It's TUESDAY! Whatcha doin'?
Good morning, everyone!
It's 5 am and I'm still wide awake...LilyRose jumped into bed between JB and I and demanded attention..she brought her pink wool ball with her and sat there "chirping"...she wants us to throw her wool ball so she can chase it and bring it back for MORE play! We need a serious discussion about appropriate timing! I got up and came down here to see if a hot chocolate protein drink might make me sleepy. It's darned cold here but a snow storm is headed our way, so I've heard.
I may have overdone it at the pool on Monday. I jogged in the water for three hours! Actually, that was easy because I LOVE the water and there's always someone to chat with as I jog. But now my legs ache and I couldn't find a comfy way to lie down in bed.
When I finally got home, I made dinner for JB and Derek, ate a dish of boiled shrimp and some green beans and headed back to Niagara Falls to attend our Core LifePath Group meeting. On the way home, I remembered that our sorority's Valentine's Day dinner party was Tuesday evening and I'd neglected to get a few things for my "secret sister" gift. I already had a huge white mug with red hearts all over it and a box of green tea so I stopped at the grocery store and bought a package of "oreo cookie" bars to stuff in the mug ....I had to smile as I remembered how I'd buy that for a secret sister then buy TWO more...for ME! Instead, this time, I bought a bag of romaine lettuce and a container of mango & pineapple pieces in unsweetened juice for my treat. I'm NOT saying that the cookie bars don't look tasty to me but I am determined to stick to this plan.
Derek just went to bed finally..he was staying up late so he could sleep late ..he has to work at the club 8pm til 4am then do his plowing/salting so it will be a long night, well into the late morning for him.
Just got the word that my daughter-in-law, Amy, has been transferred to Niagara Falls from St Catharines. This is a good thing as she won't have to drive so far everyday to work and she is no longer "just on contract" but is now considered "permanent placement". She is a CaseWork Manager (in Social Work) and has a great pension & benefits from the Regional Govt. She goes to her Dad's place for lunch now...her mom died of pancreatic cancer five years ago and she still has issues with that.
Mom seems to be quite content at her new place..she sure has settled in well..what a relief! I don't get there every other day like I could at her old place since the drive each way is now 45 minutes (even moreso in bad weather) compared to the former seven minutes. My swimming workout three times/week takes up alot of time now (3 1/2 hopurs as a rule) but I do get to visit Mom twice a week and I do call her everyday.
Tuesday will be spent cleaning up in my office, doing laundry, cleaning my oven (groans), doing some artwork, wrapping my secret sister gifts and making dinner for the guys before I leave. I also have some studying to do and I'm working now on five more themes for my Mandala Colouring books.
I'm concerned about my NY online euchre partner of ten years now. He is a Vietnam Vet..was one of the elite Rangers...suffers from Post Polio Syndrome and COPD...and has just been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease). He tells me that he is just tired of struggling and I fear that he is just giving up now...he is barely 62 yrs old. I try to encourage him but that ALS is a death sentence.
As an empath, I have to work very hard to not allow myself to take on others' pain (physical or emotional). Perhaps I will go for a hypnosis session to reinforce my own efforts to remain unscathed.
Well, I think my hot drink is working to help relax me and get me I can finally sleep. Have a wonderful day...think positive and be safe!
Nancy B
I can't sleep either. I woke up at 3:30, 4:15, 4:30 ... then finally got up and out of bed. Back hurt, knee hurt. We are getting a storm, too, supposedly ... it is supposed to start snowing about 6 a.m. and continue through Wednesday night. Well, I have nowhere to go, so I'm staying home and cleaning and pitching.
I already had one house showing yesterday. I got home from my afternoon out and had a message from the realtor that I would have a showing at 6:30 p.m. (although the realtor and the interested party didn't get here til almost 7 p.m.). I had nowhere to go so I gave the tour. I really need to clean the front bedroom. He wanted to see the view from the golf course, but it's hard to see at night. I turned on the light, but it's just dark. I have another showing Thursday afternoon. Two nibbles already, so that's good.
Saw "The Blind Side" yesterday ... loved it! If you haven't seen it, you should. It is a very good movie. I knew the story because I had read about it in Sports Illustrated and seen a 20/20 piece on Michael Oher and the Tuohys. Sandra Bullock is very good. But sitting in the theater for two hours is very difficult for me.
