What's New revue for Monday 3/1

George T.
on 2/28/10 6:09 pm, edited 2/28/10 6:19 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Another month gone.

Here it is another Monday morning and I finally figured you gals out.  You play hard all weekend and sleep later on Monday mornings than any other morning.  I understand.

Busy weekend for me.  Worked Saturday morning.  Then Saturday afternoon helped Mary make Spanish tortilla for our Sunday School classes, as well as for Brad's.  I peeled 15 lbs of potatoes, while Mary peeled 3 lbs of onions and cracked 5 dozen eggs.  Thank goodness we have two neat kitchen appliances that we purchased recently, the Ninja and the Bullet Express.  I used the Bullet Express to slice the potatoes and the onions.  Man, it is quick.  Mary mixed the eggs in the Ninja.  It took us a total of 3 hours to do 5 tortillas.  That really isn't bad.  If we did not have those two appliances, you would have to spend another 2 hours or so.

After that, we went to dinner with the folks from the Texas Message Board.  We had about 60 or so people and we went to Los Vaqueros, a Mexican restaurant in the Fort Worth Stockyards area.  Really good food.  Really good service.  Made sure I complimented the staff to the restaurant manager before I left.

Sunday was Sunday School and Church.  Then to Brad's house for Eryn's 4th birthday get together.  Oleta and Brad decided no big party's this year.  Small, this way it gives Oleta's mother a chance to be part of it.  We played some Wii games, opened gifts and had cupcakes.  Nice and relaxing and with family.  What more can you ask for.

Then home for a nap before coming to work.

Today Mary has to pick up the kids from school.  Oleta is in line as I write (4:15 AM) to try and transfer Eddie to a different junior high school next year than the one he is supposed to go to.  Plus change the schools of the other two.  I don't agree with it, but it is her kids.  Their school district allows you to transfer your children to a school that is better academically, but it is your responsibility to get them there.  The reason I don't agree with it is, the ones that normally transfer out are normally the good students.  Which ultimately makes the school even worse.  It does not make sense.

Enough from me.  What about you?

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Sybul C.
on 2/28/10 7:43 pm - Alma, AR
Good morning all.  Worked again this weekend so I'm taking today off.  The weather was beautiful this weekend.  I got out and walked around the yard after work yesterday and noticed that my crocus' are up and blooming already.  My daffodils are up and budding also.  Spring is on the way!  I plan to get the laundry done today and cook up some things for during the week.  My goal is to plan ahead this week with my meals.  I am going to hop off of here and surprise my dh with some biscuits and gravy for his breakfast this morning.  That man would eat them every day.  He also is hooked on chocolate chip cookies right now.  He bakes a batch every evening.  Oh to have the metabolism to eat like he does and never gain a pound.  The man can't sit still while he's awake.  I get tired jus****ching him sometimes, lol.  Ya'll have a good week.

George T.
on 3/1/10 7:35 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Lucky you with the nice weather.  We have rain again today. 

I have never planted daffodils, but they are Mary's favorite flower.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 2/28/10 7:52 pm - Elyria, OH
well good morning!!!
george--hmmmm...... i WISH i could sleep later on mondays--still have this job thingy tho-(and grateful for it!!!)...ya have to also remember that you are in a slightly diff time zone than some of us AND -did you work last nite? are you at work now????

anyhow- we have a mouse in the house! when i got up at 330 to potty it ran by me in a flash into the birds' room- not good- that is where their food is!!!!! ah well-

did absolutely NOTHING yesterday--vegged chilled slep****ched tv.....oh-and ate- way too much ....

very very strange dreams teh last few days/nights as well

the job is winding down and i have questions for the future that probly can't get answered yet-losing another team member after today- he is moving on to another operation and taking a cut in pay---will miss him muchos!!!
need to hop in the shower and get self moving toward the door-

wish i had spring flowers planted- since we moved in december-it won't be the case this spring!!!! ya know- i almost wish for teh coming in like a lion biz so that march would go out nicely --really wanting spring in northern michigan!!!!!!

hugs and prayers..........

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


George T.
on 2/28/10 7:59 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I go in to work at 9:45 PM Sunday through Thursday, so yes I am at work.  Just giving you gals a hard time.  I will sleep late today.  Gonna take another Melotonin.  Put the ear plugs in because the grands will be over.  Get up at 2 or so.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Pat R.
on 2/28/10 8:29 pm - Sturgis, MI
I am up early, as today is back to work at my part time job. They will come pick me up and deliver me back home because I can't drive yet....I think they miss me!

Foot it doing well, still just a tiny bit of swelling behind the toes. Incisions look good and I am putting full weight on it...each day gets better. See Doc on 3/9 and hope he says I can just use a cane and into a different shoe then. This boot thingy rubs on my leg and is uncomfortable....I have to pull the velcro straps tight as I can so it won't rub up and down.

I start physical therapy tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m.....they have only scheduled five sessions.....guess we'll see how that goes. I also have exercises to do at home twice a day.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the bank and tonight my support group is coming here to my house for our meeting.

Have a marvelous Monday.

Pat R.
George T.
on 3/1/10 7:36 am - Grand Prairie, TX
You must be really needed at your job. 

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 2/28/10 8:32 pm
Good morning George and OFF Friends!

Wow, you're right, George, another Monday morning--and another month too!  Whew, you guys really worked hard making those tortillas, bet they were delicious!  I'd love to get involved with an active GTG group around here.  I think the closest one might be NJ-NY but I'm not sure, have to check it out.

So not too much cooking around here except our stress levels, lol.  In other words, same old, same old.

George T.
on 3/1/10 7:37 am - Grand Prairie, TX
They were good.  I ended up freezing one.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Jo W.
on 2/28/10 9:03 pm, edited 2/28/10 9:04 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning all off
Where is the year going? We celebrated our 29Th anniversary while I was wondering the state. I cant believe its been that long! Mostly very good years. I think Ill keep him another 50 years then see if I think its gonna be permanent!!
I lose 3 of my little charges today. 1 is doing so good and is ready to be a part of aunties permanent family with continued consoling and support. The 2 others, my security problems just haven't responded to us. We kept the safe and busy, tried to keep them happy but they are still closed off, appearing to be so cold. I know its just defense systems but I get frustrated that I cant reach them. Hopefully the teen sister living with grandparents in another state will be able to do better with these little bits.
I got my charges up fed bathed and dressed and in a few I take them to preschool, then I get a couple hrs of adult time! Not real thrilled with the shopping my friend wants to do as I hate shopping but she needs a ride and I love her friendship and company. prayers going up from our house to yours for all those who need or want them.
Have a great Monday!
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