new to this site-surgery tomorrow
Hi all
I'm Deb and am having a hopefully laproscopic RNY with gallbladder removal tomorrow at 12:55. Have to be at the hospital at 1030. Been on the OH site for a while but never scrolled down far enough to find you. Nervous tonight so was checking everything and anything and found you. Yippee. Having trouble relating to some of the "youngsters" posts.
I see that here you do an introduction. So here goes.
1. Live in the northwoods of WI about 25 miles south of Lake Superior right in the top middle of the state. Just a little south of the snow belt........
2. February 4 i celebrated my 32 wedding anniversary with hubby Mike.
3. No human children. 3 furry kids however. All rescues. 2 Bichons Brady and Bennie and a Shih tzu Honey.
4. No grand kids but 2 nephews one of which just made me a grandaunt December 18th with little Dominic
5. Vent certified Nurse working as a home health care provider for a quadriplegic lady for past 3 years. Managed 2 Blood centers for 26 years before that. Nice not to be the boss anymore!
6. I will be 58 when I have WLS tomorrow
7. 45.4 BMI and hoping to get it much lower.
I am glad you found us. This group is wonderful. So much support here. I am sure you will stay now that you are here!
I am sure your surgery will go just fine. Hard to tell you not to be nervous though.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Hi again. Think my rowing boat hit a hurricane during the surgery. Surgery Monday and got out last night with some heavy duty begging..........If you are thinking about surgery don't read any further. I can never do anything typically.................... My friends have also said that if it's weird it will happen to you...............
Surgery went great. No problems according to the surgeon other than an enlarged liver and spleen which is probably due to obesity. Routine liver biopsy was done. Recovery was long I was told. 3 hours. Problems with pain control I guess. In my mind they only asked me 2 questions one right after the other and I was moving to my room. Interesting what your perspective is compared to reality never having had surgery before. Got back to room about 8:00 after 1:00 surgery-also had gallbladder removal. Day one after surgery was OK. Day 2 (TMI) had no urine output for 1 shift. Caused a flurry of activity and a surgeon visit. Got 500mls. of fluid and lasix got them kick started again. Day 3 kept me to monitor kidney function-do only have 30% of kidney function so they were really concerned. Day 3 during nights developed HUGE size of 2 footballs bruise on my left flank. Soft so no new bleeding. Bruises appearing around each lap hole also. Look like I'm hit by a truck. Kind of feel like it too.............. Surgeon had to come again. She was great. Think my platelets are wonky due to kidney function. Day 4 taking a final walk around the "block" when the nurse comes rushing up to get me back in bed. HGB 6.2 No wonder I was light headed. Thought it was just after surgery. Down dramatically from day before. Had to get 2 units of blood. 50/50 if they were going to let me go last night. A little- OK make that a lot- of begging helped. So now I'm home and had the best nights sleep I've ever had I swear.
Keep in mind this is written after Vicodin so make allowances please!!
Thanks for your thoughts