Saturday-what's new?

Margo M.
on 2/12/10 7:36 pm, edited 2/12/10 7:42 pm - Elyria, OH
well- it's been almost 2 months since i could start this thread! that's new!

talk to me....i'm working today a few hours- well-actually more than a few but on the clock a few...

find myself grazing thru the day or not eating at all....looking for protein where i can....

missing all y'all......

more coffee and a shower to get out the door......

hugs and prayers....................................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 2/12/10 7:48 pm - Medina, OH
Wow, Margo - good to see you and thanks for starting the thread.  Greetings to those that follow.

Well, I was up at 4 this morning.   This has begun to be the norm for me.  Great.

Let's see, what am I doing today?   I haven't planned too much.  Hubby is going to work today.  Overtime.  I take it.

Didn't make the show yesterday to see Werewolf..  I guess I will wait until Monday.  Don't want to go this weekend.  Too crowded.

Anyone have plans for Valentines Day?  We are just going to visit my in laws.  Nothing exciting.  No money, no fun,,lol

Have to go to the store and buy some healthy things to munch on at night.  Getting off track somewhat.  I don't know why.

Everyone is well here.  I have that to be thankful for.

Not much else going on, so I will say arivedercci not sure I spelled that right.  And, I am Italian.  Well half, the other is Irish.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Margo M.
on 2/12/10 7:54 pm - Elyria, OH
my job is drawing to a close- for now anyhow- and i am trying to make the end good! complicated to explain here this morning-

anyhow-everyday when i come home; it's to something different- the other day michael walked to the barn- an adventure! and unburied my comp desk-dragged it here on plastic and got it into this room somehow tho comp not on it yet- yesterday; he painted a few walls- and went back to the barn for another desk pieces and parts- so now we have a corner- i am feeling left out cuz it is not how i would set up MY desk - and i don't want to learn new tricks- hard enuff to have the slow dialup after getting spoiled by wireless high speed....

then there are the constant stacks of boxes moving around the trailer- i figured out that we went from more than 2800 sq ft to less than 800 sq ft when we moved here-- ouchies...

and i can't find anything again- when i find things he moves them....

ok- i'll quit my *****in for today-had to get that out.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 2/12/10 7:55 pm - Jacksonville, NC

 Good morning, ya'll. 

We finally got the snow they have been promising off and on for weeks. My ruler shows 6" in our front yard.  I am so glad it came on a weekend.  No school disrupted.  The kids don't agree, of course. They don't think about those snow days they would have to make up sometime!

Well, my 'check engine' light cost me $1200 yesterday!  Apparently there were quite a few things that needed attention sooner, rather than later. I'm glad it is all taken care of.

I have no place I have to be until 10AM Wednesday, so this bad weather isn't really gonna affect me, one way or another.  I'm sure I'll be seeing grandkids here for some nice warm meals.  Maybe a pot of chili is in order!

Everyone have a fantabulous day.


Grammylew in Jax


on 2/12/10 8:04 pm - Alexander, AR
Love, love, love seeing you first thing this morning!  It sounds like you're good and busy, getting settled and working. It's all good!

Yesterday was my first full day of bachellorette-hood and it was a bust. I started working on the taxes, and there's been a snafu with my bank statements. Very long story short, I was on the phone with Bank of America for about an hour trying to straighten things out, waisting all that time!  AGHHHH  By the time I got off the phone not only was I frustrated but I really hadn't gotten anything done. Then I went to work, got some dinner out (another bust) and came home. Worked on the taxes while watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and went to bed. What a life, huh? Guess Gary has no worries about me while he's not

From where I sit this morning it looks to more of the same today.

That's all there is from Central Arkansas. Hope the rest of the world is doing well.

Love and hugs to all!



George T.
on 2/12/10 8:30 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all.  Been up since 4:40AM.  My body would not get any more sleep, even though I only had 2 hours the night before. 

Working this morning at the part time job.  Then home for a quick nap.  Then Mary and I will go see Travolta's new movie.

Gotta go.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 2/12/10 8:46 pm
Hi All-
It seems forever since I last wrote in.  I used to hate it when the longtimers dwindled away because their life no longer clung so intensely to a need to connect with all of us.  Yet I find myself doing the same thing...too busy in my new life and forgetting from whence I came and how very much all of you helped me.  I've got a tendency to get myself going in too many directions then ending up sick or frantic or both.  I'm trying to pare down my actvities, but it's so easy to get overinvolved here!  Active adult communities really are active! There are so many groups I have an interest in!  Water aerobics, yoga, knitting, quilting, sign language, late deafened adults, writing, stained glass, retired nurses, and on and on.  Not to mention my new deaf community outside of this one that I've become active in; deaf vegetarians, deaf Red Hats, weekly get togethers at the mall, and deaf church.  And thru all of this, I've still got the responsibility for my dad who has Alzheimer's and the grief that my siblings and I share over the death of our mother 1 1/2 years ago.  The reminders are there daily, but continue to blindisde me as well as they do to my sisters and brother.  Weightwise, I've just about returned to my goal weight, although it's been slow to lose back the 20 lbs I gained when Mom was so ill and died.  It's not nearly as easy as it was right after my surgery.  I still struggle with the ramifications of having had a bowel resection after a bowel obstruction last summer.  My food plan is now vegetarian, sugarfree, lactosefree, gluten and wheat free.  Doesn't leave much other than fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, rice and quinoa.  You know...all the healthy stuff!  :)  I've managed to find a few cookbooks that have all these restrictions, but they don't seem as fascinating or inspirational as all those old recipe books I've collected thru the years of compulsive overeating.  Ah well!  Now I've caught up and sincerely apologize for my frequent and legthy absences from the forum that got me thru so many of my life struggles.  Happy Valentine's Day to you all.  Be assured that I am here to extend my support, caring and help to any who feel inclined to reach out to me. 
on 2/12/10 8:50 pm
P.S.  I don't know how to fix this darned profile.  OH has closed my profile 3 times now, I've lost all my entries since joining in Nov. 2003, pictures, etc.  Does anyone know how to connect all 3 different names I've used and get them all together?
Mary M.
on 2/12/10 9:39 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Well - Good Saturday morning, everyone!   Nice to "meet" you, Rusty.

I'm just on for a moment.  Today we are off to coffee with the WLS gang.  I'm lucky enough to have hooked up with a very positive, motivating group.  Some of them even gave me clothes!  It is great.

The weekend is "loose".  We bought crab legs for Valentine's Day at home tomorrow night.  I will be a "cheap date", but seafood does go good these days.  It's all I'm eating.   Michael can have a salad and/or potato if he wants.  Yum!

Otherwise, I'm taking it pretty easy -house chores and a good book!  Maybe some more knitting.  I know how to live an exciting life, don't I???

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
annette R.
on 2/12/10 10:51 pm - ithaca, NY
Valentine kissIt is so good to see you Margo.
I went to see Marcy after her surgery. The first visit she was fresh out of the OR and kind of sleepy. Later in the day she was alert, and looked much better. The hernia was repaired with mesh and that really hurts! Even so, she was walking quite well.

When I was heavy, wait people seemed to ignore me and seldom offered desserts. Now, they push for an order and always give me a fork when others order desserts. Either way kind of bugs me.

It's a goof off day. Love it that way.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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