"Who cares? if I start the thread? "What's New" topic today
morning OFF...
sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday...except jacki...my heart goes out to her for her loss.
sat around most of the day watching the NASCAR race. good race but kind of boring for daytona. after that we watched some scarry movies that we found a four movie set at walmart for $5. we watched 2 of them and then it was time for bed. guess who had to take bandit out one last time? yuppers it was me!!! me who was scared that the boogyman was gonna get me!!! lol so we just poked our bodies outside the door and he went there....lol
leg is a little sore today after my accident at walmart yesterday. i got on a bike to test ride it and i fell while trying to ride it!! omg!!! i was laying on the floor lol at myself and rick rushed over to help me up and i told him i never wanted to look at another bike again!!! LOL i was soooo embarrassed!!! gezzzz
nothing else to say so will get out of here and get things cleaned up before i go to work. i have the feeling that the auditors will be there this week starting today. yippeee!! just love them there poking around trying to catch us doing things wrong. so anyhow have a good day and remember to SMILE!!!!!
Happy Monday morning OFF family,
First of all hugs to Jacki, this is just hard to deal with a loss of a spouse, so hard.
On a lighter note, Becca's wedding Friday night went well, she was beautiful and cried during her vows. Her 2 children were well behaved and were included in the vows by the Pastor.
Reception afterward if you want to call it that was at an Italian Restaurant and each "guest" paid for their own dinner...instead of bringing them a wedding gift they just paid for their own. It was originally only going to be close family and it grew with friends saying I want to go and I'll pay for my own dinner. So it worked out. I paid for the wedding cake and it was beautiful...and tasty too!
Speaking of cake, today and the next 3 days I'm detoxing my body of sugar and carbs. I have to. I worked out on my own last week but just not as hard and I feel it in my clothes damn it to all!!
It sure is hard to keep the weight off me without my regular work outs. I told hubby not to expect me home all wee****il later because I WILL be in the gym after work. I am so looking forward to springtime. I can smell it and I miss riding my bike around the country block. I miss my walks and it's been so icy here I'm afraid of falling and no one finding me until later. Excuses? Yes, they are...that's why my butt will be in the gym. I don't want to buy bigger panties!!! LOL
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
I didn't get up until almost 8:30 this morning....I couldn't believe I slept that long....I am always up at least a couple hours before that. Guess I needed the extra rest.
No work today...wooohooo...love, love, love these 4 day weekends!! I plan on doing nothing but reading and relaxing and enjoying the quiet time.
I feel so sad for Jacki....what a difficult time for her and her family.
Everyone enjoy your day doing what ever you need to do.
Prayers to those in need....special ones going up for some.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Just sitting here and vegging out today. I am so tired for some reason. I could fall asleep right here in my chair with my computer on my lap. I know that sounds strange but I have done that before so it sure wouldn't be the first time. ha ha I am going to get started doing something around here and then I will wake up..or at least I sure hope so. I would look funny putting things in boxes and Bill come home and find my head and upper torso in the box too!
It is snowing today. I am not sure just how much we are getting but I sure hope that it is not much. We got about a foot of snow from last week and it is still sitting here not going anywhere. I am so tired of that dreaded white stuff and I just want spring to come and have the sun shinning bright and beautiful again.
I guess I should get going and get something started around here. It sure looks like that it is going to take me years to do what needs to be done. But I don't have years...just a couple short months.
I am sending love and hugs to all. I am remembering everyone in special thoughts and prayers especially our dear Jacki. Life is going to difficult for her for a while until she adjusts. My heart goes out to her.
I forgot to drink red jello yesterday, but our daughter fixed chili for supper and I ate broth only - it was red. LOL
We're back home and my DH is looking at car ads. He's itching to buy new, to replace the '99 van. I guess it's time, but I hate car payments.