Are you snowed in? What's new with you today?
Thanks Connie. This is really a hard spot to be in. Happy for one son, sad for the other. Where's the happy medium and how to get the two couples back together again??? I'm just praying that things will work out between them sooner rather than later. The longer you let things fester, the worse they get.
Thanks for the hugs, I'll pass them on.
Thanks for the hugs, I'll pass them on.
Good morning Mary and all my fellow OFFer's,
Boy, you all must be so tired of snow, and now this round seems to look worse than before. The bit of snow we got a couple of weeks ago was enough for me, thank you very much. Just enough to say we had some that stayed on the ground for a few days. Now it's gone and I'm not sorry. The robins and blue jays are happy to find all the little bugs in the back yard, our feeders need filling every other day, so maybe Spring is on it's way?
No reason to hurry and get ready for work. No wor****il noon, and I'll be done by 2:00. That's pretty damn sad, and scary too. I won't make enough this week to pay my space rent, which is VERY scary. Thankfully I keep money set aside for times like this, so I'll be okay, just wish I had something to do! At least the gals at the salon are great to be around, so I'll head on in if for nothing else but some chatter.
Okay, that's all for me. Please stay safe and warm out there!
Boy, you all must be so tired of snow, and now this round seems to look worse than before. The bit of snow we got a couple of weeks ago was enough for me, thank you very much. Just enough to say we had some that stayed on the ground for a few days. Now it's gone and I'm not sorry. The robins and blue jays are happy to find all the little bugs in the back yard, our feeders need filling every other day, so maybe Spring is on it's way?
No reason to hurry and get ready for work. No wor****il noon, and I'll be done by 2:00. That's pretty damn sad, and scary too. I won't make enough this week to pay my space rent, which is VERY scary. Thankfully I keep money set aside for times like this, so I'll be okay, just wish I had something to do! At least the gals at the salon are great to be around, so I'll head on in if for nothing else but some chatter.
Okay, that's all for me. Please stay safe and warm out there!
Good morning Mary and everyone!!
Just another day in paradise...yeah right!!!
I am feeling a little better today. Still coughing but my throat isn't sore anymore...that is great!
I made myself go to my appointment yesterday to get my taxes done. I am glad I did as that is behind me for another year!!
Sounds like some of you are really having some bad weather . Stay in and keep safe and warm!
My ex called me. It is his birthday and he asked me to go out and have lunch with him today so I guess I will. We do laugh a lot when we are together.
That is about it for me.....boring I know!
Prayers to so many in need.
Love and hugs to all......connie d
Just another day in paradise...yeah right!!!
I am feeling a little better today. Still coughing but my throat isn't sore anymore...that is great!
I made myself go to my appointment yesterday to get my taxes done. I am glad I did as that is behind me for another year!!
Sounds like some of you are really having some bad weather . Stay in and keep safe and warm!
My ex called me. It is his birthday and he asked me to go out and have lunch with him today so I guess I will. We do laugh a lot when we are together.
That is about it for me.....boring I know!
Prayers to so many in need.
Love and hugs to all......connie d
No new snow here in Minnesota - the old stuff is crusty and dirty and still plowed up high and the streets barely passable in some places - narrow because of snow. You can't see around the corners very well on the city streets for the snow piles. It's UGLY!!!
I'm having a pretty good time of it. We went out for supper with some of our WLS folks last night, since one of them can never make the Saturday coffee. That was fun. Today I'm working and hoping to get my second report going well, have to present it next Thursday.
Michael is alternately psyched for his surgery this coming Wednesday and anxious. It will be such a relief to have it over with. It is hard for him on the liquid diet, and I remember not liking it much, especially toward the end. But he's so close now.
I'm not doing much this weekend. Coffee on Saturday, of course, and then I will be knitting with my friend who taught (or re-taught!) me how recently. That will be fun and relaxing. Michael has to work, since he doesn't know how he'll feel after surgery.
Have good weekends everyone.
I'm having a pretty good time of it. We went out for supper with some of our WLS folks last night, since one of them can never make the Saturday coffee. That was fun. Today I'm working and hoping to get my second report going well, have to present it next Thursday.
Michael is alternately psyched for his surgery this coming Wednesday and anxious. It will be such a relief to have it over with. It is hard for him on the liquid diet, and I remember not liking it much, especially toward the end. But he's so close now.
I'm not doing much this weekend. Coffee on Saturday, of course, and then I will be knitting with my friend who taught (or re-taught!) me how recently. That will be fun and relaxing. Michael has to work, since he doesn't know how he'll feel after surgery.
Have good weekends everyone.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Snowy and cold here too!!!! I live near Binghamton....16 inches of the stuff so far..and now we are preparing for the blizzard winds.
