rowing, sailing, sledding, whatever you're doing, what are you eating?
It is grey and yucky here with a threat of snow. The cardinals at the bird feeder are a jolt of color. Very nice.
My menu will not vary ... same stuff, different day. About as exciting as taking supplements at the correct time. So I will eat, and not fall on my a$$ again.
A group member said " think of food as nourishment, not recreation".

Thank you once again GOD!!
Love you....hugs....connie d
Hello, everyone! Seems that we are going to be hit with the snowstorm next! Derek is all ready, huge salter installed on the dumptruck w/ an articulated plow and the crew has been notified to stand by for "the call"..they will likely all start around 2 am.
I am headed to my sorority Valentine's Day dinner party tonight. I plannng on eating wisely but the "sisters" always bring treats, namely chocolates, for each person's place-setting favours. I will allow myself ONE choclate..the rest I will give away.
B hot chocolate protein drink
S banana with peanut butter
L cottage cheese w/ unsweetened pineapple
S chai (tea) and cheddar & crackers
D I'm unsure right now..I will have to choose from the restaurant menu but Im determined to make it a good healthy protein dish....likely fish or shrimp.
S hot chocolate protein drink
water and supplements
Nancy B & Rufus