Are you snowed in? What's new with you today?

Connie D.
on 2/25/10 11:02 pm
YAY PAT!!!! 

I am so glad to hear you are getting your life back. Going to work is a good start.

I am sure walking will improve everyday.

Just don't overdo it sweetie!!

Hugs....connie d
on 2/25/10 8:55 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Happy Friday OFF family,
Just a quick note and I'm off working.
I want sunshine!! Good luck with that here in Michigan. Spring time is just around the corner.
Sending hugs and prayers to all those in need.
on 2/25/10 9:04 pm
Good morning, Mary, and everyone who follows!  In a way we're snowed in because of the wind.  I wouldn't want to go out in this because the wind is blowing the snow so hard.  I think this storm's got a couple different names here in NJ.  The one I've heard most is Snowverkill and Snomora.

I'm sorry the weather's so bad you guys can't get to your sister's appointment.  :(

My two older kids both have to work today and I'm not real thrilled.  My son took a philosophical approach and said maybe it'd be quiet but I reminded him there's always some idiot that will go shopping in this mess.  Of course, it doesn't help that the stores open their doors and welcome these fools.  If the store is open, they will come.  So they'll both be dealing with more stupid people than on a usual day.  Oh well.  Rant over, just a worried mama here.

So today I'm going to watch the snow and hope the power doesn't go out.  I've got my book for when I get bored with the computer and lots of good music whether the power goes out or not (got my trusty mp3 player in case).

have a good one, all.

on 2/25/10 9:43 pm - Interlochen, MI
I hope all of you out east stay safe and warm today.  Our news said there are already 3 deaths blamed on the storm.  Please stay inside if you can, and if you must go out, go slowly and drive defensively.
No snow here today, thank goodness.  I'm going into Michaels with my neighbor, she wants to use her 40% off coupon.  We may head to Kohls too for their sale.
My family situation is going down the toilet fast.  One son and his wife are infertile and can't have kids.  Just found out when the other son had his first, and our first grandchild.  "A" is devistated about not being able to have kids, thus J&J don't want to talk (brag) about their new baby with them.  "B" wants to protect his wife from any more hurt, so he and his brother "J" are at odds.  The DIL's aren't talking, "A" is trying to deal with her pain and "J" is loving being a new mother, what can they talk about?  "A" doesn't want to be around people, but yet is upset that no one has called her and ask how she's doing?  This is such a fiasco.  I've been in tears most of the night and again this morning.  I'm the Mom, and I don't know what to do... Ugh  I can't just leave well enough alone, because my son "B" say's "A" is also hurt that no one has reached out to her.  Can't seem to win here.  Don't know what to do.  They're 4 hours away, so I can't even go over and give her a hug, or try to resolve anything.  On one hand she doesn't want to be around people or talk about the situation and on the other hand she's upset because no one has tried to contact her to see how she's doing.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I s'pose I should have started another topic...

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 2/25/10 10:02 pm - Hollywood, FL
Hi Jan:

Your son and wife are justified in rejoicing in the birth of their child and nothing should detract from their enjoyment of this blessing.

While it must heartbraking for your other son and wife to learn that cannot have theirr own biological child, it is extremely immature to begrudge his brother and wife their happiness. 

However, one thing I have learned through experience is to step back and let grown children work out their own problems, and not to stress over their dramas.

This may sound cold-hearted, but I refuse to let my blood pressure skyrocket and to lose sleep over conflicts I cannot resolve.   I can help if they ask me, but will notlet their problems ruin my life.

Hope it all works out soon.  I'm praying for you and your family,


on 2/25/10 10:19 pm - Interlochen, MI
It's an extremely sad situation.  The infertile couple is happy for the new baby, but it's a hard pill to swallow, or be around right now.  I went through infertility issues myself for years, so I know a lot of what she's feeling, but at a loss of what to do to help her/them move on.
Maria, I appreciate your reply.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 2/25/10 10:56 pm
((((Hugs Jan)))))  This is definitely a tough one.  If it were me, I'd probably reach out and call the infertile DIL, just to say I'm thinking of you and I'm here if you need me.  Short and sweet.  Although she may not feel like talking to anyone, sometimes that call or surprise visit does help let you know that people care about you.  Just my little 2 cents.

A very close friend of mine is in the hospital basically on life support.  His wife is devastated, and I went to visit her yesterday and took her a KFC meal.  She was sitting in the dark, all shades drawn, crying her eyes out.  We hugged and talked and I stayed for about two hours.  I'm so glad I stopped over to check on her.  While I have been respecting her privacy, I felt a need to go yesterday when her daughter called me.  I'm so glad I did.  My heart truly goes out to the family.  Chuck is only 62 years old and fighting for his life now.

My heart also hurts for you and your family right now.  My best friend was infertile and LOVED children.  She finally had the opportunity to adopt a daughter.  There is always hope.  Maybe your son and DIL can get on a waiting list for adoption. 

Well, I didn't mean to rattle on, but wanted to wish blessings to you and your family.



on 2/25/10 11:37 pm - Interlochen, MI
Thanks Debbie.  It really is hard.  I just text'd her and we're going down and staying overnight at their place on the 21st.  I've got a baby shower to go to that day and then we'll spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with Blair and Alisa and take them out to dinner.  Hopefully we can get back to some semblance of normalcy.  I have called her and left a msg that I'm thinking of her and am here for her is she wants to just talk to someone.  It is very tough.
I'm so glad you went to visit your friend.  God told you she needed you, and you were there for her.  It sure is sad, all of these people losing loved ones these days.
Hugs back to you too.  and thanks.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 2/25/10 11:59 pm

I'm sending prayers up for you and your family.  She's very lucky to have you.  Hope all gets back to normal really soon.



Connie D.
on 2/25/10 10:57 pm
Jan..."hugs honey" are definitely between a rock and a hard is so difficult to know what the right thing to do is at this point....hope it all gets worked out soon.

Hugs again....connie d
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