Ask better questions? This is good, hope you connect!
I really liked this. Better questions...maybe better results.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ask better questions
The other day my daughter came to me and said, "I don't have any clean pants."The response in my head was, "So??? And this is my problem how?"
The response out loud was , "So?"
She is old enough to solve this problem herself. She knows how to do laundry. She knows how many pairs of pants she has in her closet. She knows how many she has worn this week. She knows what our plans were for that day. The ball is in her court.
Obviously, I frustrated her with my answer. "So?" is definitely not the most supportive response to a problem. But, I reminded her, she would get better results if she asked better questions.
"Mom, do I have time to do a load of laundry and have it dry before we have to go?" is a much better question. It doesn't change the situation but it lets her get to the heart of the matter. She has moved on from the problem onto a solution she can work toward.
How many times have you asked yourself how you are going to "lose all this weight"?
What if it was as simple as "what can I do today to eat a few bites less"? Now you can focus your planning skills and hone in on what you really want to accomplish today without getting bogged down.
Don't like that question? Make one that works for you. Ask better questions and you will change the results you get.
Debbiejean -- I love it -- This is my thought for the day!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
"How many times have you asked yourself how you are going to "lose all this weight"?
What if it was as simple as "what can I do today to eat a few bites less"? Now you can focus your planning skills and hone in on what you really want to accomplish today without getting bogged down."
Yes Debbie...I'm learning how to not get "bogged down with food", relearning coping skills, accepting the fact that indeed I am now a "normal size person". Learning how to maintain my weight and keep being the size that I am now. It's hard. Reality has set in but I have been at this for a long time.
My first WLS was in 1980. Had my stomach stapled.
Hell it scared me getting the RNY. I mean I was a failure at the first WLS but they have come so far. I knew I needed support, needed to stay involved and give support.
I'm not perfect by any means. I am a very positive uplifting person who just happens to have to fight like heck to keep my weight off.
As we get older I think we are much more accepting of our bodies. I know I am not meant to be a size 4. I have to accept that I love myself how ever I turn out. To remain humble, fun and to do outreach to others.
I'm glad you connected today! Hugs-another Debbie
Food is front and center in my life. it always has been. I've had to concentrate on writing what I eat every day now. My hypoglycemia has been kicking my weight loss b*tt. I'm trying to maintain my blood sugar as well as lose weight..... Aaarrrrggghhh it's hard.
I feel like I'm caught in between a mad math class and a weird science class. how many grams of what goes with how many calories of this or that.... WHAT???? I actually have my nutrition book from college out and on my table trying to figure some of this out....... shhhheeeesssh.. AND I don't get any extra credit for it. lol
right now I'm wearing a glucose monitor and am trying to eat well so when the results come back I can have positive feedback....... hope I don't flunk this one... haha
Hi Millie,
I also am having problems with hypoglycemia and reactive hypoglycemia.
Seems like I'm eating all the time so my sugar stays level.
I have discovered when I work out at the gym, if I eat half a banana before workouts and the other half right when I get in my car to drive home, it works for me.
Working in the hospital I really have a lot of resources right at my fingertips. All the dietitians know me, I'll stop them in the hallway to wrack their brains about something. One of them told me if I concentrate on protein because that's what my body needs then fresh veggies and fruits that it will "all fall into place". She said to me don't even count calories. Well that worked in the beginning, I never counted calories and I have followed her advice so far.
I did start drinking one Atkins shake a day after I returned from my cruise and the holidays, eating cookies...I needed to recheck myself. Darn those cookies, they really are a trigger for me. Not cake or's been cookies of any kind!!! Sigh....
I will always have to "tend my garden" meaning me.