Ladies over 50...Birth Control Question
I'll soon be 53 and am currently taking Nor-QD for birth control. Nor-QD is a progestrin only so my pills are all the same and my periods are still regular. I'm also almost 9 months post op having Gastric Bypass. Yesterday was my first visit to my GYN since surgery and they will not write me another prescription stating the concerns of blood clots and malabsorption. They also said I might be going through menopause and not know it because the pills may be masking the symptoms. First of all, is there anything wrong with that part? Who wants to have hot flashes anyway. I called my surgeons office this morning and they said there is no reason I can't take them. Their main concern is the month following surgery in which I didn't take them and was on Plavix. I know at my age the chances of me getting pregnant is low, but do I want to take that risk? Don't think so! Don't want the hot flashes either. Have any of you ran into anything similar?
I've been fortunate enough not to have to deal with this question. I have found my libido has changed and I don't think it is age related. Surgery has done strange things. Menopause was almost done by the time of surgery so I have few symptoms.
I would suggest abstinence but then .... who wants that.. lol lol (just kidding). Can you use a temporary control until the Dr feels you are healthy enough for the pill again?
Best of luck
I was on the pill once because I had heavy periods and my gyne was worried about me getting polyps. But it made things worse, not better, so we switched to something else.