Sunday morning revue

Debbie A.
on 2/28/10 12:27 am
 I love etsy, but I think it's very hard to sell any type of scented product where you can't smell it for yourself.  

I love handmade soaps, bath gels, etc....but I'm also very sensitive to smells.   So I almost never buy any bath & body products on etsy.  

If I were going to advise someone starting a new bath and body business online, I would suggest that they offer sampler packs of small sizes so you could try out those that sounded interesting without a large investment.   I would rather pay $20 for 10-20 sample sizes, than to pay $5 for a product that bothered my allergies.   Just a thought.


Everything happens for a reason.
HW 252

Karen S.
on 2/28/10 5:55 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha my friend........Your life is busy busy, too. Your venture with your DIL is huge, and I'm so glad you love each other enough to never let it come between you no matter which way it goes. I wish I were closer to my DIL. I respect and love her, but also have to keep my mouth shut a lot because of how controlling she can be with my son and my grandkids.

Thanks again for worrying about me yesterday.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Eileen Briesch
on 2/28/10 1:05 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Jo and my OFF family:

Gee, Jo, I wondered what happened to you ... nasty molester finding you. Sorry you had to wander the state, and in winter too. Hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

It is already 37 degree here but overcast. I talked with my friend Roxane this morning, wished her a happy birthday (she's 54, a year younger than I'll be this year); she was at her river house in Wisconsin, getting ready to go skiing with her two kids (she started late, her kids are 12 and 8). Now I'm just waiting for my mom to call as she does every Sunday morning. I need to get some lunch in me; my tummy has not been very happy this morning, so I have to be careful with what I put in it right now.

Later today, I'm going to a Row 3 reunion with former coworkers from the Press; I still have to frost a cake I made yesterday. In fact, I have to take it out of the fridge to warm up a bit. It'll frost easier if it's a bit warmer.

Hope to be home for the closing cermonies of the Olympics tonight; always love to watch those. I'm sure we'll be watching the hockey game at my friend's house this afternoon.

Well, not much else going on. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Karen S.
on 2/28/10 5:59 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Eileen.....I'm so glad you have a party planned today. I think you have needed a pick me up, and that should do it.

I, too, am watching the US/Canada hockey game. My two sons grew up playing hockey (started at 4), and still play today in each of their areas. It would be amazing if the US won, but still good if they get the silver.

Thanks for the cute emails you have sent.....I especially love the ones relating to our furry friends. My two, Poki and Nicki, were nervous yesterday because I was nervous about a possible tsunami. I did NOT want to leave them here by themselves, and ended up staying with them. Very thankful for that!

Have a wonderful party and day!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Brenda R.
on 2/28/10 3:27 am - Portage, IN
Good afternoon all my OFF brothers and sisters. I am glad that I had a chance to get on here today. It may be afternoon but at least I got here.

Bill took Shawn to the E.R. this morning since his cat attacked him and bit the h3ll out of him. He is now going to be on 2 antibiotics and a pain pill for the next couple of weeks. They told him that if he didn't take the antibiotics he would be admitted to the hospital with I.V.'s. They have had Smokey for 3 years and he never did this before. I am not sure just what happened to him. But he was always a strange and somewhat mean cat. They of course always thought that it was funny that he was like he was. I never thought it was funny and always told that to them too.

Carol is here having just brought Kayden home. She was suppose to have him until tomorrow evening but of course something came up that she can't have him until them. There is always something that prevents that. Of course we know what it is but she says that she has to work....yeah right.

My uncle Bob passed a way a week ago yesterday and was buried on Thursday. It was a sad and very full funeral home during the service. Aunt Virginia took it very hard but I knew that she would. They were married for 65 years and never went anywhere without the other. They were both deaf and so that is one reason they were so close. The deaf sometimes has a tendency to live in a world of their own especially when they are mute too. At the wake Aunt Virginia wanted my cousin Dianne and I to take her up to the casket and so we did and she tried to climb into the casket with Uncle Bob. They whole thing was moving and I had to get Bill to hold the casket because we thought it was going to fall off the stand. Well, Thursday night I got a call and they had Aunt Virginia in the E.R. with what they thought was a stroke. It ended up that she didn't have a stroke but my cousin said that he thought that there was some sort of neurological problem with the way she was but they said that she broke her hip. So she had surgery Friday afternoon and so far so good. But by Friday she didn't even remember that Uncle Bob had died. It is so sad. When I think about the whole thing I just want to cry. I see my Mom in Aunt Virginia so much with not only looks but the actions and looks of Alzheimer's too.

Well, I should get moving now. I have so much to do and not enough time to do any of it. Shawn and Kayden are going to be staying here for a few days I guess since he can't really take care of Kayden with his hands and wrists being what they are. The left one is the worst of the two but he still can't do that much. I am sending love and hugs to all and my prayers and good thoughts are all going up for all of you. Stay warm and snug like little bugs in a cozy little rug!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 2/28/10 5:53 am - Wailuku, HI
"Aloha Brenda.....It is so good seeing you post again. Your life has done such a turnaround from a year ago! I remember when you thought you would not have Kayden in your life at all. And, now look at how you are almost the primary caregiver.......the tutu extraordinaire!!

I'm sorry about your Uncle Bob AND his wife. These are the chapters of our loved ones' lives that are so hard to get through. You are a strong woman and I know you can handle each thing that comes before you.

Sending you a big hug and wishes for peace and contentment in your life.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

Karen S.
on 2/28/10 5:43 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Off family.......Jo, thank you for starting this thread. Your life sounds like it has been upside down for awhile now, and I feel for you. Five little ones to move around is a major accomplishment for you. I was exhausted taking care of my THREE little ones for five days!! I'm glad you are safe and the emergency is over.

This morning I woke up and felt tremendous gratitude for being safe, and not seeing outside wreckage from a tsunami, but instead lots of rain which we very much need. It could have been a very different scene this morning! A 12 foot wave would have devastated the first two floors and maybe higher, and taken the cars from our parking lot which is only about 100 feet from the ocean. We could have been withou****er/power, etc. Instead, all is good, and many many people returned to their homes from where they had fled to upcountry Maui or at least up the hillside. We were so glad that we decided to stay home and head up to the 4th floor or the roof in case it was THE BIG ONE.

I deeply appreciated the caring messages from my OFF family before I shut down my computer.

Today I am happily staying home and watching the US/Canada hockey game. Both my sons play hockey and have since they were children. I also have a few Canadian friends who I will be happy for if Canada wins.

Having gone through something like yesterday which could have changed lives forever makes me feel extremely glad to be alive, healthy and safe. Now I understand more when one of you is going through the rampages of Mother Nature.....and many of you have recently. Having friends on here is a blessing....plain and simple.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. It's 11:40 a.m. here right now, so afternoon/evening where you all are. If I could hug you I would....but a cyberhug is coming across the ocean like a tsunami!!

With so much aloha,

Maui Karen
Brenda R.
on 2/28/10 6:58 am - Portage, IN
Karen, I am so glad that you are alright. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. I just want to thank you for being you!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 2/28/10 7:08 am - Alexander, AR
Gosh, I just love seeing your smiling face!



Eileen Briesch
on 3/1/10 12:15 am - Evansville, IN

Glad you are safe! I was worried about you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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