"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
My cats are my babies.
Off to work in 30 minutes. Hopefully get some of my "to do" list done today. I am planning on bringing home some work to do while I'm off work. Just a few things that I haven't had time to do at work because they are low priority. With all the time off I've had this past 9 months between myself and my husband's doctor's appointments, I have gotten behind on some of the "little things". Well, then seasonal flu season kept me busy with clinics, and H1N1 clinics took a lot of my time too. These take a lot of leg work on my part and paperwork, form preparation, advertising, phone calls to set up off site clinic sites, etc. I guess the extra duties on the job played a larger part in my getting behind that my time off, but the time off sure didn't help. I hope to only be off work for 2-3 weeks. I'm not going to push myself though, so if I go back earlier, it will be for half days.
I have a hair appointment after work. My son and DIL and 3 grandkids all have appointments right after mine. I'm going to take the g'kids their Valentines gifts. Between their schedules and ours, we just couldn't make connections before now to get that done.
Everyone have a nice day.
Good mornin' ya'll.
Yesterday the tax lady came and got all my papers. I sure hope I don't have to pay taxes on any of the stuff I got from Momma's estate. I know I'll have to pay taxes on the interest I have earned on the stuff. But I hope NOT on the bulk of it. It was NOT over 3.5 million so no inheritance tax.
This morning at 10 is chemo. This is my 3rd week in a row. So next week no chemo but I will meet with the doctor. I need to know when this will be over so I can schedule surgery on my shoulder.
My Aunt called yesterday. She had some cancerous things removed from her colon a few weeks ago. Her Dr. is recommending 6 months of oral chemo drugs. Xeloda. That is what I took while having radiation, She only has RX coverage through her Medicare. She will have to pay $1000 a month for her drugs, after insurance!! Thank God for my good insurance.
Oldest grandson here for his french toast breakfast before he goes to class. He only has one on Wednesdays. I'm sure he'll be back fro lunch.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Nice to see you starting the thread Cindy!!
Nothing much happening here. Yesterday was a day from HELL kind of work day....so far this morning it is going okay. No fires to put out YET!!
Kyleigh (granddaughter) is settling in at her new place and seems to be doing well. She likes all the girls there and the staff too. She started school yesterday....it is always hard to be at a new school but she said it went okay. She is a really fun girl and gets along with most everyone. Change isn't always easy but she seems to have a good attitude about it and I think everything will be okay.
Carrie (daughter) is still looking for a job but is still at her old one yet for a couple more weeks. I hope she finds something soon. Things are tough right now...jobs aren't easy to find.
Well that is about it for me....I need to get back to work.
Prayers to those in need. Have a wonderful day!
Love and hugs.....connie d