on 3/3/10 2:27 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm going to post this same message on the OFF Friends group too....
Susan does a great job posting the daily eating thread which helps me with accountability.
I need help with staying focused on my daily work outs. Since my last surgery in Dec I've gotten too lax (ok, lets be honest...lazy), and I need to get my butt in gear and stop making excuses. I don't need to exercise to lose weight but I need to do it to stay healthy....especially heart healthy!! It's so important.
Sooooo, would anyone else be interested in joining me in a daily Exercise thread?

What do you do for exercise (Cardio and/or Weights)? I normally do cardio 6 days a week and do weight lifting 3 x a week but am thinking of dropping the weights to twice a week.. BUT, since my surgery I have not done any weight lifting...I'll start tonight.
If you do cardio what do you do..(i.e. walk, ride the bike, run, etc)? I like to ride my bike for at least 15 mins 6 days a week (usually in the morning) BUT since the weather has been bad I walk. Today is the first day I walked outside in almost 3 months...it was great!
Do you work out every day, or couple times a week? 6 days a week...maybe I can cut it back to 5 now but I'll see it goes.
How long are your work outs (10mins, 30 mins, 1 hour???)? Cardio = 40 mins walking or 90 mins riding the bike (outside). Weight lifting 30-40 mins.
Today I did a nice 40 min walk around the neighborhood....Buddy enjoyed it too!
Let me know if you are interested in joining me in a daily thread.
I'm here with you, tried this a little while back, no one seemed to jump up and down about it (lol). . . someone told me I had lots of energy though (lol). . . anyway, I got off track when we had the snow a few weeks back, was getting plenty of activity shoveling anyway, but now it's 2 weeks later and I need to get back to the gym, so tonight I am heading to my Zumba class, getting to the gym is one thing, but once there I am good. When I go to the gym, I usually take a Zumba class or do some stretching and combination of elliptical/treadmill for minimum of 45 minutes, and when I'm on track, I get there minimum of 3x a week, most of the time 4 to 5x. I intend to get outside and take Roxie for long walks once the nicer weather is more regular.
Take care, have a great evening.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
on 3/3/10 9:58 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
ZUMBA....do you like it? Is it hard to learn? I was thinking of trying it but I've never been real coordinated when following exercise tapes.....when Richard Simmons moves the left and swings the leg back I almost always swing the wrong leg or shuffle the wrong way....very funny when I'm alone not so funny if I were surrounded by others and bumping into them....
I'm like you....been waiting for the weather to warm up.....looks like it will start around here after this weekend. I hope so!
Have a great day!!!
Actually, since I lost my weight, I enjoy shoveling, but I don't have a huge property, but still takes me about 2 hours, all told. . .
So I'm fessing up here, I never made it to Zumba last night, I was very tired and also my son's busy season is over (he is a CPA and does auditing), so seeing as I have not seen much of him since the holiday's I chose to hang out with him, his wife and the grandkids. . .
I will get to the gym, not tonight, but definitely tomorrow and if the weather holds up, I will take a nice walk at lunch time today. . .
As for Zumba, I laughed reading your response, as I, too, have the coordination and following others lead problem. . . must be the inner rebel in me ;) . . . anyway, for years I allowed that I was different, in other words, unable, and therefore never made any attempts at doing what I could. Now I figure it's not about being like and doing things the way others do, it's about putting forth the effort and doing my best, Zumba is like dance areobics to Latin and other types of music, it is lots of fun and while some can do it exactly as the instructor, the important part is to keep moving, that's what any good instructor will tell you. My knees don't like Zumba all that much, so when they do the stuff that is harder on the knees, I do what movement I can, so maybe I'm not the best Zumba student, but I do find it fun and quite envigorating.
I also did not like sweating before WLS, but now I've come to recognize it means I am doing enough to make fat burn and so it is now something I appreciate, besides the sweating I did pre-surgery was not the good kind and being larger, the connotation of it, was somewhat disgusting to me, now I see it differently, it is really quite healthy when done because of good physical activity levels.
Anyway, as Karen said, just get there. . . I intend to make that my goal in the next day!
Enjoy your day, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
on 3/4/10 3:19 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
No worries about yesterday we need to also keep proper balance in our life and time with family is very important. I miss mine a lot and hope to get back there soon.
I have to return books to library in the next day or so....I think I'll check to see if they have any Zumba tapes/DVD's....it would be good to check it out.
Hope you are enjoying your day!
Karen C
on 3/3/10 9:54 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WOW you do a long cardio session at the gym....KUDOS to you!!!
You know what I had the most about exercising...is the sweating.....isn't that silly.
I posted a Thursday exercise thread so let me know how you did today.
I have to admit that I'm a career couch potato..I hated exercise and the only exercise Id ever enjoyed was swimming. But the biogger I got, the less inclined I was to be seen in a bathing suit so I didnt.
In mid January I finally bit the bullet and started at the local Holiday Inn...they have a therapeutic sal****er pool. The hardest part was being seen in my suit in publi****il I saw that the aerobics class consisted mainky of older people, mainly with health issues and mobility problems...wow...I fit right in!
I gewt in the pool for the 11am aerobics class and do the class except that I jog continuously in the deep end thru the entire hour and use foam resisters to work my arms underwater. THen I stay there and contionue for another one top three hours...thats right..sometimes Im in the water for four hours!
The secret is that, while in the water, I HAVE NO PAIN AT ALL!
Even when Im chatting with someone..yeah, Im very shy...I cotinue to jog and move my arms underwater..always.
If there's no one there to chat with, I do affirmations..."releasing all negative emptions, releasing old hurts, angers, pain and resentments...breathing in positive thoughts....breathing in peace and harmony...breathing in joy and love. I am open to new opportunities..I help people just be being myself..everyday I am stronger..everyday I am losing weight and building muscle..everyday, my legs are healing and growing new arteries and veins and everyday the lymphodema is decreasing....everyday I radiate peace and happiness."
I vary leg movements and heights and arm directions and I've developed a lovely little bicep in the month I've been doing this.
So every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I'm on the highway and driving over the Skyway to the hotel and spending three to four hours there each time.
Yes, it takes alot of my time but Im on a mission and Im enjoying the water which is usually 85-87 degrees. I feel much more energetic and far less pain after.
And my clothes are hanging on me and Ive lost 7 inches off my hips and waist. And best of all, I feel hope again..I dont feel so discouraged anymore..I am being pro-active!
Nancy B
on 3/3/10 9:26 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I still sort of hate exercise. I used to seriously hate it but not I have a strong dislike for it. I don't know if I will ever really enjoy it. HOWEVER I always enjoyed being in the pool and still do.
Congrats on getting into the pool....takes courage to do it in a public pool....I've never been able to do that. In my last house I had a BIG pool built and was able to do lots of laps and deep water aerobics.
Congrats on all those inches being lost....that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy your day and enjoy your workout.
I'm a big one for exercise, it's a must for me and I just do it...why? Because if I want to stay a size 6/8 I have to work it!!
Yesterday was all out cardio water aerobics.
Tonight it will be spin class.
I also walk everyday and I have 2 5 lb. weights I keep in my living room to work my arms in the evening. Usually I do this during commercials. Now my 7 yr old granddaughter likes to join in so I got her some smaller weights.
Saturday morning I will do water aerobics again.
I feel so much better when I exercise. My body craves it now. If I slack off, I feel like crap!
Go girl...keep posting the thread and encouraging others to exercise.