Snowicane, snownado...WTH???? Its a blizzard, pure and simple. And not one that I want to venture out in.
So yesterday...I stayed in a made a big pot of ham and bean soup. Yum.
My PCP finally (YEAH) took me off another of my Blood pressure meds. After losing almost 200 pounds I kept wondering why my BP wouldn't get any better. Seems that now the parathyroid has been removed it is getting better. I was on 3 meds. Now I'm on only 12.5 mg. of one med.
Now thats cause for celebration!!!!
Jan, I guess I agree with Rosie. I would call DIL and tell her I'm there for her. Let her come to you when she is ready to talk.
((((HUGS))) to all who need it...Connie ...glad you are feeling better.
Well ...I'm off to see the weather report. I'm also so happy I can go back to work (School) on Monday. Dr. gave the ok. Tummy is still sore..but hey...I've got metal screws in there so I'm going to be sore.
Have a great day.
Snowicane, snownado...WTH???? Its a blizzard, pure and simple. And not one that I want to venture out in.
So yesterday...I stayed in a made a big pot of ham and bean soup. Yum.
My PCP finally (YEAH) took me off another of my Blood pressure meds. After losing almost 200 pounds I kept wondering why my BP wouldn't get any better. Seems that now the parathyroid has been removed it is getting better. I was on 3 meds. Now I'm on only 12.5 mg. of one med.
Now thats cause for celebration!!!!
Jan, I guess I agree with Rosie. I would call DIL and tell her I'm there for her. Let her come to you when she is ready to talk.
((((HUGS))) to all who need it...Connie ...glad you are feeling better.
Well ...I'm off to see the weather report. I'm also so happy I can go back to work (School) on Monday. Dr. gave the ok. Tummy is still sore..but hey...I've got metal screws in there so I'm going to be sore.
Have a great day.

Hi Mary and my OFF family:
It's snowing here, too, but not as much as out East. We're supposed to get 2-4 inches today, but it wasn't supposed to get bad until the afternoon. It's already snowing, though. I have been up since 7 a.m. I set the alarm so I would be up early, get the cats fed and my coffee made and my protein coffee drunk and ready for the big disability interview. I also had to separate the cats a couple of times because Scooter keeps hissing at Nettie and whacking her with his front paws. He doesn't recognize her since she got home from the vet. Doesn't smell right, I guess. I thought he was over it after last night, but it's gotten worse. He wouldn't even eat with her this morning. There has been a lot of hissing this morning.
But anyway, the disability interview only lasted about a half hour. It went OK. The interviewer said my application was the best he had ever seen, I was very thorough. I guess Mary Kay coached me well. I still have some more forms to fill out that will be coming to me. Then I may have to see a doctor, too. Mary Kay kind of warned me about that.
Nettie had to have two teeth pulled yesterday. Don't know if I told you about that. She's doing OK ... I got her back about 3 p.m. and she was a bit groggy last night ... kinda stumbled around like she was drunk. She kept walking away from me last night, until finally she hopped into bed and stretched and purred me for me. So I guess I was finally forgiven. The vet gave me this transdermal pain med that I put in her ear ... but it's hard to apply, so I'm not sure I'm getting enough in there. She doesn't seem to be in pain, though ... she seems to be eating well and she seems happy enough. So I'll just try to get enough med in there to keep her comfortable.
I thought about running out to PetsMart and the UPS store this morning to return a package, but I don't feel like going anywhere. I just want to veg today. I need to mail a couple of letters, though, so I may get dressed early and get out to the mailbox.
Well, that's it for me. Have a good day. Stay safe and warm in your homes if you're in the blizzard zone (when I was in the Dakotas, the Grand Forks newspaper suggested naming blizzards, we had so many that year ... like hurricanes).
It's snowing here, too, but not as much as out East. We're supposed to get 2-4 inches today, but it wasn't supposed to get bad until the afternoon. It's already snowing, though. I have been up since 7 a.m. I set the alarm so I would be up early, get the cats fed and my coffee made and my protein coffee drunk and ready for the big disability interview. I also had to separate the cats a couple of times because Scooter keeps hissing at Nettie and whacking her with his front paws. He doesn't recognize her since she got home from the vet. Doesn't smell right, I guess. I thought he was over it after last night, but it's gotten worse. He wouldn't even eat with her this morning. There has been a lot of hissing this morning.
But anyway, the disability interview only lasted about a half hour. It went OK. The interviewer said my application was the best he had ever seen, I was very thorough. I guess Mary Kay coached me well. I still have some more forms to fill out that will be coming to me. Then I may have to see a doctor, too. Mary Kay kind of warned me about that.
