What's New Revue for Thursday 2/11
Hi Carla,
The Discovery Shop is in Westwood Plaza by McKenzie's bakery ...Just before you get to Drake Road.
They don't advertize because it's by word of mouth.
I go to the Salvation Army in Plainwell, across the street from Cross Oaks Plaza where the movie Theatre is...Salvation Army is behind Walgreens
What a hilarious story! Older people and little kids...they say the darndest things, huh?
I posted on the other forum about my 10 month surgiversary and uploaded some pictures there. I figured I'd do my daily update here. It's a little confusing posting in two different places and I'm not sure this is going to work but I figure I'd give it a try.
Well, today is "dig out" day. I went across the street and asked the guy with the snow blower if he'd come and clear our driveway. He's doing it for my neighbor and we'd gotten so much snow I decided I didn't care how much it cost. There's no way my hubby can be involved in digging out, not with his back! If my kids want their cars dug out, they'll have to chip in too. Otherwise, I'm just going to ask the guy to just clear our side of the driveway.
Here are some pictures I took at about 7 this morning.

This is from my front door, looking at the intersection just south of us.

My car is the closer one, the brown van.

Think the mail carrier will be able to find our mail box to deliver our stuff today? I. don't. think. so! LOL!
Everything is closed again today. Everything.
Yesterday, I didn't think much of the storm during the morning and afternoon hours. It didn't really kick in until about 4 in the afternoon. We kept losing our power throughout the evening but, happily, we'd get it back after a few minutes.
Today I'm just going to do ... well, let's see, *nothing* except mess around on the computer and read, LOL!
Have a thankful Thursday (for everyone who missed the snow or who are glad it's moved on out!) everyone!

morning george and OFF...
well we ended up with about 8 inches of snow and more coming in a couple days....EWWWWWW i want spring here!!!! the cold temps will stick around for another week or so and i am hating that news!!!!
good seeing floyd posting again!!! was wondering how he was doing.
i tried VS bras and was not impressed at all with them and their over pricing of them. found one i loved by playtex and now i can't find it anywhere!!!! soooo back to trying on bras and find another one i love...sighs....
went to walmart yesterday and for some unknown reason i was drawn to the mens t-shirts....OMG!!!! there sat a couple mark martin shirts!!! i snatched them up in a heartbeat!!!! (nascar driver) didn't find anything else i wanted so left there and went looking at kmart...still can't find a new winter coat. one i did find was marked down to $59.00 but i didn't have that much money for the coat. the coat i have now was torn from the hem to just above the pocket area. it caught on the part the door latches onto when its shut....i was so pissed!!!! i am using duct tape to hold it together now....not working out to well either....sighs.
talked to mom last night to see if my brother had his surgery. yes he went and they found nothing. wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!! so they sent him home and told him to rest for a couple days...like that happened!!!!! mom said they got about a foot or so of snow and out he went to clean it up!!!!!!!! sighs....men!!!!!!!! my sister was supposed to go to flint for her fistula problem but had to cancel because she couldn't get out of her driveway and her daughter was also stuck in hers....so she goes in 2 weeks for that now.
made some turkey noodle soup for supper yesterday. turned out yummy and i ate 3 bowls of it!!!! started out just after it was done and then one for supper and then another before bed. even rick ate 3 bowls of it!!! it sure has alot of turkey in it!!! more so than anything else so lots of protein!!! ;-)
got my hair colored yesterday also. i did it in mahogany again. rick said it looks really nice. :-) i cut my bangs and ofcourse i cut them to short...grrrr but they will grow out...soon i hope!!!
working today 1-9 then tomorrow 8-430. have the weekend off and we are going to the sport and travel show. tickets to get in are dirt cheap and free parking so we will go. then sunday its DAYTONA 500 NASCAR race and we are sooooo waiting for that!!! its also valentines day and planning on having steak at home for dinner. we need a new george forman grill. one i have is way to small for both of us. i can only cook one small steak at a time. we love how the steaks come out on that grill.
well i rattled on long enough here so will get out of here and get showered and dressed for work and then to kill time work on the afghan again. so have a good day and remember to SMILE!!!!! ;-)
Oh, that's hilarious, George. Yes, old folks are pretty funny ... they feel they can say what they want because they're going soon. My Aunt Bernice was like that, too.
As for the bra talk, well, I went to VS too to get measured after I lost weight. The young girl measured me and told me I needed a 42C ... my girls would have been falling out of those cups. Then she told me they didn't have my size and to go to Lane Bryant. After working so hard to lose weight, there was no way I was going back to Lane Bryant. And anyway, I wasn't going to buy my bras in VS ... so overpriced. I'm a white bra girl anyway ... very simple, nothing fancy ... nobody sees me but me anyway ... just hold up the girls. I usually buy a certain Playtex one when it's on sale, but unfortunately with all the excess tissue I still am in a DD cup. Down to a 38, though, from a 54F. That's why I was so miffed at the VS girl ... and she was annoying, too.
Well, today was like Christmas in my bank account ... all the money from my former employer, plus one income tax refund. I've already switched some to savings so I don't spend it so easily. I wanted to put it in holiday savings, but it said that account wasn't valid, so I'm going to have to find out about that. Today, I've got to go out and do my shopping, pay for my recliner, etc. Tomorrow, I've got an appointment at Honda to have them look at my car locks ... they've been sticking and my mechanic says I probably should have them fixed before I can't get in the doors. And since I can't get a new car, well, I'll have to keep this one functioning. Yesterday, I got my resume up on the Michigan Talent Bank Web site, exercised for 20 minutes (and then my knee hurt severely, so I quit). I have a house showing today, too. So I should get my butt in gear and get in the shower so I can get back home in time to get ready for the house showing.
Well, have a good day.