Link to OFF Group
On February 9, 2010 at 2:42 PM Pacific Time, Just_Jane wrote:
Okay, now the only comments I can see are from you and from Eileen. When I click those I get a screen saying I do not have permission to read the pages. That gives me enough information about Eileen (full name, health issue) that I might use it if I were a potential employer. She might want to go into her profile and change her screen name to one that won't tie to her information so easily. I got to the page by following the link in your original post on this thread. Nowhere on that page does it say how to join the group. So, looks like you have a choice of friendliness or privacy.
BTW, you can check this out by logging out of OH and then choosing forums, weight loss related and scroll down to off. Good luck with working something out, I hope we can all stay in one place.
Thanks for letting me know, Jane. I'll try what you suggested to see what happens. I think that's why the sticky was placed (but then removed for some reason) on OFF about how to protect our information. I may change more of my information too. Already removed all the personal stuff I could find but still ... :P

I'm curious, how is it you see comments from me and Eileen? Is it because we all replied on the thread? I signed in under my reader account and clicked and I got the first page--and the join button but can't see anything else, what I mean is, I just get a screen that says I don't have permission to view the page...