on 2/8/10 10:33 pm - Elkview, WV

Is it true that Marc left the group?  I really enjoyed his jokes and comments.


* Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.   
     I have reached my goal! Praying angel:9896

Cindy P.
on 2/8/10 10:42 pm
Yes, Marc left.  Some folks have him blocked and whenever they started a thread -- he couldn't see the posts.  So, he left.

Cindy P.
on 2/8/10 11:08 pm - Elkview, WV
Well, for goodness sakes!  That is sad.  Most of the time, he was just joking and having fun with his comments.  Nothing offensive to my knowledge.  I can understand why he left especially not feeling welcome.


* Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.   
     I have reached my goal! Praying angel:9896

Connie D.
on 2/9/10 12:24 am
I am sad Marc left too...he always made me laugh!!

Hugs....connie d
Brenda R.
on 2/9/10 12:28 am - Portage, IN
Well, that certainly is a sad thing. I am going to miss him.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 2/9/10 12:39 am - Hollywood, FL

I am a newby and it saddens me to see that some meanies can gang up against someone and drive him out even though elveryone else seems to like him.   It's high-school bullying all over again.

on 2/9/10 1:32 am - Alexander, AR
I'm going to have to stand up for myself here. I'm not a meanie, or a bully, or really, a bad person at all. Most people, or so they say, actually like me!  I found Marc to be offensive, vulgar, sexist, and not funny, so after great consideration I blocked him.That is the purpose of the "Block" feature. I  did it well over year ago, and I know for certain I am not the only one who blocked him. In the nearly 4 years I've been on OH he is the only person I have blocked. Oh, sorry, I guess I blocked Elan, some weird European guy that was kind of trolling for women around all of the different boards. 

I did not ask, tell, encourage, or bully him into leaving. It was solely his decision, as my blocking him was mine.  The trouble, it seems, comes from me starting the daily "what are you eating" thread. Apparently there was some discussion and a decision was made that if you had someone blocked you wouldn't start a major thread since the person you had blocked couldn't participate. In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about that discussion/decision. At the time (this time, it isn't the first) that Marc left, there was another discussion about whether or not I should be "allowed" to start the daily eating thread because of this. I was given to understand that a lot of people were benefiting from the thread I've been doing, so they asked that I continue to do it, and I have.

So. There it is. There was no ganging up, no bullying. If you wish to view me as a meanie, I'm sorry.



karen C.
on 2/9/10 4:16 am - Kennewick, WA
Well put Susan. Tho I didn't block him I chose to ignore his posts that offended me. I tend to head to a corner instead of confronting. Not one of my better qualities. Not trying to open up this can of worms again, but you  have the right to block anyone that you choose as do the rest of us. I'm trying to just stay "here" and haven't joined the new  group. I like to keep  things as simple as possible and I've always enjoyed the fact that OFF is here to be "discovered" by oneone who needs it. I hope to be here for those you happen to stop by.

Karen C

on 2/9/10 4:26 am - Manteca, CA
I think that if a person chooses to leave, that's fine. I do wonder why there is so much uproar over his leaving other than he chose to be so dramatic about it. Maybe it's because he was male. Lots of females have dropped out with no fanfare at all. I totally understand why Susan blocked him....he certainly wasn't everyone's cup of tea. She is definitely NOT a bully.
George T.
on 2/9/10 12:07 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
It bothers me when anyone, male or female, feels they have to announce that they are leaving.  It is like they are begging to being asked to stay. 

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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