Love ourselves right now!

Here is the best thought I have heard in a while from a post entitled "I Am Beautiful":
yes...I am beautiful just like I am,,,and because I love myself...I am going to live a healthier lifestyle"
This is not the case of which comes first, the chicken or the egg, for lasting weight loss, love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Don't wait until you have reached the weight you "should be" to start loving yourself.
The "I am beautiful" article really hit home with me. Even though I look 100 times better than I did 81 lbs. ago, there is a tendency to look at the flaws and blow them out of proportion.
Caught myself thinking how much looser my thighs, arms, neck, etc. will be when I lose the remaining 55.6 lbs., and realized that is one sure way to sabotage progress. Loose skin is a byproduct of losing over 130 lbs. at age 62, and I have to be a warrior about dealing with the consequences.
In the meantime, I'll remind myself that beauty takes many forms, and optimum health is my real goal.
However, plastic surgery is not out of the question.
Indeed beauty comes in all forms.
I have lots of skin. I chose to call them angel wings, shar-pai thighs, my tummy don't look too bad and I look great in clothes...neeked...not so much but I have a good attitude about it.
Never let skin scare ya. It is part of us. I can't hate part of me, I just deal with it. I can't afford plastics but if I could I would! LOL
You have options, that's great.
My option is exercise and just see how I keep turning out. I'm surprised my back fat is all gone. There is nothing I can do for my angel wings so I just love them. My grand daughter plays with the skin, I laugh now because I use to touch my grandmothers arms too. My step daughter was horrified when Rozzie did that. I told her it's okay with me. It's soft and underneath it all I have muscle. You just have to hunt for it! LOL