Rowing and sailing, how's your boat floatin'?
I think my dingy has sprung a leak. According to I have averaged less than 1200 cals a day over the last two weeks. This morning I'm up to 136.4 WTH????? Oh well, it is what it is. I'll keep on rowing and see what happens over the next week. but this is not a good way to start my day

Here it is:
Protein coffee
quiche cup, slice whole wheat toast
baked chicken thigh, beets
d--leftover something. Too much in the fridge that needs to be eaten. That means that I don't have to cook!!!
snacks as needed, but I'll try to avoid them, if possible.
Hope you all have a grand day!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White

Funny, Gary and I were talking yesterday about visiting his stepmom in WI this summer. He has a favorite place to get cheeseburgers (I think they're gross, but he likes them). He said, at least I'm not eating cheese curds. So, what's up that this nasty stuff has been mentioned twice in two days? Golly, hope it's not a trend!!!!
Hang tough, be what you can to avoid this stuff!
I try to keep reading what is going on here. I do it when I can't sleep usually.
It is hard to follow a planned menu because I am gone most of the day and evening.
Protein drink
S- Food bar
L- I don't know
S- string cheese
Dinner- I have no clue. Probably some kind of ham and cheese roll up
S- No clue
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

well i think my boat went through the bermuda triangle and i got lost...LOL but i am back once again to post what i am for the cheese curds...its like regular cheese only in small chunks...they are good just like cheese in bricks etc
b. coffee...first one in almost a week...been drinking hot tea or ice tea cottage cheese with some pineapple
l. deviled eggs
d. chicken and a tossed salad with ranch dressing
s's not sure but thinking cheese sticks and celery with peanut butter
water and more water finally i can drink my water without getting into trouble lol can't drink it while at work til the auditors are gone and they haven't been there yet...GRRRRR wish they would hurry up because its making me mad that i can't drink my water like i am used to!!!! (its a big no-no to have MY food and water in food court...even with my dr's orders to have it...i just have to wait til the auditors are gone and then i can have them again with me)
have a good day and row harder...we WILL get there!!! ;-)