Rowing down the river---what are you eating today???
Baxter and I slept in this morning. So nice since I usually wake up between 4:00 and 5:00 every morning, so 7:00 is like wasting the day away! Now I have to change my eating schedule around a bit, but it's all good, no worries.
I have to stay late at work tomorrow so I don't have to come home before going to get Gary at the airport at 8:00, and working late on Wed, as usual. So, today I'm going to do some cooking in preparation for the week. Getting some things together to have at the ready in the fridge really works for us. If I'm going to cook, I might as well get a bunch done at once. I'll make my home made applesauce, of course, then I'm putting a roast into the crock pot to make barbecue beef sandwiches for Gary(for when I'm at work), and I'll try that South Beach Diet Quiche Cups again. I'm fiddling with that recipe, so I'll let you know how they do.
Here's my day, so far
whole grain waffle w/ 2 tsp pb and fruit only jelly. 2 thin slices bacon
protein coffee
L- chicken thigh, beets
D--? not sure. Might take myself out to dinner!
I'm not sure what you had in mind, for your detox......But, Apples have natural sugars and carbs.
I don't want to rain on your parade, but I thought I'd just throw that out there.
Have a great day!

Yeah, I know apples have the natural sugars and carbs but I need the good sugars and carbs just not the bad stuff. For me to detox, I'm referring to the crappy stuff like cake, cookies and crackers.
I exercise so I need a little more for my body that the 5 day pouch test. I gotta do this my Frank Sinatra sang it girlfriend!! LOL
I also will need to go to the store to buy some banana's, when I eat banana's I only eat half at a time. I will embrace Moderation, exercise and the lifestyle change/commitment that I have made for myself. By all means I know I'm not a failure and will always be a work in progress. Like our lives we are constantly changing and change is good.
My glass is half full...just trying to get the nasty carbs out of my body. I'm on top of it.
Good luck with your detoxing too. Ain't life grand???!!!! Why yes, I believe it is. I grabbing on with both hands and taking it! Hugs Debbie
I started out OK with my fruit and cottage cheese.
Will follow up with Immodium AD.
For sure, there won't be any pie on the menu plan......