What's New Revue for Thursday 2/11
Yeah, I have the same issue with my pension ... but I'm going to wait until unemployment runs out, because if I take it now, I lose one week of unemployment. So I might as well let it accumulate a little more and then take it (hopefully by then I'll have disability too, so that will add on to my income).
I understand where you are comng from. We have to each evaluate what is best for ourselves.
I also got my notice from Social Security today. I will wait on that until I get closer to 62 and see what my financial situation is at the time. Hopefully I will work a few more years after that. But I seriously do not see me working after 65 - except maybe part time. But who knows, I may decide to work full time until they fire me.
I also got my notice from Social Security today. I will wait on that until I get closer to 62 and see what my financial situation is at the time. Hopefully I will work a few more years after that. But I seriously do not see me working after 65 - except maybe part time. But who knows, I may decide to work full time until they fire me.
This is quite the group..... never a dull thread... I can't comment on the penis... except we found out our soon to be born grand baby is another boy....
Bras... that is another story ...
Our sewing guild is in the process of having a gal teach a class on how to make your own.... pattern fitted to you..... the class is drawing in so many non members too. She is limited as to how many she can take per class. We are going to have two classes of twenty each. Can you imagine.. a bra fitted to you ..... not the closest one on the rack that fits. LOL
I would love to have all my weight off by then but at least I will know how to adjust the pattern. OH, and the one I saw looks like it was bought from a store ! !
Well, off to conquer the menu today.
Bras... that is another story ...
Our sewing guild is in the process of having a gal teach a class on how to make your own.... pattern fitted to you..... the class is drawing in so many non members too. She is limited as to how many she can take per class. We are going to have two classes of twenty each. Can you imagine.. a bra fitted to you ..... not the closest one on the rack that fits. LOL
I would love to have all my weight off by then but at least I will know how to adjust the pattern. OH, and the one I saw looks like it was bought from a store ! !
Well, off to conquer the menu today.
Hi All,
My kids are all at an assembly so I have a few minutes to chime in. George- your story cracked me up... reminded me of one with my daughter. When she was 2 we were sitting on the aisle of the Lutheran church toward the back (because she was 2) and Laura was climbing on the edge of the pew during the sermon. She falls with her crotch on the arm rest HARD and yells out "Mommy, I HURT my VAGINA!!!" - perfect articulation (speech therapist mom- yea), nice and loud. The sermon stopped, the pastor smiled, and a titter of laughter rose like a wave from the congregation. I'm sure they still talk about THAT little girl.
Let's see- this afternoon I get to try to prove to the DMV that my car is over-valued- maybe since I bought it used in 2002. It's a 1999 Maxima and my registration bill this month is $460. It's as much as some are paying for almost new cars and mine is 12 years old. If I am right, I "might" get a check for 8 years of overpayment. We'll see.
It's a beautiful day here- sunny and in the low 60's. I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt and no sweater or coat at all.
My kids are all at an assembly so I have a few minutes to chime in. George- your story cracked me up... reminded me of one with my daughter. When she was 2 we were sitting on the aisle of the Lutheran church toward the back (because she was 2) and Laura was climbing on the edge of the pew during the sermon. She falls with her crotch on the arm rest HARD and yells out "Mommy, I HURT my VAGINA!!!" - perfect articulation (speech therapist mom- yea), nice and loud. The sermon stopped, the pastor smiled, and a titter of laughter rose like a wave from the congregation. I'm sure they still talk about THAT little girl.
Let's see- this afternoon I get to try to prove to the DMV that my car is over-valued- maybe since I bought it used in 2002. It's a 1999 Maxima and my registration bill this month is $460. It's as much as some are paying for almost new cars and mine is 12 years old. If I am right, I "might" get a check for 8 years of overpayment. We'll see.
It's a beautiful day here- sunny and in the low 60's. I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt and no sweater or coat at all.
Julia, loved the vagina story! Kids are just great, thanks for the giggles.
I have one for you too...
I was babysitting my niece who was 6 yrs. old then. We were at the mall, had to take a potty break so we are in the bathroom, I'm in the other stall and Kara is reading the graffiti on the wall with her sister...she reads the F word and the other asks "what does it mean?" and Kara replied "I think it's another word for intercourse"...yep, her mom always used correct medical terms because we both worked at the hospital.
