Rolling down the river.....what are you eating today?
hi susan and others it ok for me to join in with the rowing everyday? seems i can't do it alone so maybe just MAYBE this will work for me!!! pants are getting tight and i am NOT liking that at all!!!! soooooooooo with today being the start of LENT i thought this might also help me to get back on track and STAY there!!!!
breakfast: cottage cheese with mandrin oranges
lunch: cheese and beef on lettuce leaves
supper: fish probably tuna. tossed salad
snack: banana protein shake and if i need something else a protein bar
drinking tea now instead of coffee and creamer, and coke. i know i know bad judy for drinking coke again!!!! its all gone and no more will come back in the house. rick will buy pepsi to drink and i never did like pepsi so i will never touch that at all!!! we went to the grocery store last night and bought me healthy foods so i will stay on track.
ok i am off and rowing my heart out and later i will be using the weight bench when rick can be there to help me if i need him. he is digging out my gazzelle so i can use that also. wish me luck!!!
thanks for being here for the support!!! ;-)
Ok, here is the plan (green font = done):
B - 1 cottage cheese pancake
1/2 small apple
S - 1 string cheese
L - Chicken salad (chicken, apple chunks, LF mayo, Mrs.Dash table blend)
S - Chai Latte (Chai tea, stevia & non-fat dry milk)
S - 1 oz South Beach Diet nut mix
D - 1 cup Wendy's chili, 1 slice 2% cheese
1 small apple
S - Protein Shot
Have a Dr.'s appt. at 5 today, but will walk at least 30 minutes this evening.
I'm rowing, I'm rowing, I'm rowing. Hey who turned the rudder so I'm going in circles??? LOL.
B - Pure Protein Bar
S - Applesauce
L - Progresso Lite Chicken Noodle Soup
S - SF pudding
S - Yogurt (Two Snacks - afternoons are the hardest for me)
D - KFC - Crispy Strip and Cole Slaw.
Bad girl for not getting the Calcium in. Vitamins, Water are in. No exercise today either but I'll be doing a lot of running around tonight at the scout meeting.