Are you snowed in? What's new with you today?
We have had a blizzard out here since yesterday. Calling for over a foot of snow. Calgon take me away! To some place wrm of course.
My sister has a doc appointment, I am going to have to havfe her cancel it. Weather too bad and I heard if you have the nurse come out the same day you see your doctor. Medicaid doesn't want to pay or it's medicare, I forget.
Nothing else new here, just trying to take care of family issues.
Tell me what is new in your life.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

we are getting snow here in jersey also and i will stay home from work again
today. just made coffee and plan on staying cozy and warm today.
im tired of winter, i know we all are, and so im going to think happy thoughts
of springtime and flowers.
hugs to all in need, Jacki
Good mornin', ya'll.
No snow here! We did have some beautiful heavy snow flurries yesterday, but it was way too warm to stick. Sometimes it didn't even hit the ground. Now that's the way I like to see snow! My Sis lives near Albany, NY, her DH drives almost into the city (NYC) for work - I think they are calling this a 'snowicane'. That is why we no longer live in NY.
My poor DIL still doesn't have her luggage. She isn't sure anyone knows where it is! Getting all new clothes is fun, but when you are spending the money you saved for your vacation and your Momma's 60th birthday, not so much fun anymore.
Younger grandson spent the night. He just headed off to school after a good breakfast. The older one stayed home alone - he's 18 and I think he probably enjoyed the solitude. Of course, they are both welcome to stay here anytime. But I do like that they are responsible for the dogs, not me.
Absolutely nothing going on here today. I rather like days like that.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Sorry to hear you're facing even more snow. Helps me put the weather down here in perspective. We have been moaning and complaining 'cause it's been 40 degrees every morning and it won't go up to 50 until Sunday.
We thin-blooded Floridians are freezing, not to mention the iguanas, which are literally freezing on the trees and dropping to the ground like rocks -- not dead just in sort of a state of suspended animation. A lot of the Caribbean islanders who live down here are feasting on the critters. Uhg!
But my next-door neighbor, who is from Chagrin Falls, Ohio, just laughs at me in my down coat while she putters around her yard in a t-shirt!
Well Mary, I hope it warms up soon and you can get your sister to the doctor.
so hope they come when i am off and since im PRN anyway would be nice if the DON would call someone else in to work if they come. lol
We are to get a snow storm from the east -- very rare for us here in Michigan...I'm more than ready for spring to come.
pat r.