4 a.m. Thursday Morning
This afternoon I have to attend a defensive driving class. It's a requirement now (I think federal - but maybe state) of all government employees who drive as a part of their job. It's a 2 hour class. I'll be fine since I'll be sitting down. We don't actually have to drive - just listen and learn. LOL My husband is also a county employee, so he just left to attend the morning class. I'm generally a morning person and would choose that, but with my weakness, I just want to have more time to get ready and not over - do it. I know one thing, I have always been a defensive driver, but a person really has to be moreso in this day and age with cell phones and texting!
In 10 years, I hope to be doing some traveling, enjoying watching my grandchildren, and just overall enjoying life more as a healthier me.
Have a great day.
Hope everyone's doing well and sending out healing prayers and thoughts for those who need it.
Jan, so sorry to hear you had some insomnia going on again. If it wasn't for the trazodone, this would be happening to me too and I'm a totally unpleasant person when I don't get enough sleep!
About phone and cable -- I hear you! GRRRRRRRRRR ... I get so mad when I see a bill for $200-something a month. We have our cable, cell and landline bundled to save money but it's so high! One problem is Ted got himself a Blackberry just before he totally injured his back and couldn't work anymore. That was in 2008 so I think the contract should be up this year and then we can lose it--if he's willing to let it go. He really likes his conveniences. :(
I have happier memories of getting by in the '60s and '70s but I didn't have to pay any of the bills so I'm not sure if they were easy for my parents or not. I know the '80s were much easier for me financially. I had my own place, car ... oh dear. Better not dwell on that, lol.
Same old same old for today.
QOTD: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I will be 65. If I have my way, I'll be working part-time, living in Delaware, and Ted and I will be living comfortably. Our kids will be happily on their own, married or not, raising kids or not--just HAPPY. We'll enjoy visits with them and with the grandchildren, who in 10 years will range in age from 9 (one is due in July) to 25.
Have a terrific Thursday everyone!

Still using the desktop because I don't have all the files transferred yet. I'm waiting for the software to come to transfer things. Supposed to ship tomorrow. I got myself a wireless mouse because I don't like the touchpad, so I may play with the laptop this afternoon after I figure that out.
Went to see "Precious" yesterday ... awesome movie. There's a person with self-esteem issues brought on my sexual and physical abuse. I could identify with the self-esteem issues, not the abuse, although there were times I had emotional abuse from various people. I always felt I wasn't good enough. It took a lot of people telling me I was good enough to make me believe it. Anyway, it's a good movie, the acting by Mo'Nique and the actress that plays Precious (whose name I can't remember but she's awesome) is great. That young woman is something else. She will move you to tears.
Finally have heat in the house. Seems the DTE Energy person that came on Tuesday turned off the gas. So the same woman came Wednesday, turned it back on and checked everything over, and now everything works again. So I was nice and toasty last night. It pissed me off that I had to go a full day without heat because she turned off the gas, but she said she did that because she didn't want me to have a gas leak. Fortunately, I knew how to keep warm at night.
Where do I see myself in 10 years? Some place warm. If I get disability, I'll be gone from the snow belt and into a warm, dry zone. Hopefully, I'll be able to travel, write, enjoy retirement without too much pain. Maybe my knee will get better. I can only hope. Hopefully, I still have a cat or two.
Well, I'm going out to lunch today with my friend Gayle from across the road, but first I have to get some stuff at PetsMart and Meijer and pick up a prescription. Such fun! And then it's garbage day tomorrow, so I have to get the garbage ready to go out.
Have a good day.
I could relate to the movie also. I was physically abused by my sister after my mother died. My sister is much like the mother of precious. Not sexually but physically. She used to kick my backside when she wanted us to clean up the basement. I tolerate her now. But the love isnt there!!!!!
What I want to be doing in 10 years is enjoying my grandchildren, working parttime and traveling more. Carla
Today I have to take my sister to the doctor to see if her staph infection on her foot is getting any better. She has been battling this infection since Nov. I hope it its.
Slept later than usual today but was up it seemed on the hour during the night.
I also take trazadone for sleeping. It helps most of the time.
Going to go feed the pesty dogs, they are long over due for their food and they are walking around like they are starving.
Where will I be in 10 years? Sometimes I think I will still have my kids at home. The thought of that scares me..lol. My husband and I have thought about moving to South Carolina if and when he can retire. Probably just a dream. I just want to be comfortable in my life and not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good morning Jan and everyone....
Finally feeling a little better today...my cough is much better...voice too.
My new cleaning lady stated today...she is very thorough and very nice. I think she will really work out well. I am so glad because I was worried. My last lady was so awesome...still miss her.She was with me for a long time.
Nic (grandson) might be coming up here for spring break. We are discussing it tonight. I would love to have him here!!
Nothing else to report. Working when I can...hard to do with no voice! I will have hours to make up next week for sure. I am so lucky to have the job I have. I can set my own hours. I have a certain number of hours to work in a two week period. I can work them anyway I want...if I need a week off I just work all my hours the next week. I only work part time so there isn't any sick leave...this helps!
QOTD...Living somewhere warmer. Feeling good. Spending as much time as possible with my daughters and grandchildren. Most of all Nic to be Cancer free!!!
Prayers and blessings to everyone.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
I'm late to this here party, but I was busy this morning at work, the nerve of this place. . . anyway, the sun is brightly shining and I am just jumping on to say hi and be accountable, yesterday was not a good food day and I did not exercise as planned, but I did see my son, his wife and the grands, I was just too tired, then I went home and punished myself for not doing what was on my plan, when will I ever get better. . . oh well, today is much better, I have stuck to my food plan thusfar and plan to continue to do so.
QOTD: As for where I might be in 10 years? That is not something I even have a clue about, I will be 65 and hopefully I will hit a lotto jackpot, along with my co-workers, just enough to ensure that I can retire and not worry about paying my expenses and living to old age ;) thanks to having had WLS and mostly adhereing to the rules. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
evening jan and those that got here waaayyyyyy before me...and if anyone after me which i highly doubt...lol
well today i am still in some pain with pressure from my facet block shots. took the bandages off last night and took a long hot shower and man it felt sooooooooo good and i slept like a rock for a change!!!
jan i use the store brand of tylenol pm and it helps me sleep most of the time.
work today i again was passed over almost for my lunch!!!! i asked at 115 when i was getting my lunch...again at 145 i asked for my lunch...was told as soon as someone came back from their break someone would be there for my lunch break...well 2 pm i finally got my lunch!!!! i was pissed because i was at work since 830 and there was no cause for me to have lunch that late in the day!!!!! i went home at 5....i blasted them with my having a script for me to have my protein with me at all times and this was exactly why i need it with me because i can't depend on them for my breaks to have my protein!!!! did it get me anywhere??? i highly doubt it!!!!
well nothing else new with me just work and trying to get rid of this pressure feeling in my right side.
thinking of you all and wish i had more time to spend with you all but i am tired so off to shower and maybe try to watch a movie then bed.
hugs and prayers to those that need them.... ;-)