Nettie had to have two teeth pulled yesterday. Don't know if I told you about that. She's doing OK ... I got her back about 3 p.m. and she was a bit groggy last night ... kinda stumbled around like she was drunk. She kept walking away from me last night, until finally she hopped into bed and stretched and purred me for me. So I guess I was finally forgiven. The vet gave me this transdermal pain med that I put in her ear ... but it's hard to apply, so I'm not sure I'm getting enough in there. She doesn't seem to be in pain, though ... she seems to be eating well and she seems happy enough. So I'll just try to get enough med in there to keep her comfortable.
I thought about running out to PetsMart and the UPS store this morning to return a package, but I don't feel like going anywhere. I just want to veg today. I need to mail a couple of letters, though, so I may get dressed early and get out to the mailbox.
Well, that's it for me. Have a good day. Stay safe and warm in your homes if you're in the blizzard zone (when I was in the Dakotas, the Grand Forks newspaper suggested naming blizzards, we had so many that year ... like hurricanes).
Hi MaryMargaret and all my OFF friends,
We had snow then we had three days of rain. Last night the temps dropped to 25* and it's been snowing ever since. I almost didn't go to work. When I went to start my car to let it warm up, the doors were frozen shut. So I went back in the house and was going to call my boss and tell him I wasn't coming in. But then, I was dressed and ready to go so I found a teflon spatula and went back outside and pried the doors open. I had to drive slow to work. It's noon now and we've got about 5 inches of snow and it's still coming down heavy. There is lots of wind too. It's going to be a bear going home. A couple of the women have left early. At least I've saved myself from using another vacation day for weather.
Jan, offer comfort and support but just listen. When DILs are so emotional any opinions or solutions offered are misconstrued and contribute to hard feelings.
My DIL always takes what I say the wrong way. My grandson knocked a picture frame off a table. I said to my brother-in-law that was by my grandson, is it broken? (Thinking to myself, my grandson is barefoot and I don't want his feet to get cut.) My DIL yells from across the room "That's OK, Wyatt, it was an accident" while glaring at me. So my DIL thought I was concerned about the frame being broken. I couldn't care less about the frame. It didn't occur to me until later what DIL thought so the moment to explain myself was gone. It's exhausting trying to watch what I say or the best way to phrase something. It hurts too that she thinks I'm that witchy. I hope all goes well with the relationships being repaired.
I have to do the dance reconciliation tonight so the boy scouts who sold tickets or donated raffle prizes get their distribution of the profits.
I hope everyone stays safe in the weather. Hugs and prayers to all who need them.
We had snow then we had three days of rain. Last night the temps dropped to 25* and it's been snowing ever since. I almost didn't go to work. When I went to start my car to let it warm up, the doors were frozen shut. So I went back in the house and was going to call my boss and tell him I wasn't coming in. But then, I was dressed and ready to go so I found a teflon spatula and went back outside and pried the doors open. I had to drive slow to work. It's noon now and we've got about 5 inches of snow and it's still coming down heavy. There is lots of wind too. It's going to be a bear going home. A couple of the women have left early. At least I've saved myself from using another vacation day for weather.
Jan, offer comfort and support but just listen. When DILs are so emotional any opinions or solutions offered are misconstrued and contribute to hard feelings.
My DIL always takes what I say the wrong way. My grandson knocked a picture frame off a table. I said to my brother-in-law that was by my grandson, is it broken? (Thinking to myself, my grandson is barefoot and I don't want his feet to get cut.) My DIL yells from across the room "That's OK, Wyatt, it was an accident" while glaring at me. So my DIL thought I was concerned about the frame being broken. I couldn't care less about the frame. It didn't occur to me until later what DIL thought so the moment to explain myself was gone. It's exhausting trying to watch what I say or the best way to phrase something. It hurts too that she thinks I'm that witchy. I hope all goes well with the relationships being repaired.
I have to do the dance reconciliation tonight so the boy scouts who sold tickets or donated raffle prizes get their distribution of the profits.
I hope everyone stays safe in the weather. Hugs and prayers to all who need them.
Good morning Mary and OFF friends,
We're getting a Noreaster, it's snowing the wind is howling, and it feels like dead of winter instead of almost the beginning of March - lol - I'm trying to make the best of it, but I'm tired of the snow now. We still have a ton of snow from before. I'm with Jacki - I want spring and flowers and blue skies too!
Not much new here. Have a wonderful day everyone and keep warm.
We're getting a Noreaster, it's snowing the wind is howling, and it feels like dead of winter instead of almost the beginning of March - lol - I'm trying to make the best of it, but I'm tired of the snow now. We still have a ton of snow from before. I'm with Jacki - I want spring and flowers and blue skies too!
Not much new here. Have a wonderful day everyone and keep warm.