So my session with my psychologist went well ... she is after me to get exercising. She says she doesn't want me to regain my weight ... well, neither do I. I know why I continue my therapy ... I need the push from someone. She helps to provide that. Plus, she makes sure I don't backslide on the emotional eating/spending issues, although there are occasional slips ... they aren't as bad as in the past. There aren't binges.
Well, after a cup of honey vanilla chamoille tea and another pain pill, I am starting to feel sleepy again. I guess I'll try going back to bed. Knee still hurts and the pain down my butt into my legs is not good. I've tried the ice pack and that helped a little ... maybe I'll keep it on in bed for awhile.
Some tasks planned for today: Filing for unemployment, cleaning and pitching, exercising, maybe working on my ceramic project. I don't want to be a couch potato.
Well, have a good day. Stay safe and warm if you're in the snow belt.
Forgot to mention the movie Mary and I went to see the other day. Edge of Darkness. Good movie. There are at least two scenes where you will jump out of your seat because of something unexpected happening. Enjoyed it. Not the best movie, but a good movie. I think next week we are going to see From Paris With Love.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Eileen, I hope you get a bite on those nibbles. I also hope your knee starts giving you less pain.
Nancy- 3 hours in the pool jogging? Good for you.
George - I don't know that movie, who is in it? How is your wife doing?
I woke up fairly early this morning. We are having a snow storm also. They expect it start after rush hour this morning and last through to Wed. Night. I have no plans so I am fine with it.
My son went to a temp service and got a Job!!! They say it could turn full time and I guess the compay if they like him can buy out the temp contract. He will be driving a tow motor which he has done on and off for years. Working at the IX center. That is a building that hosts such things as the car show and other big events. He had to join the union teamsters 507. I am hoping this job turns out well for him. Hey at least he has something to start with. 12 Hour is not bad to sart off with.
Now my daughter has to find another job, since she quit hers. There is always something.
Today going to try to get a fire in the woodburner going. I really stink at making fires. I would not make a good pyromaniac.
Then it will be off to do more laundry which never ends and other jobs around the house.
I hope I get some time to crochet. And, not too tired this afternoon to do it. I could wait until evening when I get my second wind.
Have to get another cup of coffee... So, everyone have a good day!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Another white morning here in Central AR. We had record breaking snow fall yesterday---7.5 inches in Little Rock. Now, that doesn't sound like much to you folks in the North East, but it has brought the area to a screeching halt. Gary's home again, I canceled all of my appointments since I can't get out of the driveway, and there might be more coming on Thursday evening. As long as it comes after Gary's plane leaves for CA! LOL....
If I come back tomorrow and say I didn't finish the taxes, I want you to promise me you'll kick my hiney off the computer. I have so much to do I just don't want to start. Ever get that feeling? Oh well, guess I better just put my waders on and move on through it.
Hope everyone has a dandy day. Hugs and love to all!
Good Morning Nancy and Friends,
What's new with me? Well I am working part time again. Found that I was spending too much time cooking and that isn't good for me or Mike. So I'm a part time substitute aide in the elementary and middle schools. I told them they could count on me on Mondays and Fridays.
So. . . . the phone rang this morning(which on my calendar is a TUESDAY!). . . I would have let it go to the answering machine but Mike answered it. I was strong and told the dispatcher that I had plans and that I had committed to Mondays and Fridays only.
I emailed her and explained my reasoning. Hopefully she will understand. Subbing has always made me anxious. The not knowing when or where. I think that knowing that Mondays and Fridays are my only commitments will make it ok.
Hope she doesn't continue to call and ask for days I don't want to work. If she does this may be a very short worked job! Ah, anxiety, anyone else have to deal with that? I am such a fearful person of new situations or ones that I am not in complete control of. What on earth I think those children will do to me I don't know, but even as I first enter the classroom I get flushed and anxious. Once I see what I'll be doing and get things going I am ok. I just never seem to get used to new situations.
We're headed to Beaumont, Texas next week so I have plenty to do this week to get ready for the trip. We've made our travel arrangements including car rental and motels in San Antonio. Hope to meet up with Teri T, Linda B, and Karen M along the way. Always enjoy meeting some of my friends from this forum.
Our weather is in the mid 40s low 50s during the day, just above freezing overnight. Bulbs are starting to pop through the surface of the soil. When we return from Texas it will be yard time. By the end of February we usually have mowed at least once. Can't wait for things to green up.
Not much else. Still trying to get to the gym at least 3 days per week. Today will be one of those after I finish some projects around here. Enough stalling and off to it. You all have a great day.