Hi George and all my OFF friends,
Funny about your Dad's penis. Too bad they can't alleviate some of the pain for him. I've been putting off getting bras. It really disturbs me how fast they get dingy in the wash. I put everything in the washer and dryer so they need to catch up and make bras that can take that.
Work is having brain storming idea workshops tomorrow. I have to do all the set-up which entailed a lot of printing and poster design. I hope they get some good ideas to help our company do a lot better. Right now it's like waiting for someone to die around here. Business is not good.
I sent my Valentine box of goodies to the Grandkids on my lunch hour. Now I have to send an email to my son asking him to make sure that the kids get to open the box. At Halloween, I got the impression my DIL opened it before they got home from school. It sounded like she threw away what she didn't want them to have (some 5" crazy faced beach balls), put away the games and books and put the box in the burn bin. I had no grandparents growing up so I want them to know that I send them things and the joy of opening up the box. Which is what I'm going to explain to my son. It's the least they can do since they moved so far away. Thanks for letting me vent.
Took yesterday off for the bad snow storm. It turned out I should have gone. The storm wasn't as bad as they predicted. We had about 5 inches of snow. The company let everyone leave early with pay.
DH, a bldg. official, had to go to a house fire last night and had to condemn it. The house was a total loss. It was their 6 yr. old son playing with matches. No one was hurt but so sad they lost everything. The son was trying to light a match and the head flew into some papers. He tried to find it but couldn't. Feeling guilty he left the room, he didn't tell his parents until it was too late. This is a good example to talk to my Tiger Cubs about fire safety.
Have a great day everyone.
Funny about your Dad's penis. Too bad they can't alleviate some of the pain for him. I've been putting off getting bras. It really disturbs me how fast they get dingy in the wash. I put everything in the washer and dryer so they need to catch up and make bras that can take that.
Work is having brain storming idea workshops tomorrow. I have to do all the set-up which entailed a lot of printing and poster design. I hope they get some good ideas to help our company do a lot better. Right now it's like waiting for someone to die around here. Business is not good.
I sent my Valentine box of goodies to the Grandkids on my lunch hour. Now I have to send an email to my son asking him to make sure that the kids get to open the box. At Halloween, I got the impression my DIL opened it before they got home from school. It sounded like she threw away what she didn't want them to have (some 5" crazy faced beach balls), put away the games and books and put the box in the burn bin. I had no grandparents growing up so I want them to know that I send them things and the joy of opening up the box. Which is what I'm going to explain to my son. It's the least they can do since they moved so far away. Thanks for letting me vent.
Took yesterday off for the bad snow storm. It turned out I should have gone. The storm wasn't as bad as they predicted. We had about 5 inches of snow. The company let everyone leave early with pay.
DH, a bldg. official, had to go to a house fire last night and had to condemn it. The house was a total loss. It was their 6 yr. old son playing with matches. No one was hurt but so sad they lost everything. The son was trying to light a match and the head flew into some papers. He tried to find it but couldn't. Feeling guilty he left the room, he didn't tell his parents until it was too late. This is a good example to talk to my Tiger Cubs about fire safety.
Have a great day everyone.
Hi George,
I think a lot of it is that DIL wants her parents to be the grandkids favorites. Her grandparents on her Dad's side were considered the black sheep too, so it seems to be a family pattern learned from her Mom. My son is oblivious. I'm glad they are happily married and have four beautiful children. I know there have been a lot of arguments DS has had with DIL to let us have grandparent rights that most other DILs would think of first to include us. We just have to grin and bear it. We are not willing to go to the mat about things and then be denied access to the grandkids altogether. I've heard from others that the move out of state was to get away from us. Our request to see our grandkids more than once every month or two was just too much for DIL to take. It breaks my heart, but not much to do about it.
Thanks for the empathy.
I think a lot of it is that DIL wants her parents to be the grandkids favorites. Her grandparents on her Dad's side were considered the black sheep too, so it seems to be a family pattern learned from her Mom. My son is oblivious. I'm glad they are happily married and have four beautiful children. I know there have been a lot of arguments DS has had with DIL to let us have grandparent rights that most other DILs would think of first to include us. We just have to grin and bear it. We are not willing to go to the mat about things and then be denied access to the grandkids altogether. I've heard from others that the move out of state was to get away from us. Our request to see our grandkids more than once every month or two was just too much for DIL to take. It breaks my heart, but not much to do about it.
Thanks for the empathy.