4 a.m. Thursday Morning

on 3/3/10 5:17 pm - Interlochen, MI
What's with this no sleeping crap again?  It's 4:10 right now and I've been awake since 2:55.  Laid in bed trying to go back to sleep with no luck.  I've got a few e-mails to answer and my mind was just running in circles, so I thought I'd get up and do some things.  Got the dishes done and ate some grapes.  Right now I'm drinking decaf protein coffee.  Maybe I'll get tired and go back to bed.
We caved in and got another land line.  We've just been using our cell phones up here for the last few years, but since we've moved up here our kids have been bugging us to get a land line.  They're sick of us dropping their calls.  This way they can call us on the land line and we don't have to worry where the satellite is.  I didn't usually lose them, but Gary was constantly dropping calls.  I didn't get anything special, no call waiting or caller id, just plain ol unlimited local calling.  If we want to make a long distance call we'll use our cell phones or a calling card.  I really hate paying over $100 for telephone, and over $100 for cable and internet.  Who'd a thunk we'd have to pay to watch TV?  I wanna go back to the 60's!

QOTD:  Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself right here, in this house, with Gary, living a healthy active life.  Traveling and riding my Harley and playing with my grands.

Have a blessed and safe day all.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

George T.
on 3/3/10 7:52 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning.  Thanks for getting us started Jan.

A wonderful day.  Got notification that my Rangers season tickets have been mailed out Priority Mail.  I should have them by Saturday.  As long as one of us is home and awake when delivery is attempted.

We have a landline.  But Mary got us a good deal.  She is disabled, so we got the service for $10.55 a month.  We can make 25 outbound local calls.  No long distance calls.  No 800 numbers.  All the incoming we want.  What is ridiculous, is after you add on all the taxes and crap, it comes to about $32 a month. 

My doc appointment went well.  No rotator cuff problem.  Diagnosis is old age.  Well, actually arthritis.  Just gotta live with it.

Mary went to the doc last night for a neck spasm.  She is really hurting.  Doc prescribed Vicodin.  Don't like that.  She doesn't either, but she is in such pain she will take it.  I told her, no driving while she is taking it.

Where do I see myself in 10 years?  Sitting back in my living room with a laptop, posting on various discussion boards.  NOT WORKING.  RETIRED.  Hopefully that will be no more than 7 years from now.

Where do I see myself in 2 hours?  Looking at the inside of my eyelids.

Have a good day.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 3/3/10 10:03 pm - Interlochen, MI
My land line service is 12.00 a month, but after taxes and fees it goes up to 33 something.  What a rip.  Sorry to hear Mary is in pain.  Prayers for her.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 3/3/10 8:50 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Hi Jani and OFF family.
Work has been busy so just a quick note before I go punch in and start working away!
Did water aerobics yesterday and Erin the instructor I believe in her first life was an Army exercise Drill Sargent!! LOL

QOTD: Where I see myself in 10 years?: Retired, hopefully traveling with my hubby going camping. Enjoying my grandchildren and of course surrounding myself with my doggies.

on 3/3/10 9:15 pm - Hollywood, FL
Hi Jan and OH Buddies:

Welcome to the early risers club.  Got up at 3 a.m. this morning after six hours of sleep, which is all I seem to need nowadays.  I don't even try to go back to sleep anymore.  Just got up, did a load of wash and cleaned the kitchen.  The upside to getting up so early is that I get to work an hour ahead of everybody and have some quiet time to check on OH forums.  Plus my principal thinks I'm some kind of saint.

Gave up the landline a year ago and don't miss it a bit.  The only people calling me on the landline were Cleveland Clinic and telemarketers, so I gave Cleveland Clinic my cell phone number and said bye-bye to the telemarketers.

QOTD:  I see myself traveling, teaching English in South America or Eastern Europe.  Maybe finding Prince Charming at last.

Have a great day y'all,

on 3/3/10 9:17 pm
I use Magic Jack and love it. I can take it with me if I like when i travel and call people. Magic Jack is only $19 a year.

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 3/3/10 10:05 pm - Interlochen, MI
Magic Jack is the one you hook up to your computer and have to leave your computer on all the time, right?
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 3/3/10 10:45 pm
yep, but mine stays on all the time anyway.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 3/3/10 9:38 pm - Alexander, AR
good morning Jan,

We got rid of our land line about 6 months ago, and the only time we miss it is when I need to fax something. Not that I need to do that often, so no big deal. Sure is nice not having our evening interrupted by telemarketers.

I already have the laundry and dishwasher going, will finish up here and then go dust and vacuum. I'm meeting my marketing person for lunch today to try to figure out a stratgey to get some more business into the salon. Hopefully she will have some brilliant plan!

QOTD----who the heck knows????



karen C.
on 3/3/10 10:04 pm, edited 3/3/10 10:09 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Everyone, Mike got up about 4am with a swollen, hurting knee. Too much yard work yesterday. For some reason our icemaker isn't working so had to pound up a 1/2 bag of ice that had been in the freezer left over from a fishing trip. He's back in bed, leg iced and propped up and I'm wide awake!

George, I went to the ortho doctor yesterday *****placed my knees to see him about my shoulder. He took x rays, also revisited the neck MRI from 2 years ago. Said there is evidence of an "impingement" in the shoulder but it could also be coming from the arthritic neck. So, we started with a cortisone shot (gotta love those. . .NOT!) He said I should see marked improvement within 3 days if not we'll proceed to step two. . . which involves the neck. Hope this does the trick. I'm a side sleeper and I can't lay(lie? I hate that verb! Never can get it right and I was an English teacher!) on my left side. Already an insomniac and this just adds to the problem.

Promised Ruth I'd head to the gym this morning. I went Monday and Tuesday and would like to do several projects today but I certainly have time to exercise first. so I'm going to have a protein shake, take my supplements and get going.

One bright note for me. Mike and I each have one very EXPENSIVE non generic prescription. We just cringe when they have to be refilled. His was $200.00 for his Zetia for 90 pills. I was expecting about $120.00 for my restless legs med, Mirapax.  He came home with mine for $19.00! Yay, it's finally available in generic form. Hope it works as well. Pharmacist says it takes about 15 years for some to come out with a generic equivalent.

Ok I'm headed for the kitchen and then the gym! You all have a good one. PS: Ten years from now. Hope to be styill heathy and mobile and able to travel. On  my bucket list before I turn 70 which is just 9  years from now. . . . revisit Ireland for at least 2 weeks leisurely , stopping and staying wherever I want. I love our new home and we'll probably be right here but I wouldn't be opposed to living closer to the grandkids at least part of the year. When the time comes perhaps a small condo here and a cottage near them. Probably a pipe dream (one of my mom's lines. . What does that mean?) Just want to appreciate each day as it comes, help a few people along the way, live life fully. I wasted way too many years!

Karen C

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