Winter Wednesday

Eileen Briesch
on 2/9/10 10:50 pm - Evansville, IN
Yeah, I did the chubby girls too ... except I had to wear uniforms for school and always had to find a hand-me-down because my mom couldn't afford a new one ... and that was even harder to find in chubby girls. I was thinking about that the other day, too, how horrible that title was ... chubby girls. Yes, they have taken down the chubby girls sign. They don't call it that anymore. Much more sensitive now. Probably because (unfortunately) there are many more overweight youngsters than there used to be.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 2/9/10 11:29 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Eileen, I knew I connected with you too!
I had to wear uniforms, Catholic School, it was navy blue skirts and white shirts for us. I liked wearing the uniforms...we were all equal.
Sears in the chubby sections, we were all there weren't we?

Ya know none of us were really obese back then size 6X sure did label us and set us on our way of feeling fat, not good enough and a disappointment to our mothers.

My mom was a cheerleader and homecoming queen. My younger sister followed in her footsteps. I knew my mom loved me but she hated fat people. The scars stay with us but thankfully my scars are fading. I can't even "rip open the scab" anymore...I don't bleed if you know what I'm saying. I have emerged a butterfly according to my bariatric RN Director.
I think all of us have or will emerge to the "butterfly stage".

Eileen Briesch
on 2/10/10 12:00 am - Evansville, IN
Navy jumpers until seventh grade, then plaid navy jumpers. Then in high school, we had tweed gray skirts and blazers for two years; then kelly green skirts or culottes and vests for the final two years. The first two years were extremely warm uniforms; the last two, were lighter weight and much nicer, and we could pick our own shirts. Plus, we couldn't wear any shoes except Hush Puppies or saddle shoes, and no cleats ... which ticked off my mom because the soles wore out, but the nuns didn't want to hear us clicking down the halls.

My sister was overweight, too, until she lost her weight when she got to college and changed from a Latin major to a P.E. major. She lost it through Weigh****chers and has kept it off to this day.

My mom used to nag me about my weight all the time, although I always remember her as being overweight too (probably from the kids). When I was up at my highest, I got brave enough to ask her if she loved me less because I was fat ... she said no, just that she worried about me. Then when I decided to have the surgery, the first thing she said was, "You'll gain it all back." Every time I start to gain, I hear that voice. My mom has never had confidence in anything I do (I'm the baby, I can't do anything right). I was always the family screw-up ... which is probably why losing my job and my careers has hurt so much. It was the only thing that ever validated me.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 2/10/10 2:30 am - Shelbyville, MI

Dear Eileen,
If anything I think you are one cool classy lady. I love reading your post and think it's really cool you worked at the paper.

We live not that far of these days we are going to meet in real life.

God has given you many gifts my friend. Now...go write that book!! Doors really are opening for you. Open them wide and fly out my friend!!

I too in my brain hear my mother telling me I'm going to screw this up...and she's in heaven! Finally I have learned that I don't need other people's approval of my weight loss or gain. I'll continue to love myself and keep learning what is best for me.

Brenda R.
on 2/10/10 1:46 am - Portage, IN
Oh my God!!!! I just hated that Chubbie Department at Sears. I know that well!

I, like you think that my parents could charge it at Sears and another reason for shopping there is that I don't think many places had the dreaded Chubbies.

I hated going there because being a kid I would wander a bit and find something that I really liked. I would show Mom and she would say "You can't get that because it doesn't come in CHUBBIES!" . I swear she would yell the word chubbies so that everyone in Gary would hear it and I do believe to this day that they did. She just should have gotten on the intercom and saved herself from yelling it. Other than when she yelled it she was probably louder than the intercom would have been!!!!!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 2/9/10 9:20 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Good morning Laureen and OFF family,

The drive in today took me an hour, it really wasn't too bad once I got on the highway.

Living in the country is beautiful though and I wouldn't give it up for anything.

Tomorrow is my last day of work for the week, taking Friday off to relax and get my hair done before my stepdaughter's wedding in the evening. I'm so excited for her and hope the day is peaceful and relaxed for her.

May we all have a wonderful day.

annette R.
on 2/9/10 9:42 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning,

Got up too early, went back to bed and slept too late. Now to try and shower, fix hair and do make-up with little time to spare.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 2/9/10 9:56 pm
Good Morning Laureen and all,

I have a little extra time today so thought I'd say Hi.
Unlike lots of you, this year mostly what we are getting is rain. It's OK the past two years were record snow years, but I do feel bad for the Olympic people. I also hate rain in the winter.

I am struggling with the gain again....too many carbs...what's new?

Surgery is scheduled for work on my hip next Friday the 19th and I will be home for 2 weeks so may be able to pop in more.

Tom got his Candidacy paper for his doctorate approved so now is an official Doctoral candidate. He just has his dissertation to write and should be done June of 2011.

It's good to read about you all and I hope to stop in a bit more...

Take care,

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 2/9/10 10:22 pm
Good morning Laureen and OFF,

The snow on our deck is just unreal.  It's still coming down and we're supposed to get winds up to 45 mph.  I hope our deck doesn't collapse and I hope our power doesn't go out.  It's almost frightening - although I'm not scared - lol - hope this makes sense 'cause I know what I mean - LOL

I hope everyone stays safe, warm and dry!




Eileen Briesch
on 2/9/10 11:00 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Laureen and my OFF family:

The snow has stopped here for now (although yesterday the weatherman said we were supposed to get some more today, plus some blowing and drifting snow). But right now it's sunny and the sky is a bright blue. We got about 9.5 inches, I think, if it stopped at what we got overnight. The good thing is I don't have to go out in it. I am making an effort to at least get out of my PJs and into my sweats so at least I'm not totally lazy. Yesterday was hard, though, because I was so tired from not sleeping the night before ... I napped a lot in the recliner (a two-hour nap, actually). But I did do 20 minutes on my little bike, so I wasn't a total slug. And I did apply for unemployment online. I have to go to the office on Feb. 23, plus I have to put my resume online (fat chance of any nibbles on that in this economy, but I'll do what they want).

So today I have a couple other tasks, because at least I slept fairly well, although I did wake up once just sweating like a pig ... had to change out of my warm winter jammies into something lightweight for the remainder of the night. I want to get the box of stuff that I brought home from work out of the  trunk of my car, for one thing. I need to start cleaning up the front bedroom. And I have some phone calls to make. Need to start pitching stuff, donating it or selling it to get rid of stuff. I'm trying to make some "jobs" for myself every day so I don't get too lazy just sitting around watching TV. And yes, I do look on the job boards every day, but really, there's not a lot available in my field (publications, either magazines, newspapers, etc.). Most of what's out there is entry level. That's why I'm try to invent something for myself that I can do from home ... after I get disability.

Well, not much else going on. Hope everyone has a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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