What's New Revue for Thursday 2/11
i'm here- at home- sllllooooooooow dial up-when you get used to high speed and wireless, one tends to get spoiled- i have never had the patience for dial up so i won't be on much more for a bit-frustrations...
job going well-
trailer getting spruced -box by box getting unpacked- slow but faster than dial up!!!!!
figured out we lost 2040 sq ft in this move---ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!
taking brody tonite to get micro chipped- ordered their licenses and new id tags....
so- checking in to say hi and that i have spent way too long this morning just trying to get on here- miss you all....
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good to hear from you. You are missed.
I have thought about getting mine micro chipped but they are fenced in. So, I was debating.
Dial up, yuck. It is a pain, sorry.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

My cousin's daughter recently lost her job with a subsidiary of GM, and has a new online store called "The Better Pet Tag" There are over 150 designs and they all cost around $15....they are just delightful. Check them out -- she also has medic alert tags. the web address is: www.thebetterpettag.com.
thanks for helping her with this new venture!
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good Morning George and OFF Family,
It's your long lost brother finally taking time to check in. I haven't forgotten you, but my life has gotten even busier this year.
In January, I was elected to become the newest church council member. With that, I am now the chairman of the Missions Committee and Secretary for the Pastoral Relations Committee. There was no one doing the Missions Committee last year, so I'm trying to improve our programs.
Next month Brenda and I are going to Nicaragua on a Missions trip, so next week we're going to Dayton, Ohio to Wright Patterson AFB to get our shots. I checked the prices here in Indianapolis and it would cost almost $800, so a two hour trip to get free shots makes more sense. Need to use those military benefits that I earned when I get the chance. We leave for Nicaragua on March 27th and come home on Easter. Since this is our first mission trip, we're very excited.
Next month there's another men's retreat. It's hosted by another church but I'm the coordinator for our church. This year the speaker is the author of the book "6 Rules Every Man Must Break." I've started reading it and it's pretty good. I'm very excited because I get to give him a ride back to the Indianapolis Airport, which is about an hour drive from the retreat. It will give me a good chance to talk to him one on one about his book.
I haven't been doing very well about doing what I should do. Annette will probably reach through the computer and slap me. LOL I rarely take my vitamins and I eat way too much junk food. My pants size keeps growing and growing. We even quit going to support group meetings. I need to get back on track.....and quick.
Well, I better get some work done. Hope everyone is well and surviving these snow storms. I feel for Amy in Washington DC. The amount they've gotten is crazy.
Brotherly hugs to all,