/3/10 3:59 am - Galion, OH

as you all know (maybe) that i have been working alot last week and this week so that is why i haven't posted on here til today.

yesterday i had dr appointment for a shot...hahaha turned out to be 12 shots!!! 6 on each side. they were FACET BLOCKS and man oh man did they ever hurt!!!! lots of pressure!!! they were put in lower back just above the butt cheeks. supposed to help with the arthritis i have in my lower back. told the dr about how i was in so much pain since i saw him last week when he poked on my nerve in my buttock. he said these shots should help that....GOD i hope so!!! he told me to go home and put ice on my new shot area and take some pain pills he gave me before. i told him i had to go back to work til 530 so he said when i get home to do that. so i TRIED to work til 530 but it was hard...i couldn't bend to get into the freezer to get the pretzels that were ofcourse on the bottom....grrrr one of the deli guys came to get something to drink and i asked him if he could help me get them and he did...also offered to do anything else i needed done...thanks but its all under control now....then lisa came in a half hour early from her other job and i asked her if wanted to start earlier than 530 and she said i got to go home at 5 and i was never so glad to get home!!! surprised rick that i was home earlier but one look at me he knew i did the right thing coming home. so i took my pain med and then hit the couch. after a couple hours we went to the store to get me walking around see if that would help. by the time we walked to the back of walmart and half way to the front i had to hang on to the legs were like rubber and we had to get me home to bed. this darvocete makes me soooo sleepy but it helps with the pain. i had to use ice yesterday and today i can use heat on it. i am still groggy from last nights med and i need another but have to wait til i get the food dropped off at work for the ronald mcdonald dinner we are doing for them. i am mkaing cauliflower, broccoli and carrots in a cheese sauce for my dish to pass... i am not going...just not up to it and i feel bad about it but its best i stay at home because i have to work all day tomorrow again. not looking forward to that if i feel like i do now. sighs

but on a happier note...i am down 3 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) oh happy day!!!!! guess laying off the chips and coke are helping me get some weight off again huh? ;-) i am trying soooo hard to stay away from the goodies at work and it seems they are FINALLY listening to me to get some HEALTHY foods in there for us to eat instead of all the cakes and cookies they have been putting in there!!!

so that is all my news that i can think of for now...i am sure i have bored you long enough...thinking of you all and hope things start turning better for you all.....:-) 

(deactivated member)
on 3/3/10 4:41 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Judy,
Man 12 shots sounds awful! If they came at me with that many shots I think I'd run for the hills.   I sure hope it all helps you! 

CONGRATS on dropping the 3 lbs....that's awesome!!
It's hard to stay away from the chips and cookies we enjoy so much but the proof is in the pudding...when we do we drop the lbs.

Hope you are having a good day!
Judy G.
on 3/3/10 6:41 am - Galion, OH

hi ruth...thanks for responding to me..makes me feel better seeing someone cares!!!!

yeah the dr said if he would have said it was 12 shots would i have shown he told me "A" i feel better but still so darn tired from the darvocete!!!

and again thanks for the congrats on my losing the 3 lbs!!! i am sure it had alot to do with my not being able to eat at the food court because of the auditors coming soon....not allowed to eat back there health regulations...and i sure miss my water while working!!! hope the auditors show up soon!!!! i have headaches at times and i am sure it is from being dehydrated...


(deactivated member)
on 3/3/10 6:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
LOL on the doctor.....I think if my plastic surgeon told me about some of the stuff I've experienced I may not have done it....NAH, I still would have done it!!!

I know what you mean about the was always difficult for me at the office too....finally i bought a case of water and left it in my car trunk and carried 4 bottles into work each really helped.

Judy G.
on 3/4/10 8:26 am - Galion, OH

lol at the dr is yeah i would still have gone really...i want relief in my back so bad i would just about anything to get it!!!

i can drink water all i want to at work but its in small 8oz styro cups and i need my 32 oz cup to drink more of it or i just don't drink enough through the day to know i drank my quota....sighs but for my protein thats another story...makes me angry that my having a script from my WLS dr doesn't get me anywhere until the auditors come and go....

Eileen Briesch
on 3/3/10 6:08 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Judy, and of course, I always read your posts ... maybe sometimes I don't respond, but I always read. I read everyone's posts.

I get facet injections too ... but then I also get conscious sedation and so they don't hurt as much. Can you ask the doctor about that? You'd have to get a ride, but you have Rick around, so that wouldn't be as much of an issue as it is with me. I do find the facet injections help a lot. I notice tremendous improvement all up and down my back and in my legs after I have one of those treatments.

Congrats on the three pounds, too. I'm trying to lose some weight too after my jeans no longer fit and I needed to buy a larger size. Don't want to do that.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 3/3/10 6:47 am - Galion, OH

hi eileen!!! yeah i know you read all the posts but i am also like you...i read and don't respond...feel that i have nothing new to answer with....

the dr does inject me with a pain reliver before he does the injections but man the pressure is what kills me!!! its almost gone now but i am sooooooooo tired from the darvocete so i am not going to take anymore so i can function tomorrow at work.

i hope i get relief from having this done because i have been in so much pain lately i about cry i hurt so bad!!

yeah i had to buy a new pair of jeans in a bigger size...i HATED to do that!!! it scares me that i am gainning again and fast too!!! sooooooooo back on the bandwagon!!! seriously thinking of going to WW and see if that helps. i know they take lower payments if you are poor. so i am going to check into that one.

good luck on you getting the extra weight off and know that i am here for you if you need me!!!


on 3/3/10 7:17 am - IA
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.  That's 12!  Whew I don't know how you did it!  Shots don't generally bother me, but I KNOW that would have!  I sure hope you are feeling some relief!

Congratulations on the 3 lbs!  Yep, Coke and chips can be the death of us.  LOL

Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

Judy G.
on 3/4/10 8:34 am - Galion, OH

lol thanks for the OW's lol if i had seen the 12 shots coming i know i would have been i feel somewhat better today but still some pressure yet and i did get a good nights sleep finally!!!! still a little tired yet from the pain meds but i haven't taken any since tuesday night!! takes a long time to get out of my system i guess....

thanks on the congrats on the 3 #'s i lost!!! i keep telling myself NO!!! chips and coke are NOT good for you!!! stay away!!! so far its working....;-)

on 3/3/10 9:56 am - Interlochen, MI
Sounds like you're on the road to recovery both pain wise and weight loss wise.  Good going.

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If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

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