Karen C
Good Morning Nancy and Friends,
What's new with me? Well I am working part time again. Found that I was spending too much time cooking and that isn't good for me or Mike. So I'm a part time substitute aide in the elementary and middle schools. I told them they could count on me on Mondays and Fridays.
So. . . . the phone rang this morning(which on my calendar is a TUESDAY!). . . I would have let it go to the answering machine but Mike answered it. I was strong and told the dispatcher that I had plans and that I had committed to Mondays and Fridays only.
I emailed her and explained my reasoning. Hopefully she will understand. Subbing has always made me anxious. The not knowing when or where. I think that knowing that Mondays and Fridays are my only commitments will make it ok.
Hope she doesn't continue to call and ask for days I don't want to work. If she does this may be a very short worked job! Ah, anxiety, anyone else have to deal with that? I am such a fearful person of new situations or ones that I am not in complete control of. What on earth I think those children will do to me I don't know, but even as I first enter the classroom I get flushed and anxious. Once I see what I'll be doing and get things going I am ok. I just never seem to get used to new situations.
We're headed to Beaumont, Texas next week so I have plenty to do this week to get ready for the trip. We've made our travel arrangements including car rental and motels in San Antonio. Hope to meet up with Teri T, Linda B, and Karen M along the way. Always enjoy meeting some of my friends from this forum.
Our weather is in the mid 40s low 50s during the day, just above freezing overnight. Bulbs are starting to pop through the surface of the soil. When we return from Texas it will be yard time. By the end of February we usually have mowed at least once. Can't wait for things to green up.
Not much else. Still trying to get to the gym at least 3 days per week. Today will be one of those after I finish some projects around here. Enough stalling and off to it. You all have a great day.
Good morning, fellow OFFer's. I am up and doing so I must be headed in the right direction. I feel like I could go back to bed and sleep through the day...I am just so darn tired. Must be all the running that I have been doing. I feel like I am doing a marathon.It is snowing like a banshee here. We are suppose to get about 7" today and then lake effect tomorrow. The weather men said to expect a goodly amount tomorrow. They also said that this is going to be the biggest snow storm of the season. I just want warm weather to come....soon!
Bill has gone to take Kayden to the doctor. Shawn asked if I was going to go and I told them no...I have been so dizzy since I got up. Even while I was in bed the room was spinning and so I am content to stay home and do what I want in my warm little abode and Bill is looking forward to that too today.
I am not liking my computer to well today. It seems to be giving me problems and I am getting really angry with it. It might be me of course since we all know how computer literate I am....NOT! It isn't doing anything terrible but it is just really annoying me. I think once the snow is over and the roads are better I am going to take it to the store and see what is or the computer. I know it is most likely always ends up on me anyway so what the heck is the difference? ha ha
I better get going. I have to get my pills for the morning. I took my bone pill and can't take anything by mouth for half an hour and it has been over that. I have a hard time remembering that dang thing since I just take it once a week. I call it my bone pill since most of the time I can't remember the word osteoporosis. Look!!!! I remembered it...maybe it is going to be a good day today.
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers and good thoughts are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and stay safe. If you are in the snowy parts take care and stay warm. If you are in the warmer parts...know that I am thinking of you with envy!
EDIT: I am not sure what happened here...I must have done something wrong. But I do know that while I was gone OH had done some rearranging and I am not sure that I like what they did. Just seems like a bit more confusion to me. I am not sure what the heck the share button is and why they are bringing facebook and my space here either. Can someone enlighten me on this junk?
We are expecting a foot of snow tomorrow. I just want to make sure the car is gassed up. I don't like driving around in snow worried about whether I'll have enough gas if I get stuck behind an accident or something. At least I can keep warm. I'm making sure the cell phone is charged too. I'm staying away from the stores, we have enough at home. I'm debating whether I will go in to work tomorrow. The weatherman is calling for blizzard conditions.
I need to stop by the food bank. I bought some Dum Dum lollipops for them to give to the kids for Valentine's Day. I thought that amid all the serious sensible food that we donate and they get from the food bank, they might like a little treat.
I also want to stop and pick up the boy scout dance permit at the police dept.
I hope everyone stays safe and well.
I can relate to 'chirping' furbrats. Two out of the 7 do that too, day and night. (Tony and Annie) The biggest problem Annie. No surprise there. She has been know to deposit live mice in our bed. The joys of country living. The critters like to nest in the house.
I have to go in to work and sign my notes. How can I forget to write in times in my TIME sheet?
Catch you later. Stay warm.